Epicduel Webcomic (Full Version)

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Synbad Syndicated -> Epicduel Webcomic (7/24/2011 21:27:52)

I got this idea of a webcomic which focuses on the storyline and comes out on a weekly or monthly basis. So for every new chapter/volume that comes out we get a 4 page preview on the homepage. The comic will also be sold at heromart, allowing profit for ED to increase. So that profit may be used to support the game. But the fact that ED is low on staff and they got bigger problems to work on means it won't happen. I was thinking if it was possible to come up with a fan comic. without or without a storyline, but still had a plot that does not interfere with the villain protagonist, Baleus.
Do you agree with the idea? Do you think this has a chance?

I'm not sure on the current situation with ED and economy, so this idea may be a dry run. But what if we hired part-timers again via homepage advert who are willing to take their time to learn how to code through the process of a long tutorial. I know it's time consuming to make a tutorial, which is why I said this ideas are a dry run(car wash reference). also new ways to bring in profit to ED, so we can possibility kill off those Dreaded monthly and/or seasonal promotions. The sole reason they exist is to get players to pay more, for if they did not exist no one would donate to ED on the level they do now at their own risk.

This is a list of the the task the devs might be facing

stat/class balancing
new classes/area's/npc's
possible storyline with cutscenes**on hiatus**
low staff/income
creative ideas for new items/rares
non-variums not being able to compete as the game progress
stricter vulgar free chat system
moderating community member's/complaint's
rewiring the game's calculation's on luck and so forth...

criticism allowed. hate or love. pessimistic or positive.

In this world nothing is ever easy nor do they hardly ever go the way you intend.

this site may or not be of use. the site allows you to hire freelancer's on whatever job requirement that needs to be filled. employee payout is commonly between 10-$50.

Synbad Syndicated -> RE: Epicduel Webcomic (7/24/2011 21:29:52)

made this post because i decided to get rid of my account for good. now in the hands riddlemaster. though i still retain the email account, which he has no knowledge of.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Epicduel Webcomic (7/24/2011 21:31:39)

stricter vulgar chat?
half the time i cant even talk because its inappropriate, if anything it should be a lot less or at least tell u why its inappropriate

Synbad Syndicated -> RE: Epicduel Webcomic (7/24/2011 21:33:40)

typo non-vulgar

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