RE: an idea to buff BM and nerf str TLM (Full Version)

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PowerMega -> RE: an idea to buff BM and nerf str TLM (7/25/2011 18:18:14)

^By saying if you cant beat them , then join them means your admitting its broken because in card games when they see everyone is commonly using the same card in excess they tend to ban/ limit them and you can apply that for this game too, since the greater population is using Tactical Merc and large crowd of players are saying its broken, something has to fixed.

king julian -> RE: an idea to buff BM and nerf str TLM (7/25/2011 18:28:17)

Tactical mercenary WILL NOT get nerd simplybecause if u nerf one thing they will just fall back onto. The only thing to do is the buff the other up to par with tactical mercenary.

EDTrickster -> RE: an idea to buff BM and nerf str TLM (7/25/2011 18:57:20)

I know what if they make Super Charge hit 3 times again!!!, nah jk then everyone would flame Blood Mages And Tech Mages. But seriously CH and BM need a major buff to pair up with hybrid armor + reroute.

BurningFlames -> RE: an idea to buff BM and nerf str TLM (7/25/2011 19:11:31)

I like the idea. Do it. Please...

PivotalDisorder -> RE: an idea to buff BM and nerf str TLM (7/25/2011 19:39:29)

The staff has said this numerous times. if they buff all classes, all the NPCs also have to be buffed. Much easier to bring the OP class down a bit
and buff the weakest classes. You will never get perfect equality but can still be a lot better than a glaring inbalance. for each cyber hunter you
see, theirs 250 tactical mercs, for every blood mage, maybe 50 tactical mercs. how can tactical mercs argue their isn't anything wrong here lol

Cyber hunter seems to be missing a skill and doesnt really need Venom strike in my opinion, but I see so few cyber hunters, its tough to tell
whether anyones gonna make a good build using it. I'm not lol.

Blood Mages need their assimilation back but its hard to pick a skill to replace. Supercharge seems the only choice. but its supposed to be the
super move. plasma rain would be my pick but all classes are supposed to have a multi skill. I havent got a blood mage, but how would you feel
about replacing intimidate with assimilation ?

BurningFlames -> RE: an idea to buff BM and nerf str TLM (7/25/2011 20:49:18)

Obviously buffing wont be significant but hopefully still hanging in there. What I really am looking forward too is a huge nerf towards the TLM Merc. I have no problem killing them but on occasion I find a really good player who has made the perfect build and sure you might say. "Gah, just make a build to counter it you stupid noob" I have gotten this line 1000's of times and I decided to do so. Regretfully I found it killed the TLM But ended up getting me killed by everyone else. So of course BM Isn't the best class to be trying this but I would like to see a nerf asap.

Hun Kingq -> RE: an idea to buff BM and nerf str TLM (7/25/2011 23:20:36)

I tried a low 5 focus build and it was crap because it lowered my defense and resistance so much I was easily defeated by lower levels, I tried reflex boost at max against George Lowe and all other tough NPCs and that was crap because when they attacked I did not block once and they got huge damage as if it was not active. For a 5 focus to work you have to have low health and energy high tech and dex but since the tact merc could smoke you Dex is useless.

They took away malfunction, reroute, then to put a nail in the coffin, Assimilation, for Assimilation all what they had to do was to lower the cool down make it unblockable and increase the energy return.

Intimidation is a joke, I tried it against George Lowe and the new bosses and their fire power with sidearm and strikes were the same damage.

All you people that are Tact mercs you know nothing of the Blood mage because you do not play that class at all or everyday so telling people 5 focus is great it is not great, to tell everyone that the class is just fine it is not just fine, you just don't want to see improvments made to the Blood Mage.

If one new class can't have a good debuff then no new class should have a good debuff so take away smoke from tact mercs, malfunction from Cyber Hunters, Intimidation from Blood Mages (we don't use it anyway so we won't miss it).

Give Blood Mages back what was rightfully theirs to begin with, reroute.

Without reroute the only battles the Blood Mage can compete in now is 1vs1 and NPCs, Titan and the programming staff, you are the ones that did this so find a way to unscrew this screw up. Before Delta I fought in all types of battles but now I am limited, why limit one class to what battles they can be competitive in?

It is not a buffing that Blood Mages need in the power area we need something that does not cost energy or health to increase defense and resistance.

sylar67 -> RE: an idea to buff BM and nerf str TLM (7/26/2011 1:32:09)

can't beat .. :P lol funny dude i changed tact merc the 1st day they came out , today i changed back to mage pawning 90% of str taact merces , im an old experienced mage i know how to handle them but for most of the new players its very hard for them to win with no experience .
here in this post i m talking in general and this game cant have only 1 class that dominates all ,, it should be equal and probably you are a taM that's why you are firing cannons at me
you don't wanna get nerfed and you don't want any other class to get above you .

pistol star -> RE: an idea to buff BM and nerf str TLM (7/26/2011 18:28:16)

Okay if you can read in post #5 I said buff CH this isn't the case if you don't/can't read peoples posts right.
Your making pointless threads on Nerfing TaM why don't you make a thread about buffing all the other classes instead of getting people fired up about this ...
And how do you magically assume I don't want other classes to be buffed you don't know how my brain operates.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: an idea to buff BM and nerf str TLM (7/27/2011 10:51:58)


The staff has said this numerous times. if they buff all classes, all the NPCs also have to be buffed.
for pistol star ^^

1st Horseman -> RE: an idea to buff BM and nerf str TLM (7/27/2011 11:53:00)

TLM doesnt need nerfing .you should all be better players

EDTrickster -> RE: an idea to buff BM and nerf str TLM (7/27/2011 17:15:47)

I'm guessing your a TLM horseman, you just want your class to be overpowered, and please don't give me that crap If you can't beat them, join them. There's a reason why there's 6 classes in the game, if we were all the same class it would be boring and everyone would quit.

pistol star -> RE: an idea to buff BM and nerf str TLM (7/27/2011 17:19:49)

Nvm that old post i didnt read your post correctly

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