battle bikes (Full Version)

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jonas729 -> battle bikes (7/27/2011 15:12:04)

i'm not sure if anyone has ever thought about this but.....

do you think it would be a good idea for SOME bikes to able to be used in battles?

example: next to bot there could be a bike symbol and when u press it your character goes away for a sec and when you come back youll be riding a bike and you run over an enemy.

DillBagel -> RE: battle bikes (7/27/2011 15:14:41)

I have one long word for you: laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag

hauki -> RE: battle bikes (7/27/2011 15:19:26)

sounds ridiculous

DillBagel -> RE: battle bikes (7/27/2011 15:21:42)

Everyone would also get a skill called closeline. When you try to run them over, you instantly die. There, they'll add your feature that way.

StriderAigis -> RE: battle bikes (7/27/2011 15:22:11)

like this sorta lool

8x -> RE: battle bikes (7/27/2011 15:50:26)


poker123 -> RE: battle bikes (7/27/2011 15:56:12)

That would be hilarous.

hauki -> RE: battle bikes (7/27/2011 16:05:23)

lets just try to keep this game serious

Hero986 -> RE: battle bikes (7/27/2011 16:52:31)

i think not good sir non var have it hard with pros and vars killing them non stop now think
what if the pros and var got bikes thay can throw at you? well itd be funny to block and watch him crash il give him that
(note im pro i have no probs with var or other pro players im just looking out for non var and non pro)

TurkishIncubus -> RE: battle bikes (7/27/2011 17:30:59)

Im sure they will add it too , they add enhance on all weps now Bots and bikes left after devs have financial problems im sure they will add enhance on bots and bikes so we will use them in battle.

8x -> RE: battle bikes (7/27/2011 18:57:50)

@TurkishIncubus: And after they are done with bikes and bots they will come up with more stuff and add enhancements to it. lol

DillBagel -> RE: battle bikes (7/27/2011 19:00:06)


@TurkishIncubus: And after they are done with bikes and bots they will come up with more stuff and add enhancements to it. lol

Next on the forecast: Special Operations Utilities!
Equip these items for devastating special effects, such as the blowdart! (Immediate and indefinite stunning is indeed included) xD

8x -> RE: battle bikes (7/27/2011 19:01:48)

^Don't give them new ideas :P

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