The Most Credits You Had At One Point (Full Version)

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LatinLover/Martini -> The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 15:33:17)

So heres just a fun topic just to see how many credits everyone had at one point


Whats the most amount of credits youve had at one point?
Whats the most credits you got in a day?

Whats the most amount of credits youve had at one point? 110, 000
Whats the most credits you got in a day? i believe bout 27,000 when i won 1vs1 champion back like a long time ago

Thread moved from ED Q&A to ED GD as it is a discussion rather than a question. ~Illuminator

8x -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 16:08:02)

Whats the most amount of credits youve had at one point? 202, 000
Whats the most credits you got in a day? 15, 000 - 30, 000
Do you use credit boosters alot? There are no credit boosters in ED.

Celestine -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 16:19:26)

Whats the most amount of credits youve had at one point? 250,000+
Whats the most credits you got in a day? Around 25,000+
Do you use credit boosters alot? No credit boosters in-game.

This seems more of a discussion than a question. Post it there so you'll get more responses. :P


AQWPlayer -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 17:41:47)


Whats the most amount of credits youve had at one point? 50k
Whats the most credits you got in a day? 10k+
Do you use credit boosters alot?I don't have varium so I can't use any boosters except health and energy ones

LambO -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 17:53:51)

Whats the most amount of credits youve had at one point? 880k+ (880,000)
Whats the most credits you got in a day? I don't know, I went for 1v1 did 780 kills so.. xD
Do you use credit boosters alot? Nope.

Epic Pwnser -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 18:08:14)

Whats the most amount of credits you've had at one point? Haha, I don't save credits, so let's round to.. 40k.
Whats the most credits you got in a day? Never did 1v1 or 2v2 daily, so I'll say the time when I was getting up to lvl 33, hmm, 5k-8k. Using those battle booster varium things.
Do you use HEALTH boosters alot? Yush! xD I'm a TM, whadaya mean I don't use Health Boosters?

InceptionAE -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 18:10:58)


Whats the most amount of credits youve had at one point?
Whats the most credits you got in a day?

1. 55k
2. 15k

edwardvulture -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 18:52:45)

sadly in the area of 60,000 then I wasted it on war kills, then I couldn't class change. Epic Fail on my part.
The most I got is like 20,000 mass doing 2 on 2s
What are credit boosters?

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 18:55:33)

i added credit booster when i forgot X)

redxtra -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 18:58:07)

the most creds i had would be 65k
the most creds i earned in one day would be 24k.....hit the jackpot twice in a row

helloguy -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 19:24:21)

1: 330k'ish
2: not sure but I'll guess it's around 20k

Master Volcon -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 19:25:49)

Does selllng items count towards it?

Cuz I have sold a lot of items in 1 day, and if that counts then probably about 60k in 1 day

Max was about 210,000
Day: 60k (if selling counts)

skeletondude -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 19:32:27)

Whats the most amount of credits youve had at one point?107k credits
Whats the most credits you got in a day?


Womba -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 19:34:18)

The most I've ever had is 5,000 some credits... give-or-take. Man I am such a noob! [:D] Most I've ever earned in a day is probably around 2,000-3,000... it was during a 2x credits and exp hour. Whooo.... that was fun.

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 19:36:01)

^^ intense

Epic Pwnser -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 19:37:59)

^I lol so hard.

Wraith -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 19:52:52)

Try this:

[*] [b]Whats the most amount of credits you've had at one point?[/b] 
[*] [b]Whats the most credits you got in a day? [/b]

  • Whats the most amount of credits youve had at one point? Somewhere around 50-60k.
  • Whats the most credits you got in a day? 30k :P, the next day when Telsa didn't come I was like wtf and bought a bike for 24k.

  • One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 19:54:38)

    most credits i even had was just enough to buy Seraph armor and most ive ever earned in one day is 500

    xxmirxx -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 19:59:40)


    Whats the most amount of credits youve had at one point?
    I had 150k at one point.

    Whats the most credits you got in a day?
    I had 23360 or more. But thats as mage so for them thats alot.

    Deboise -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 20:07:06)


    and in one day..idk 600 wins so w/e that is..

    GreatWarrior08 -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 20:28:07)

    Whats the most amount of credits youve had at one point? 950k
    Whats the most credits you got in a day? i believe bout 400k

    rej -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 20:30:54)

    what is the most credits i've ever had? 176k (the next day, faction war kill cannons came out, and i spent 100k on them)
    what is the most credits i've ever gotten in one day?: just over 26k, when i won daily 1v1 champ.

    Chosen 0ne -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 20:49:33)

  • Whats the most amount of credits you've had at one point? Lmao..... about 21k
  • Whats the most credits you got in a day? idk, its under 10k lol


  • Mir -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 23:49:54)

    Whats the most amount of credits youve had at one point? 926 000

    TankMage -> RE: The Most Credits You Had At One Point (7/28/2011 23:50:18)

    Whats the most amount of credits you've had at one point? Around 260k, But then I used them on class change & weapons [:D]
    Whats the most credits you got in a day? Hmm, I think it was around 25 - 30k From when I got daily 1v1

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