Lag. (Full Version)

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InceptionAE -> Lag. (7/28/2011 16:03:35)

Has anyone noticed that this engine improvement on Wednesday, increased lag?

What happened, I mean it was like lag-free for a week until this update.

xxmirxx -> RE: Lag. (7/28/2011 16:09:14)

please Be patient we are currently working on lag and bugs issue. Please report all bugs here That is what mods will say.

InceptionAE -> RE: Lag. (7/28/2011 16:29:25)

Ofcourse. As if we haven't been patient enough waiting 2 years for 2vs1. I'm pretty sure we've been patient enough.

redxtra -> RE: Lag. (7/28/2011 17:05:35)

look lag has been a problem they are tryin to fix it. stop complaining about it and im sure once a ed staff member sees this its eitha gonna get locked or deleted

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