What If Epicduel Dies (Full Version)

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1nf4m0u5 -> What If Epicduel Dies (7/28/2011 18:11:08)

Not saying its going to happen this is a what if thread
What if epicduel disappeared in like 5 to 6 years maybe more or less would are money be gone
would we get credits for another game, would the aritx disappear to, what would happen since this is a young
game and anything could happen in the future.

InceptionAE -> RE: What If Epicduel Dies (7/28/2011 18:12:19)

We get refunds. Lol. xD

pistol star -> RE: What If Epicduel Dies (7/28/2011 18:26:57)

Really? Lol

Epic Pwnser -> RE: What If Epicduel Dies (7/28/2011 18:27:27)

Well, the same question is, what if us humans eventually die? Wait a minute, humans are mortal.
Every great game eventually dies at the end of it's glory.

We get refunds. Lol. xD

^That would be awesome

Same goes for every computer game in existence. New games will eventually replace the old and catch our attention of our ever insatiable hunger for wants.

Master Volcon -> RE: What If Epicduel Dies (7/28/2011 18:30:29)

The AE Terms of Service Part 5 Section B Clearly states:

"Nothing in this Agreement places a duty on Company to ever reimburse any player by providing experience credit for any experience lost for any reason. Company will never reimburse or be obligated to reimburse players for any experience loss in a monetary manner, such as but not limited to monetary reimbursement or monetary credit."

If AE wanted to they could shut down all games and basically disappear without having to give any money back lol

Pay at your own risk.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: What If Epicduel Dies (7/28/2011 18:32:28)

Trying to predict the future of a game and how the management will handle it, it is nothing more then throwing stones into the wind.

Focus on being the best person you can be, and live positively. How ever the future unveils itself, at least, you can say, it was a fun experience and enjoy the moment.

But with any situation, support, care and focus, it provides the path for a great future.

We have some many "What ifs" in this world, make the best with what you have. Honor your past, live for today and plan for the future.

DillBagel -> RE: What If Epicduel Dies (7/28/2011 18:35:27)

If it dies I'll just leave, I haven't spent a penny on it. xD

Sipping Cider -> RE: What If Epicduel Dies (7/28/2011 18:36:47)

I am not sure what you mean by it dying. Its not like its alive, its just a game, a long animation we watch and control, an idea....

DillBagel -> RE: What If Epicduel Dies (7/28/2011 18:40:57)

^ A game dies when it has no money. xD

Sipping Cider -> RE: What If Epicduel Dies (7/28/2011 18:41:27)

But you can still play it, right? No money just means no changes to it

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: What If Epicduel Dies (7/28/2011 18:52:46)

if ED dies AE will drop it and NW and Titan will prolly go back to a day job or just work for AE on a different game

Rooster -> RE: What If Epicduel Dies (7/28/2011 19:26:25)

No money also means no servers. No servers, no playing.

Either way, if it dies it's gone. You're paying for your entertainment now. You also wouldn't ask you movie theatre to return your lifetime entry fees should they ever shut down.

DunkThatOreo -> RE: What If Epicduel Dies (7/28/2011 19:33:48)

This game needs to die so titan can remake this game into a better one lol

1nf4m0u5 -> RE: What If Epicduel Dies (7/28/2011 20:35:20)

So if this game (died) we would just have to move on is that what your all saying. Even if this isnt the most popular game in the world i give it a good 10 years before it dies. Wouldnt it be cool to not play it for a while when ur 25 years old u start seeing commercials about it being the best. Do u guys think this is going to be that type of game. Deep down i hope they are

yuchen1234 -> RE: What If Epicduel Dies (7/28/2011 21:13:10)

aq's been around for about 10 years. If epicduel does die i will just move to another game.[:)]

redxtra -> RE: What If Epicduel Dies (7/28/2011 21:22:51)

the time epic duel dies will be the time AQ dies and im talking about the original AQ the one it all started and that still goes on with daily events and everything

Sipping Cider -> RE: What If Epicduel Dies (7/28/2011 22:00:51)

So if Epic Duel dies and the servers stop running, that means we can not play?

Oh dear what a scary thought. But i guess we would just move onto the newest game that suits our interests.

rej -> RE: What If Epicduel Dies (7/28/2011 22:03:04)


if epicduel died, multitudes of people would be extremely angry, and demand for full refunds [8D]

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