Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (Full Version)

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Elf Priest JZaanu -> Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/28/2011 21:36:15)

Since the introduction of this style of item store, there have been only 2 items. Charfade sword and Charfade Cruiser.

Both were extremely limited and very difficult for most non-varium players to obtain.

I think, if there are going to be any limited items that are non-varium, the shop must be time based.

Varium players have ability to gain credits must faster then non-variums. Many Varium players, including myself, were able to obtain limited items like the sword and bike that easily could have gone to a supportive non-varium player(s).

This is more of a statement, and I will add this to my suggestion page, but does this hold true for non-varium players? And what other prerequisites would you like added, so nonvarium players have a chance to get some special items within the "Limited" tag?

Stabilis -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/28/2011 21:40:21)

Is this, as a credit only player, what you want the most?

DeathGuard -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/28/2011 21:42:11)

I think just like in AQW, nonvariums should have a fair chance to get cool and strong weps, if that happens some varium players will abbuse of it so what about that their is a shop for varium and nonvarium separate, that way I htink it will be fair. I would like to see nonvariums getting the treasure hunter achievement, that would be awesome to see[;)]

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/28/2011 21:48:36)

I think just a shop just for non-variums. Varium Players have gotten so many exclusives, it would be great for a non-var shop that is pre-announced with all prices to be listed.
The reason why it would be time or quantity, because most varium players would take many items before a supportive non-varium could obtain one.

The nonvar shop would be priced in either credits, or Battle-tokens. Maybe even adding some mission completions too.

DeathGuard -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/28/2011 21:50:41)

Jzaanu waht about a limited time shop for them that lasts 2 days, so they can have more chances
Off topic: Give me a link to your char page I want to see it xD

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/28/2011 21:52:35)

That would be great 24-72 hour shop from Friday to Monday for all weekend players.
I have the char page where it says Epic below my Avatar

DeathGuard -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/28/2011 21:56:50)

You know something that could help nonvariums lowered the gap between varium and nonvarium, during the days the shop is open, what about the arcade's jackpot raises and maybe the luckiests ones can gt the 10k jackpot to get the items or such, and maybe they can add some new eneergy aux to it, since the nonvariums needed a lot.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/28/2011 22:00:45)

It would be great to see players who are unable to support the game with monies, but with time and emotional support get opportunity for perks.

All the supplemental suggestions will be added to my suggestion post, so keep them smart and fair. :)

rej -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/28/2011 22:01:43)

since theres about 10x as many people willing to buy a cheap non varium item than an overpriced armor, i think the future non varium items should be stocked in the range of 5,000.

DeathGuard -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/28/2011 22:05:12)

What about some awesome help for nonvariums, I think it will be awesome, one day full power hour for all players, that way they can get equally credits and exp, that should increase the number of log-ins and the servers will be crowded, that will make me really happy. This should happen once a week.

rej -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/28/2011 22:08:09)

@above. yes, that would be nice, but it would se safer to make it once a month [;)]

redxtra -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/28/2011 22:08:12)

once a week is too much i think either once every 2 weeks or once a month and holidays

elm street -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/28/2011 22:09:30)

what about a button were u choose between varium and non varium LQS and once u click one u cant click the other. that way a varium will obviously click varium for the items while the non varium items on in the other shop [;)]

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/28/2011 22:10:55)

If the shop had an actual quantity, 5k sounds perfect. I can imagine many players from AQW and other games actually wanting to play just for that opportunity.

24 hour Power Day sounds like an event. Should there be some of these, indeed. I suggest, you adding that into suggestions thread.

That would fill all servers and make a fabulous day for multi-events running throughout Epic Duel.

Great Idea.

Adding to this, can one imagine if Achievements were added just for Power Day.

1v1 Power Day Champion and so on.

A true rare achievements.

DeathGuard -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/28/2011 22:12:00)

Thank for your support guys, but this ideas will serve a purpose to Jzaanu's thread so you may suggest idea to become it better, and once 2 weeks is fine, but 1 time per month is too low so what do you think guys?[:D]
@Jzaanu: That would be awesome and will bring more competitive spirit, that is what ED needs to triumph.

Sipping Cider -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/28/2011 22:49:43)

I never thought about that, but its true. There has not been many limited time or quantaty shops for non-variums. Perhaps a lot of the old items that are not used could be non-varium for a few days or so and be bought by anyone. Than after the time ends or quantaty runs out, it goes back to costing varium.

xxmirxx -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/28/2011 23:50:27)

I don't support idea sorry.

Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium

Hiddenblade -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/29/2011 0:24:15)

i support 100%

redxtra -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/29/2011 0:33:36)

please tell us why you dont support this idea.

i agree with it it gives a chance for non-variums to get better/cooler weapons and anyone can use the shop not like its gonna be like if u used one lil bit of varium u aint gonna use it.

Drakadh -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/29/2011 0:36:08)

I support it, I mean when I wanted to buy the Charfade Cruiser, I saw a dude who spam spam buying it xD

But I like the Idea , It gives me a chance to have something epic ;P

BTW: If ED was like AQW I would have 1. 5 mil by now xD


redxtra -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/29/2011 0:50:25)

IKR lol. 1.5 mil with sumthing that acts like nulgath and drudgen

Drakadh -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/29/2011 0:56:37)


In AQW I dont see a challenge in getting Cr but if you compare any AE game for earning Cr , ED gets the Highest rank of challenge xD

To be On topic, We should base How long the time should be via How much will the item be, Example :

Start with 0 Cr, if the item cost Say, 10 k, Give the person 1-2 Weeks to earn those Cr, ( Not everyone can play 10 hours a day xD ) I say it would give every one a fair chance of earning something cool. :P

xxmirxx -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/29/2011 1:01:16)

Because all varium players would still buy all non varium weapons.

@mir please tell us why you dont support this idea.

Drakadh -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/29/2011 1:04:00)


That dont make sense O.o

So what if Var Players buy Non Var Items?

Mind to explain? xD

redxtra -> RE: Limited (Time) Quantity Shops for NonVarium (7/29/2011 1:08:49)

im sayin the topic is an all non-varium shop as in a shop that all credits so anyone can buy anything

no offence but u should rly read the first few post b4 u reply

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