How Could They Be UnderPowered? Discuss. (Full Version)

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pistol star -> How Could They Be UnderPowered? Discuss. (7/29/2011 15:38:21)

How Can Blood Mages Be UnderPowered Look At The Skills They Have, PlasmaCannon,Berzerker,BloodLust,DeadlyAim,Fireball And Intimidation.
All these skills are good skills.
So Discuss How Blood Mages Are Underpowered,
No Flaming/Trolling...
Be Nice To Others In This Topic As It Is A Fun Topic.


DeathGuard -> RE: How Could They Be UnderPowered? Discuss. (7/29/2011 15:42:26)

Sorry to say, but they dont have a good structure at their skill tree, the skills may be strong but if they are no well arranged, it won't work too much.
This is not a funny thread, this is a serious issue.

EA Mage -> RE: How Could They Be UnderPowered? Discuss. (7/29/2011 15:49:49)

Blood mages are the 3rd best class afteer TLM and BH the only reason there not "GOOD"
is because most ppl dont know there power, Strengths and their best abilities to their limits. So with the right person to
LEAD other Blood Mages they can be somewhere

altimatum -> RE: How Could They Be UnderPowered? Discuss. (7/29/2011 16:36:54)


BM does have some good moves but has little synergy and is a glass cannon missing it's ammo...

CH seriously needs a buff since they have 1 passive in SA which is utterly useless if the build is structured around it

TLM gets extreme synergy offense wise and defense wise with little to no downsides, some say hybrid armor negates reroute, but after several battles they can still milk the ability pretty well.

So the skill tree for TLM is overdone, BM's looks pretty ADHD and CH gets the scraps.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: How Could They Be UnderPowered? Discuss. (7/29/2011 16:50:37)

nice summary altimatum.

if Blood mage skill tree was so amazing, you would be fighting a blood mage every other 1v1 fight, and 2-3 almost every 2v2 fight.
the most powerful class is the one you see the most. yes, its tactical merc and only trolls say otherwise ;)

altimatum -> RE: How Could They Be UnderPowered? Discuss. (7/29/2011 17:21:27)

if it had a debuff, then it'd be a bh wannabe... but since it doesn't then no

Nexus... -> RE: How Could They Be UnderPowered? Discuss. (7/29/2011 17:30:01)

Just wanted to revise the list a bit.

I say that in the end, the Mage group is the least powerful, with BH behind it and then obviously mercenary. Also, although Cyber Hunter is evidently the least powerful class, I would say TM and BM are around the same strength.

So a revised list for me would probably be:

1. TLM
3. BM/TM
4. CH


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