Peace in EpicDuel ? (Full Version)

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LunarWarlord -> Peace in EpicDuel ? (7/30/2011 0:48:04)

Honestly what has happened To the Epic Duel community..? I mean there is nothing but spam and pathetic flamers.. During Beta mostly everyone was nice to each other, No one flamed staff back then ( As far as I know..) No "f4f" every 5 seconds, And no one posed to be a mod on other non Artix Entertainment website. Now I'm gamma/Delta, It's horrible to see how the community is going. So do you think we need "Peace" in Epic Duel, Or continue with the way the community is.. ?

And please no flamming, I have made this thread for a good reason.

DillBagel -> RE: Peace in EpicDuel ? (7/30/2011 0:48:56)

I honestly don't think peace is possible anywhere or for anything.

Laces -> RE: Peace in EpicDuel ? (7/30/2011 0:55:33)

After the AE merge, and the forum merge, all those flamers/spammers came to ED (Maybe not on the forums but in the game). Class change was introduced and OP classes came out, people begged for balance, varium prices rose, people complained. The Devs stop connecting with the players, the forum lost its sense of creativity. The old timers left who helped keep the old EDF in balance. Lots of things. Mainly I believe the merge with AE is what caused the problem.

LunarWarlord -> RE: Peace in EpicDuel ? (7/30/2011 1:00:42)

^ I agree with you 100%, Although i wasnt here for the old EDF. I've heard many great things about it.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Peace in EpicDuel ? (7/30/2011 1:04:28)

EDF was the bomb!

Banir -> RE: Peace in EpicDuel ? (7/30/2011 6:35:01)

Now looking back, the old Forums being shut down was actually a clever ploy of the Developers. You see, here they can silence the players and be silent themselves from us. EDF would not have taken recent outrages nearly as well... As there, the community was its own and here it is much more controlled. Why do you think they got rid of the old forum's archives? They don't want new players seeing how well the game was managed before their time. Knowledge is power and they want newer players to stay ignorant. And all this so they can sit back in their chairs and disappoint us week after week with all the heat going to the AK's here.

The lack of a connection with the players and the influx of younger children to the game (spawning from the more child-oriented Artix Entertainment games) caused the community to corrupt itself (for the environment of the game is not meant for such children). Chaos reigns within the game itself while here, where our voices were meant to be heard, we are shut down with regulations.

This "game" has just been a money-making machine to them since then.

MrBones -> RE: Peace in EpicDuel ? (7/30/2011 6:44:31)

Not bad BANIR...not bad at all

redxtra -> RE: Peace in EpicDuel ? (7/30/2011 10:42:58)

like if u look at the forums now its like ...
varium vs. non-variums
and founders vs. non-founders
and founders vs. non variums

like in the post regarding new non-var energy weps in the shop for higher lvls.
Angels holocaust said....

Now this is what I call greedy. Founders ask to upgrade founder for a price and are called greedy, same could be said about non variums, asking for free stuff.

all that they are asking for is for new non-var weps in the shop because they are tired of using the same weapons

the non-founders and founders are having a arguement about founder armor getting buffed
me ithink that they shouldnt because they been able to compete this long against bunny borg, space warrior, and warbot. they dont need a buff for just because of tesla armor.
and when i said this i basicly got called stupid because i "didnt kno the game" by sayin that

so peace in ED has gone in the trash

PumKing -> RE: Peace in EpicDuel ? (7/30/2011 11:58:56)

Things got ugly in gamma, because the devs got ugly, they crippled the mages for the entirerty of gamma, destroyed heal looping, made mercs emerpors of 2v2 and kings of 1v1. And when anyone elsegot buffed to a point where it was considered OP, BESIDES the mercs, I am of course talking about when shadow arts first came out, it got nerfed faster than you could say, "bacon potatoe cheese burger", an then it got nerfed again and again. People reflect the enviorment they live in, so it's easy to see why they have become so unkind.

DunkThatOreo -> RE: Peace in EpicDuel ? (7/30/2011 12:01:05)

you guys r making topics about *oh how i miss the beta days* and *how come
the ed community is so bad now* well instead of just making topics about it over and over
you guys actually do soemthing? I know big shocker.

PumKing -> RE: Peace in EpicDuel ? (7/30/2011 12:40:49)


tell you what smart @$$, if YOU can start something that does that, I will be more than happy to help, or try something else

DunkThatOreo -> RE: Peace in EpicDuel ? (7/30/2011 12:42:33)

i said YOU guys not me sorry [:)] youre the ones who want peace lol

Lord Barrius -> RE: Peace in EpicDuel ? (7/30/2011 12:42:43)

This thread is obviously not going anywhere positive.

You know how we can have peace in EpicDuel? When people stop being so nasty towards each other and work together to discuss their complaints, instead of flaming each other. Whether or not we achieve that goal is up to you, and I can tell from looking at these posts who is interested in doing so and who is not.

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