Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (Full Version)

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...Sonya... -> Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 9:23:30)

Guys & Gals Of EpicDuel,Its not Fair That everybody Flames the Devs And The Mods Just Because Not 100% Of The Community Is Happy.

Its Hard to Make An Update that Makes Everyone Happy,Some times you *YOU* Will Be Happy with an update,And Others Won't.

You know How Hard it is To do all the work they just to make as much of the community Happy As Possible.

Tesla Armor Was a Huge Success,Especially for the ladies.But anywayz The Devs/Mods Listened To The ED Community And Gave them what we Wanted ~ Stat Changes.

So Please Stop ...... Don't You Think They've Had Enough?


Calogero -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 9:27:15)

couldn't care about the stats, they were good enough for me...
I wanted a Balance update in the first place but here we are another week and still no changes

goldslayer1 -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 9:36:05)

well i can understand players being mad at the devs
the only thing release last friday was the LQS.

xxmirxx -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 9:38:10)

No not all until they start giving us non varium level 32 energy gun and Aux. And put a stop to founders buff it is annoying I would compare th is to F4F. Dev's are ones who start this its up to them say its enough of this online argument. Cindy don't say sorry all time it ain't all fought. by the way this my sweeter side.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 9:51:26)

this is always been. a armors....if they got gud looks then they got no gud stats..and...n if got gud sats then no "gud looks"

example......bunny bog and tesla armor......[&o]

v got after soo long time limited rare items...n finaly ended up wid this armor,,,i xpected some guns ....n aux......[8|]

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 11:20:32)


Ummm. What??? lol

Remorse -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 11:26:53)

I know this may seem harsh.
But we pay good money on this game and we deserve to have our opinions put across on many money ethical issues.

Like for example how can we not get mad.
When they make tesla armour have no restrictions on pruchasing it in terms of geneder.
Now players like skeletondude is stuck with a female armour they can not wear simply becauose he was in a hurry and would not know that tesla armour would be the first armour to not have restrtions on buying it in terms of gender.

AQWPlayer -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 12:40:11)

Simple solution: Steal some programmers and artists from other AE games so that we can have better releases, then everyone is happy (sort of)

Hun Kingq -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 13:04:03)

Players would not have been made about Friday's up date if it was handled better. They got us use to a 6pm update then Friday without warning while players were in classes, at work or doing something else, then a blind side, a 2pm release, and if it was like the 8pm release, no in-game notification only twitter or the forum and by the time you got those messages the armor was sold out because the supply was so low for the males it screwed over the players that really wanted it and need both armors.

They did not limit the amount of armors each player could by or did not prevent males from buying females and females from buying males. I hope that they will learn from this mishap and if they continue with LQS it will be handled better in the future.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 13:15:00)


Simple solution: Steal some programmers and artists from other AE games so that we can have better releases, then everyone is happy (sort of)

well lets count how many artist AQW has alone that we actually know of.

1) miltonius
2) dage
3) j6
4) mennace
5) skyline
6) randor the red
7) geopetal
8) ghost

i think im missing a few others who aren't well known and behind the scene. but thats a list of just artist.
so far the only coders i know of is

zazul (possible coder)
rolith (possible coder)

pvp balance team
so far there is only dumoose and minimal who balance out the classes and minimal who made the pvp system.

Fatal Impact -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 13:37:10)

Tesla is better than bunny borg imo cause you can use it in tank builds and strength builds very effectively. If you dont have an armor that gives a good support bonus, then you missed out. =(

rej -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 13:56:11)

@gold. exactly. aqw has roughyl 6 times the number of working staff as this game. wich means we can't expect more than 1/6 of an aqw sized release a week [:'(]

voidance -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 14:00:44)

Do you need a tissue to wipe that brown smudge off your nose?

Not sure how releasing 250 of each version for the males was a crowd pleaser when at least 80% of the epic duel community is males.

Cinderella -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 14:04:19)

I do find it interesting that I find myself apologizing even for well-received releases...

While I appreciate that people are willing to stand up for us and be like "yeah, the releases aren't so bad, the game's pretty fun, etc.) it ironically seems that these types of threads attract more flame than those saying "this game sucks". So... I'm not locking it for now, but just giving a general "be nice to one another"

voidance -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 14:17:01)

How was this a well received release? I had the day off 2 weeks ago when the armor was suppose to be released but I've missed the armor twice because of 3 reasons which are all the devs fault.
1. It wasn't released on time.
2. You gave the males 500 copies to work with.(not to mention most people purchased 2 copies so they would have both types)
3. And you release them at "ready O' clock!" Which doesn't give us any idea when the release is gonna be.

So maybe you should reconsider what you think a well received release is.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 14:24:19)

well it was good in some ways, and bad in another.

the stats for the armors were great and its about time we broke off from those spread out stats like bunny borg.
(that in itself alone was pretty great)

limited quantities.
players not being able to purchase the armors.
LQS shop being the only thing that was the release. (meaning this friday's release was only the armors)
players buying the wrong gender.
no exact date/time for the release of LQS.
restocks running out in less than a minute.

however altho it was good. if u look at the big picture overall, bad out weights good

aqwshadowking14 -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 14:29:02)

@Cindy the armor was great, but because of its unique stats, it made it more popular than the other LQS armors. Which then caused those who did not to rage.

DeathGuard -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 14:53:30)

I didn't b;ame flame or troll the Devs for the armor but I must add I did say it was quite ugly.It is my opinion of it so is no insult, but I do flame founders when they think they're the center of the world, I will troll them into the deepest abyss of hell, oops shouldn't have said that[:D]

@Cindy: You shouldn't apologize for something you didn't do, some months ago Titan and NightWraith log in a few times per week and locked, or did a response to several threads, this forum is getting out of controlled, as I am, because their is no thing that can stop trolling/flamming, just ''You have got an official warning'' and even when they received that, they continue trolling what about a ban mute in the forums? I will let that to you and I heard they're restocking again the LQS, thank you for that new.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 15:54:44)

Telsa was a huge success ...for those who were actually able to buy it.

If it hurts the devs feelings to calmly point out that certain features (Ridiculously Overpriced Enhancements, Too Many Limited Quantity Items) benefit no one in the end and are damaging the game, so be it.

I will say, however that I appreciate NW designing the new armor to make the helm optional and accommodating armors for females. This is a great example of the staff listening to the players and fixing a problem, and I appreciate that.

AxeOFury -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 17:44:03)

I bought the tesla armor, but I'm sure i wont be using it for quite a while. The looks aren't the best, and the ridiculous amount of varium needed to fully enhance it

Cinderella -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 18:44:47)

We do listen to calmly reasoned responses, even if we choose ultimately not to implement the suggestion at that time.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 19:02:08)

@ Cinderella

I'm curious if a feature like this could be implemented into the game. Whenever people complain about an issue it's always the same 4-8 people. I was wondering if we could set up a voting feature in game asking the people for there opinions? Whenever a suggestion get's implemented, it feels as if it's the same people complaining each time.

King FrostLich -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 19:07:33)

They should have added twice or thrice more quantity available for males since epicduel has more male characters than females. Just look at the physical lady tesla armor, its not yet even sold out.

edwardvulture -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 19:19:59)

I Think they're doing a good job. Decrease enhancements and modify agility and we got a game that works.

DeathSpawn -> RE: Don't You Think They Have Had Enough ?! (7/31/2011 19:22:54)


Whenever people complain about an issue it's always the same 4-8 people.

HAHA thought I was the only one to notice that garbage!!! Know what's funny? Those are the ones that get there attention! 4 peeps spamming the same idea it amazes me.

On topic,

Nope they will never have enough. This is a business and how are they to better themselves without HONEST feedback? I've noticed alot of peeps giving horrible feedback and what seems to be "brown nosing" to an extent. Get the thoughts of being a mod or thinking you'll get special treatment out your head people. Talk freely and give honest feedback!

This game runs largely due to the community. It's one of the more successful online flash games that bases a large amount of updates from community feedback. How are we to improve this game with all these "Wanna-bes" running around here?

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