RE: Do classes really need buffing? (Full Version)

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Remorse -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (8/1/2011 13:21:41)

Dandevex I know whats going to happen, Thats why I posted a bunch of sugestion in the sugestion pages on how to buff the other classes.
Doesnt mean i cant have views even though i know its not goin to happen.

Actuly the main reason they don't want to do a big nerf is because they don't wont TLM complaining, Dont belive me? well I got told this by a mod.

FrostWolv -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (8/1/2011 13:40:10)

TLM has a high advantage because of the stat manipulation [8|]

they dont need high defense coz they hav hybrid
they dont need high energy pool (rather no more energy pool) coz they hav reroute

so they can save up bonus stats from dexterity and energy pool and make following desired build:

use bonus stats in strength for Strength build
use bonus stats in support for support build
use bonus stats in health/technology (mainly) for robot/poison build

And they have heal loop, smoke and poison to humiliate opponents [:(]

DeathSpawn -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (8/1/2011 15:10:47)


Actuly the main reason they don't want to do a big nerf is because they don't wont TLM complaining, Dont belive me? well I got told this by a mod.

Maybe peeps don't understand a mods position?

Let's say you were told this,

For one a mod doesn't make the decisions. They give their thoughts and I would say Titan ultimately makes the decisions but who knows as there only going to tell us what they want us to know to begin with.

If they would avoid doing a nerf based on some kid crying in the forums then I'm playing the wrong game to begin with.

I believe your statement to be groundless. Troll elsewhere please perhaps in the HeroSmash or AQW forums?

OmilliYo -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (8/1/2011 15:18:35)

Cyber Hunter need buffing.

I beat a lv. 33 CH with my lv. 28 bounty hunter. And the worst part was.... he was trying to win!

upgradefire -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (8/1/2011 16:41:26)

i think thet they should replece technician. i mean is it really fair that tlm can use it to buff smoke but hunters only havr high technology to buff their smokescreen

spectra phantom -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (8/1/2011 17:19:10)

So lemme get it think that TLM isnt OP?The tank with 30-35+34+smoke aint OP?Get real!The only guys who aint complaining r TLMs so they should get that nerf.i mean if a lil nerf wonthurt like making then incapable of using str tank builds by adding dex req to smoke and getting tech sup req on frenzy.seems very fair to me

DeathSpawn -> RE: Do classes really need buffing? (8/1/2011 18:03:53)

Technically everyone is a TaM considering it's so easy to change your class these days. Instead of ranting and raving in the forums about how OP'd they are, considering they've already said multiple times there working on it atm, offer calm reasonable solutions to fix the issue and explain what is OP'd to begin with.

The testers alliance isn't exactly the most experienced players of the game which is why level headed feedback is a must to fix these issues. Everyone's human and makes mistakes no point in everyone going around "TaM's are overpowered fix it!!!" "You don't care blah blah blah".

TaM's can fall just as easily as anything else. The only problem is it's harder for an "Average" player to make a good build that doesn't have default high defenses with reroute.

If the "Average" player knew how to adapt and overcome with other classes then this wouldn't be an issue.

If they buffed the other classes to the "Average" players liking then the experienced players would abuse the other classes and the community would cry how that class is OP'd and how TaM sucks. This game will never be balanced and that's fact.

IMO if they replaced reroute with a TaM 15% Max version all would be fixed. Although in the end I could careless what they do to any of the classes considering I'm just going to use the best one regardless :)

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