[MS Paint][Sigs]Sorceress's signature shop~simply magical! (Full Version)

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Sorceress555 -> [MS Paint][Sigs]Sorceress's signature shop~simply magical! (8/1/2011 16:09:38)


Hi! I'm Sorceress555; welcome to my humble signature shop.

Please note I've just begun doing signatures, and I can only do them on MS Paint; they probably won't be anything much, nor will they be masterpieces. I can't do animated signatures, I'm afraid.

If you'd like a personalized signature, please fill out the following form and PM it to me and/or post it on this thread. Signature request form:

Signature size (width and height, may not exceed 100 x 500 pixels):

Any overall editing you want done to the signature (I can do edge blurring, stuff like that):

Do you want the signature linked anywhere? If so include link here:

Any pictures you want (don't post them, just include the links):

Any editing you want done to the pictures:

If you want one of my hand-made duckies (see 'em here!) tell me the name of the ducky:

If you want a personalized ducky, tell me the details:

Do you want a gradient background? If so, choose two colors (gradient background sample: pink and blue-violet):

If you want a web background, include the link to it here:

Do you want text on the signature? If so, fill out the following questions.

What do you want the text to say:

Is there any font in particular do you want for the text? If so, what is it (some fonts may not be usable):

What color do you want your text to be:

Extra notes on signature:

If I've missed anything there, please tell me. (Somehow I'm sure I DID miss something.)

Currently I have five assisstants working with me: Anastira (my twin sister), Destroy8r9, Carly9467, bsteiny16 and Shadowlord Drakious. You may alternatively request siggys from any one of these artists instead of me; both Shadowlord Drakious and Destroy8r9 have GIMP and I only have MS Paint. Also, these assisstants may also do siggy requests when I'm not there.

Here are a few examples by Destroy8r9:




An example by Shadowlord Drakious:


An example by bsteiny16:


Examples by Anastira:




Shop advertisement signatures (linked):

By Destroy8r9:



By Carly9467:


By Shadowlord Drakious:









By bsteiny16:



By Sorceress555:







Premade signatures by Sorceress555:

Snow signature. (The text reads "Snow".)




Fire dragon signature. (The text reads "Behold - the power of FIRE.")




Cute Nerd signature. (The text reads "Cute Nerd".) Really defines me--at least the nerdy part does!




Never Forget Hope signature. (The text reads "Sorceress" and "Never Forget Hope.")




Nythera signature. (The text reads "Nythera".)




Phantom signature. (The text reads "Phantom".)




Dragon Lord signature. (The text reads "Fear the Dragon Lord".)




Fire and Ice phoenixes signature. (The text reads "Fire and Ice".)




Lord of Fire signature. (The text reads "Phoenix, Lord of Fire".)



Lady of the Rose signature. (The text reads "Lady of the Rose".)



Celestin123 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/1/2011 16:22:11)

Hi Sorceress! That's a really nice siggy and even though I'm not requesting a siggy(atm anyways)
I just wanted to wish you the best of luck on your workshop and who knows? Maybe soon I'll come
to you for help on a siggy, since I've really wanted a siggy lately but I just don't know what the siggy
will be about.=/ Anyways good luck and I'm sure you'll make lots of people happy!

Sorceress555 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/1/2011 17:33:54)

Cool and thanks!

Nightlark -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/1/2011 19:17:34)

*o* Pretty siggy...

Hey, Sorcie, just dropping in to say hi and good luck. Do you have a preferred request form that you want filled out? I have a signature request that needs to be taken care of.

Womba -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/1/2011 19:23:04)

Heya sorceress, good siggy, and goodluck with the shop. As Shadowlord stated, do you have a request form? It's recommend you do... makes things MUCH easier. [8D] Anyway... goodluck again and all that. Maybe I'll make a request here sooner or later. :P

Sam0035 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/1/2011 19:37:52)

Hai sorceress loving the siggy are you planing to make more?

Sorceress555 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/1/2011 21:50:44)

Hey all! Thank you guys for dropping by! And yes, I plan to make more. Yeah, there's a sig request form up now if you want it.

By the way, Sam. You have a lovely signature as well--how'd you get it?

Anastira -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/1/2011 23:28:20)

Sorceress: Might order one eventually, as well.

Sam: I caught a misspelling on your own sig. It's Sapphire, not Saphire, correct? :D

Purple club! Hands everyone who writes in purple a purple brownie. Which includes myself! Yay.

Nightlark -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/1/2011 23:45:03)

@Ana: Hey! You didn't steal those from the RPA Welcome basket, did you?! I baked them for the newbies!

@Sorcie: :D Handmade duckies?! *squeals* I'll come for one of THOSE for sure.

Anastira -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/2/2011 0:15:25)

Shadowlord: Who even cares if I stole those brownies? Fine, I'll admit it, I burnt my own batch and I'm still baking another, so I stole some from the Welcome basket. But don't you fret about it, you can have an exploding milkshake in return. *gives milkshake to Shadowlord* You should only have to wait a couple seconds till it explodes...

I'll be starting a workshop, too, although it won't be half so popular as Sorceress's. I'm a good prophet. :P

Sorceress555 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/2/2011 0:19:08)

I'll be sure to make you a ducky, Shadowlord. In PAURPLE probably. xD

Nightlark -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/2/2011 1:02:11)

Whee! Here to order a personalized ducky. It's going to be PAURPLE. And... well... white.

Body color: As close to this magnificent shade of PAURPLE you can get.
Belly color: White
Eyes (Are you going that specific?): Paurple. :D

Beak color and stuff are up to you.

Sorceress555 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/2/2011 1:03:00)

OK! I'll have it coming up ASAP.

EDIT: Here it is, Shadowlord! Your very own PAURPLE ducky! Critique it as you like.


Nightlark -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/2/2011 15:08:12)

@Sorcie: O.O Yay! It's paurple! Thanks! Can I haz the link?

Sorceress555 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/2/2011 16:49:49)

Ooooops, sorry. Forgot to give ya the link. Well, I'll post it in about two minutes or less.

EDIT: Here 'tis!


Just slap the image tags on and you're done.

Nightlark -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/2/2011 16:55:25)

@Sorcie: Whee! Thanks! I'm going to use this for another site. PAURPLE!

Sorceress555 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/2/2011 19:06:51)

You're welcome! [;)]

You know...there is a way to get the EXACT shade of PAURPLE. Print screen while you're looking at it in the color swab window, then paste to Paint (or whatever art program you're using); click the 'get that color' tool, use it on the PAURPLE box and you're done.

Coffee Knight -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/2/2011 19:10:02)

Anyway, I may request a sig soon. Just still not sure yet.

Sorceress555 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/2/2011 20:28:00)


Oh, BTW, if you're looking for PAURPLE it's [ color=#9900FF ].

Plus, I got another premade siggy coming up! Will be posted on the first page of this thread in, oh, a minute or less.

Also. Here's my latest (and hopefully greatest) siggy for self!

Coffee Knight -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/4/2011 19:07:51)

If you're wanting to expand your signatureification capabilities, I would consider downloading GIMP. It's a really reliable (cwutididthar) program that enhances the graphics of your signatures greatly. Not that they're good now, but I'm just saying...they could be better.

Sorceress555 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/4/2011 19:29:57)

Oh, I know, I know, and I would SO download GIMP if I could. However, parents won't let meh.

Another thing. If I can manage to do a signature as good as someone else's, but they used GIMP instead of MS Paint, then at least I know I'm doing better...though maybe not. Just a thought.

bsteiny16 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/4/2011 19:41:05)

Same with me, Sorceress. Also, I would like to give you something to do. Could you make me a good sig of your choosing to add as an example to my shop for you?

Sorceress555 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/4/2011 19:49:28)


Carly9467 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/4/2011 21:58:29)

Signature size (width and height, may not exceed 100 x 500 pixels): regular sig size

Any overall editing you want done to the signature (I can do edge blurring, stuff like that): make the edges blurry, and between the colors in the backround

Do you want the signature linked anywhere? If so include link here: none

Any pictures you want (don't post them, just include the links): Clicky!

Any editing you want done to the pictures: don't show the back legs

If you want one of my hand-made duckies (see 'em here!) tell me the name of the ducky: ..what?

If you want a personalized ducky, tell me the details: ..what?

Do you want a gradient background? If so, choose two colors (gradient background sample: pink and blue-violet): just make the backround pink and blue violet

If you want a web background, include the link to it here:

Do you want text on the signature? If so, fill out the following questions.

What do you want the text to say: Hippogriffs Are Cute!

Is there any font in particular do you want for the text? If so, what is it (some fonts may not be usable): can you make it look shiny?

What color do you want your text to be: light greenish~purple

Extra notes on signature: none

Sorceress555 -> RE: Sorceress's signature workshop (8/4/2011 23:45:08)

I'll get on it right away, Carly, as soon as you answer a couple quick questions (say that five times fast):

One, by this...


What color do you want your text to be: light greenish~purple

...what did you mean? Do you want gradient text which fades? Or do you want 'Hippogriffs' to be greenish and 'are Cute' to be purple?

Two, by regular sig size you mean 100 x 500, right?

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