Anastira -> Anastira's Signature Market (Animated Signatures N/A) (8/2/2011 0:21:59)
Hallo, everyone! Anastira here, I'm starting my first Signature Shop, so I hope you like it! As I'm Sorceress555's sister, I also cannot do animated signatures, although I can do pretty much everything else. Here we go: Signature request form: Signature size (width and height in pixels; cannot exceed 100 x 500 pixels): Any web pictures you'd like (please include link to picture): Any editing you'd like done to the web picture: Would you like a gradient (fading/blending) background? If so, please choose two colors: If you'd like a web background, please include the link here: Do you want text on the signature? If so, fill out the following questions. What do you want the text to say?: Is there any font in particular you would like for the text? If so, what is it (some fonts may not be usable)?: What color do you want your text to be?: Do you want the signature to be linked anywhere?: Pre-made Signatures: [NOTE: "Anastira" can be replaced by your own name. The same goes for "New Age," and you may pick a different font, if you'd like.] [image][/image] [image][/image] [NOTE: "Anastira" can be replaced by your own username or anything else, provided it isn't too long.] [IMG][/IMG]