EpicDuel is Empty (Full Version)

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Angels Holocaust -> EpicDuel is Empty (8/2/2011 23:44:02)

Has anyone noticed that this game is never full, theres always only 2 servers open. Why do you think that is? Why can't we expand servers and grow like aqworlds, where did we go wrong, where are all the players?

Sipping Cider -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/2/2011 23:45:27)

I notice that on Weekend mornings the servers are full, but i agree that it would be nice if the servers were full all the time. I just think it will take time and patience hopefully.

edwardvulture -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/2/2011 23:58:13)

Theres always 3 servers on in the first power hour.

Fatal Impact -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/2/2011 23:59:17)

agree. All of the servers should be open at all times, to all players.

Color removed. Please don't use a color that is hard to read on the forums. Use a darker color next time. ~Mecha

Thylek Shran -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/3/2011 0:12:55)

Yeah like in the good old times. Doom Server ftw !

comicalbike -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/3/2011 1:32:46)

it is empty because who want to play with laggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg

sylar67 -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/3/2011 2:31:12)

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo even when not full we have lag ! -.-"

The Cardclasher -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/3/2011 2:59:23)

Meaby aqw should make some epicduel commercial ingame and on television and epic duel should expand servers too so epicduel whould have more players and clearly more profit


Watch best Aqw trailer here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kGfRkkCkZoU&feature=channel_video_title

Drianx -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/3/2011 3:12:09)

Boost credits earning by x10 to allow early players to experience affordable auxes, guns, armors, enhancements and class changes earlier in the game, and also allow them to afford changing equipment as they progress through levels. During the first 20 levels players barely afford a primary weapon and a gun, so there is no wonder many of them quit before reaching lv30.

Much of this game's beauty can only be discovered after lv30, when you begin affording more stuff. So boosting credits earning should solve this issue.

VIX -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/3/2011 3:44:24)

Well ED is really boring now, i don't feel like playing at alllllllllllllllllllllllllllll , ED really boring , no lie with this lagg is making me hating ED more and more and no things make us active ( new lvl ). ( We need new weapons COOOOOOL ) , ( NEW Zooka - New Bikes - New style ) removing laggggg , Unlock all servers like b4 ! so we can get in all servers that's make ED less laggg . but with who you are talking devs won't do this. we're talking and talking and talking and ED become worth and worth and Worth


bighobbo -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/3/2011 4:45:28)

Well, isn't this what all the varium people ever wanted? The way how you guys want more power and how you paid for the game so you should get +100 more stats than non-variums and be mega overpowered? I thought most of you guys won't care at all if most non-variums quit and make the ED servers empty because they deserve nothing for not paying?

rej -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/3/2011 9:53:31)

for one thing, aqw has advertising. for another thing, somehow a dress up game is more appealing than a tiny game centered around pvp, that doesn't even have useful features or class balance.

Infinity Everlasting -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/3/2011 9:58:04)

^I am not quite sure which game your leaning towards by reading your post, but I love AQW, it's an affordable dress-up game in which everyone can "dress-up" without requiring to spend a ton of money.

Also, I belive that ED's play base is decreasing simply because the plain pvp system has a replay limit. After a X amount of wins, it is bound to become bland, so the staff needs to add new content that can actually hold players' interests for more than a day.

Ubear -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/3/2011 9:59:09)

probably because the kids are at school

Remorse -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/3/2011 10:03:36)

@infin. agreed,
Something like survival mode, where you keep the same HP and MP from the last battle and fight the next person in the same situtation, would certainly spice thing up for a while,

Could be incorporated with tournements, were you are eliminated when you are eventualy defeated.

New types of perks and wepons effects etc. Is sure to keep us ocupied also.

Dendavex -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/3/2011 10:04:49)

@Remorse thats way to genius :D
Epic duel did promie tournament but havnt made them sad to see a non stop lying game :/

Calogero -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/3/2011 10:10:13)


where did we go wrong

don't even know where to begin

skeletondude -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/3/2011 10:16:23)

@davex and remorse

im pretty sure that the tournaments and survival mode are in the devs "soon to do list" and hopfull will get released in the near by future [:D]

Dendavex -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/3/2011 10:17:39)

@Skeleton they promised this in beta they havnt done it till now

TurkishIncubus -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/3/2011 10:19:14)

Thats because this game is boring and have 0 purpose , ED has a great potential to be a great game but Devs have small vision and they try to do every thing fair , this is killing creativity and making game monotone.

In my opinion they really should focus on Lag , More enjoyable Faction System( Here is my idea about faction system ) and Making classes have more variety.

About making classes have more variety :

I think there should be a master rank for all classes that allow 1 more skill that player choose , players can reach that rank by giving 10,000 tokens. When a player reaches Master Rank they can choose a skill that they want (Bloodlust - Berserker - Malf etc.) this will increase variety in classes. Also after class change they should give 10k tokens again to get that class's Master Rank so it will be a hard thing and will not tolerate easyly copy builds that makes classes seem OPED.

but again im pretty sure that Devs will continue with releasing weapons , Npcs and Missions that gives enjoy for 1 sec and not focus on making this game really fun. Also i belive they are doing this because of earning money.The things i said will take their time but they are not varium related so instead of doing this game enjoyable they keep doing more varium related things(weapons - armors - brainwash - warkill).

Dendavex -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/3/2011 10:21:54)

@Angels this forum is wrong Epic duel isn't Empty
Its filled with empty promises [:)]

Drianx -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/3/2011 10:23:28)

Survival mode, <you_name_it> mode are also empty. Just look at juggernaut mode or 2v1 boss battles. Anyone over-excited? No. I'll tell you why: because it is just another mode: you get some credits from a win and that's it. Everyone does a couple of fun battles and then returns to old 1v1, 2v2 or NPC fighting just as they usually did.

Adding more rewards from battles is what would really make duelling interesting. Otherwise any mode you can think of is just Meh. Quests are a good idea, but the lack of various rewards makes them unatractive.

Remorse -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/3/2011 10:37:10)

^ yeh but the new 2v1 mode didnt really make us create new stratgies.

Tournements / survival mode could easily incorpirate what you said also about rewards.

If I was making this feature I would create a massive range of rewards based on how long you survived or how many players you defated in a tournement without being elimnated etc.

Obviolsy people who reach really far in these modes would get amaizing rewards and therfore give people alot of incentive to play to try an get the best possible rewards they can.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/3/2011 11:21:49)

Probably because this game is frustrating for new players and insanely expensive.

J3an Boy -> RE: EpicDuel is Empty (8/3/2011 14:38:48)

All the servers need to be Open for more fun doing Epic Dmg

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