Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (Full Version)

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edwardvulture -> Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/3/2011 1:58:02)

1. If you don't have energy blades, then your static charge will not work with your malfunction.
2. All the attack skills (plasma-nade and multi) are energy.
3. The only passive you have is shadow arts, which may or may not work for you. Basically a dice-roll passive.
4. You can't really spam anything effectively. (except for Hell's Cupids Life and Strength Spam build)
And that is why Cyber Hunters are not easy to use.

I guess the only place they could thrive in is NPC's. Not the boss ones but just the farming ones :/

What do you thing could be done to make this class more usable?
(don't list making static charge passive, that is over-thought and universal)

EDIT: Now they can do with physcial blades, but to get maximun results you still need to spam strength, and it is still blockable.

Fatal Impact -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/3/2011 2:02:52)

cyber hunters are basicly an energy version of the bounty hunter. I dont consider the cyber hunter underpowered in the least.

PowerMega -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/3/2011 2:38:20)

^Lmao at the above comment, it really doesnt take a genius to realize cyber hunter is underpowered and I dont even play the class.-_-

Cyber Hunter is litterally the bottom of the barrel, truth.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/3/2011 2:40:46)

Blood mages are the worst.

aqwshadowking14 -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/3/2011 2:41:14)

Cyber Hunters are not an energy form of Bounty Hunter, Cyber Hunters spam support and from what I know, support got a nerf during the beginning of Delta (I think I'm wrong).

Edit: Angels I thought you said you played the UP class, why are you playing TLM if Blood Mage is the worst. O.O

Fatal Impact -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/3/2011 2:42:18)

I wouldnt under-estimate the combination of malfunction and shadow arts in a support build. Not to mention defense matrix and feild medic.

GreatWarrior08 -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/3/2011 2:54:57)

I think blood mage is nt bad thats Because i had blood mage before i had a str build which i was dealing 60 damage from berserker Only. All it needs is Smoke and than blood mage would be balanced.!

Drianx -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/3/2011 2:55:45)


The only passive you have is shadow arts, which may or may not work for you. Basically a dice-roll passive.

This is the most important disadvantage. Compare that with the Hybrid Armor and Reroute combo. With those you have STEADY mana return and +12 defense, while shadow arts MIGHT help blocking. Or not.

PowerMega -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/3/2011 2:57:44)

Shadow Arts is really like a gamble skill, it just boosts your chanes of blocking or stunning, really making you game more based on luck.(Though its true that the game is already luckbased for the most part)

Remorse -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/3/2011 5:17:41)

All cuber hunter need is a decent passive!

pherhaps replace shadow arts for bloodlust.

Or make static passive.

Or replace shadow with a new skill passive

watever it is they need a decent one, and it is what seperates them from BH's

Bloodmages are fine, they have a good passive (bloodlust) and they also have a nice side one (deadly aim)
What they could do with is however is proberly make intim stronger ATM. it dsn't decrease enough strngth to be used effectivily.
It will also buff the orignal mercs as well which is good seeing as no1 gos them anymore thanks to TLM's

HellsCupid -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/3/2011 6:17:44)

Cyber Hunters, REALLY, REALLY need help. I have constructed two Builds of which can be effective, but unfortunately, blocks and other luck factors keep making me /epicfacepalm.

No, Cyber Hunters are not Tech Mages, they are not Bounty Hunter and they are not a good class.

We lack a Passive skill, a good Hybrid armour or Bloodlust would be nice because it would add a large variety into the game. I also see no need for Static Charge to be passive, use it on rage for heal-looping (;

Midnightsoul -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/3/2011 7:51:43)

u could always make a hilarious emp build. XD

also, in the suggestions, i said to change the BH passive name to defensive SA. for CH, rename it too offensive SA and change the effect to +10 % to connect and stun chance.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/3/2011 11:34:32)

^Fatal Impact, you might want to note the lack of bloodlust before you call CH an "energy version" of bounty hunters.
I think I could easily use the class if static charge was passive. Or possibly if it was unblockable.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/3/2011 11:35:54)


could be idea

Giras Wolfe -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/3/2011 12:04:47)

This is a great class just waiting to become useful. Technician and Defense Matrix for defenses. EMP grenade and Plasma Grenade for tactics. Malfunction for offensive. Shadow Arts as a backup passive.

But the one skill that should tie together the class and give it a unique style fails miserably. I am of course referring to Static Charge. This is a strike that gives back 60% of the damage dealt to energy. The cooldown is 2, and it also has a significant tech requirement (I think it's 34, judging from the wiki. You can imagine finding a Cyber Hunter to inspect in game is difficult.)
First, note that despite the favorable cooldown, you don't want to use it until you've spent some energy. That won't be until the second to third turn.
Second, note that this skill is blockable. So if you get blocked, that's all the skill points invested in the skill largely wasted.
Third, damage potential is iffy. If your opponent can immediately rebuff resistance and has high base defense, and you're not packing huge strength, this skill wont do much above 20 damage, which is 12 energy at maximum. That's not even enough for a level 1 heal. Admittedly, there is a chance for a great critical hit strike, but its nothing to base a strategy on. It's kind of like Frenzy, useful but only for a few builds and situation. No substitute for a passive.

And, seriously, a class with Shadow Arts as it's only passive is like a class with Deadly Aim as it's only passive. It just won't work. So you have three options:
>Replace Cheap Shot with Hybrid Armor.
>Replace Poison with Reroute or Bloodlust.
>Make Static Charge passive, at a lower %. I'm thinking about 25%.

Remorse -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/3/2011 12:29:27)

^ I agree!

But their would be more than just those 3 things they could do..

Heck they could even make a new passive! That would be a nice way to give them a kick start.

Sipping Cider -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/3/2011 12:52:50)

I think that passives are just to powerful as they are. Either make them all work like the new ones (static charge, assimulation, frenzy) so that you only get the effect part of the time or make other skills equally good in power.

I do agree that cyber hunters do have a lack of possibilities, especially with their focus on energy/resistance. I think the idea behind that though was that cyber hunters would be simular to tech mages, which also rely heavily on energy.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/3/2011 13:56:54)

Pulled from Cinderellas confirmed upcoming balance changes:
• Static Charge gets a buff, no longer being reduced by the enemy’s defenses when calculating the energy gain (similar to Atom Smasher)
Thoughts? It's a good buff, but blocking is still a huge problem, especially without smokescreen.

STILL no excuse for a passive, though.

dathwarden -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/3/2011 17:37:46)

cyber hunters are a great class if your versing them at low lvl the might be considerd good because the merces go with max hybird but after that not rly give them feild comander give shadow arts a 10% hit chance increase and 10 % blocking along with the stun then make static charge unblockable then they would be considerd decent and slighty better than tech mage and hopefully given a chance with support / strength build

HellsCupid -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/3/2011 19:57:17)

#1. Static Charge should never become passive.
#2. Reroute would not be needed (obviously because we have Static Charge), and Hybrid Armor would be good.
#3. Blood-lust is also another good option, but i don't wanna class change just to become an E BH. (I'd leave out BL for variety in classes).
#4. Unless you are a CH, stop recommending EMP builds, they fail.
#5. A tip for those CH's, you can easily Heal-Loop with 7 Heal by using Static Charge on rage and a little MP Booster too.
#6. Speaking of a new passive, why don't we give CH's diamond blades?

Midnightsoul -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/3/2011 20:05:03)


i have a good way to encourage shadow arts. make the name of the CH's SA to offensive SA and instead of added block chance, it's added hit chance. that'd make static charge so much better.

Red plus blue -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/4/2011 4:54:48)

Ive litterly never even see a level 33 cyber hunter before. Every level 33 "buff delta maul telsa guy" is always either a tatical mercy or tech mage. That makes me think, "even the pros cant make something worth out of cyber hunters" what a shame..

HellsCupid -> RE: Cyber Hunters: The lack of possiblities (8/4/2011 10:08:55)

I have always been a CH ever since the release and SA and EMP don't do crap

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