ED and AE Parthnership (Full Version)

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Yo son -> ED and AE Parthnership (8/4/2011 3:41:05)

So, I been playing aqws lately, and I cant help but notice all the quest, all the armors, classes, weapons,pets, and about 88 percent of this items look epic, and am thinking to my self; their is no way two guys can draw and code all this stuff/features during the years that the game has been out.

So where exactly is AE support for this game?

Do you fellow forum members think AE is supporting this game enough? if yes, then why? if no, then why?

voidance -> RE: ED and AE Parthnership (8/4/2011 3:59:47)

A few coders and what not from aqw helped them with delta so it would launch on time. So no, when/if they need the help they get it. Your also forgetting about charfade

Yo son -> RE: ED and AE Parthnership (8/4/2011 5:09:08)


So no, when/if they need the help they get it

I really don't mean to offend anyone; But this game has been trying to introduce balance to the game, for 2-3 months now, and every process that has been introduced to help reintroduce balance, has either failed, or made another class unbalance.

So the game developers don't have to ask, we are the players who play this game, I might not be speaking for all of us, but am telling you guys that the game rally does need help.

Ubear -> RE: ED and AE Parthnership (8/4/2011 5:54:26)

AE gave them servers and more players and other stuff we might not know about

Sipping Cider -> RE: ED and AE Parthnership (8/4/2011 10:56:13)

I think it would be really cool if the Devs did a video or something that takes us behind the scenes in their work.

Like they could show how a new update gets made (does it need to go through AE first to make sure it is ok, do they go to the servers in the underground lab and put in a chip, what happens?)

I could see how this might look a little unprofessional though so chances are this would be hard to happen. However, there is only one video I know about that actually shows the Devs in person, and I would like to know a little more about the people developing this game.

Fatal Impact -> RE: ED and AE Parthnership (8/4/2011 11:20:31)

Are we talking about AQW or ED?

Infinity Everlasting -> RE: ED and AE Parthnership (8/4/2011 11:21:23)

AE provides ED with some extra help from time to time, including a few artwork copyrights since the assaultbike was j6's design IIRC and it was originally from MQ.

For the main part of the partnership, AE provides the ED admins with the financial support needed to devote to their game full-time and to constantly add more to the game.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: ED and AE Parthnership (8/4/2011 12:48:28)

No. I dont think they support this game enough. I mean look at AQW it is a MMORPG and it is awesome it usually has over 20,000 players a day. Herosmash is on its way to becoming great so that is cool to. But look at ED. It usually has less then 2,000 players. This game needs more coders and desingers with more brilliant ideas and for them to take players suggestions into more consideration.

edwardvulture -> RE: ED and AE Parthnership (8/5/2011 0:21:18)

The only thing I seem came from this is even more enhancements aka $$$

InceptionAE -> RE: ED and AE Parthnership (8/5/2011 0:57:29)

This game will be a success if we had more advertisements to lure people to play the game. Also, AE should support ED atleast once a week.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: ED and AE Parthnership (8/5/2011 1:24:21)

This game will never be successful, until they start listening to the players. Playing this game will just incite rage and pain. There's no feeling of success what so ever in this game. The fact that the whole system is dependent on luck is a problem, crit's are ridiculous and does way too much damage to the opposing player, it doesn't just work, it wins games. The game is now dependent on whoever gets the most blocks or crits, and to make matters worse there's no way in hell that we can influence it. It's like a car accident, it just happens out of the blue.

Another dissatisfaction among the players is the lack of control, we have no control over our actions. Factions are dead now because it's all dependent on war kills. Faction ranks don't even matter, what's the difference between a level 1 faction as to a level 12? Nothing. The Devs did a great job at punishing cheaters. They gave them a slap on the hands and there's no compensation for the factions that were screwed over. There's no way in hell that regular factions can compete with mod factions. It's impossible, the mods are the celebrities in this game, there like Taylor Swift, and Justin Beiber. People flock to them like bees to honey. How can a normal faction even compete with celebrities like that?

Let's take another look at another problem. Oh wait, what's that? It's 2 vs 2. This mode is the most faulty system to ever influence anyone since Communism. This mode is a spit on our faces, we play because we want to have fun, not get screwed over by non variums or bad varium players that fail to understand the game. What's up with players who only have primaries? When you see that you know your going to lose, there's nothing you can do to win except disconnect and save yourself some time. This problem has been discussed over and over and the mods just come on in and either lock the topic or tell us that it's alright and, there's nothing wrong with the mode.

DeathSpawn -> RE: ED and AE Parthnership (8/5/2011 1:42:47)

I'm perfectly happy with the way 2v2 is set up. It's also everything it was intended to be.

If I want a boring fight and wish to grind for faction wins or tokens then I'll click 1v1 but if I want some randomness that I have no control over and to have some fun then I'll click 2v2.

Anything can happen. Just because you get a 28 partner or no partner at all doesn't mean you can't win. When your underestimated and come through in the end it makes it that much more satisfying.

If they ever change this from all the complaints I sure hope they make a new game mode and leave this be.

BTW doesn't this December mark the two year anniversary for AE buying out ED? Couldn't remember so I checked master account and it said I created my account Dec 2009. Lol pretty nifty feature if noones ever noticed it. Tells you for all your linked games and last time you played. Haha last played WarpForce 2005....

Still only two full time staff and one part time....wonder when there gonna get the ball rolling if ever?

Edit: PS: Mind editing the title to Partnership? Parthnership is like someone clawing a chalk board to me for some reason

Sipping Cider -> RE: ED and AE Parthnership (8/5/2011 12:13:31)

I think the rewards for 2v2 needs to change, but otherwise its good.

Back on topic, maybe other AE staff helps out ED, who knows? I remeber from little tweets and posts and stuff that there are definately times when AE staff helps out ED, but based only off of that information than it was only about once a month or so.

Unknown Nub -> RE: ED and AE Parthnership (8/9/2011 5:02:22)

angel, stop crying about the game and 2v2. THIS TOPIC DOESNT MENTION 2V2. and if the game will never be succesfull, and its as bad as you say, why the hell have you wasted your life gaining so many wins?

MirageD -> RE: ED and AE Parthnership (8/9/2011 6:15:15)

the thing that i find questionable about the AE/ED partnership is that the monies collected from ED players don't seem to be spent on ED....i would guess that the the ED population is paying way more than their share and not getting the extra coding support that they should be

Yo son -> RE: ED and AE Parthnership (8/9/2011 19:17:28)

^ Ikr, this game probably made the most money out of the other AE games, but, I really haven't seen that much progress.

AQWPlayer -> RE: ED and AE Parthnership (8/9/2011 19:21:38)

But now they have made a new system that will allow for way more progress O_O

Shadronica -> RE: ED and AE Parthnership (8/9/2011 19:23:43)

Agree with you MirageD!!

It seems to be all take and so very very little give from AE. ED varium players are being coerced to pay far more than any other AE game.

frosty123 -> RE: ED and AE Parthnership (8/9/2011 19:52:08)

@Mirage So agreed.

But then again epicduel got better once they merge but now aint gettin better. I think "Artix" spends money on AQW cause it was the second game and it has the most players.

The Game -> RE: ED and AE Parthnership (8/9/2011 20:08:14)

Okay, I can see now that people cannot handle discussing this topic in a mature manner without having to degenerate to making unfounded accusations with no evidence of any sort. I'm sorry, but I will have to lock this thread.


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