Lycus -> RE: =ED= August 5th Design Notes: Release is Live (8/6/2011 18:03:35)
@Above, and who he quoted: The updates can't be more organised because the thing is, it is impossible to know exactly when a release will be released, unless it's all ready to be released when the time is set. It's not true that EpicDuel is the only game, because I know for a fact that 'When it's ready O' Clock' is a term used by Cysero almost every time he is asked when an AQW release will be. The truth is, when the release is ready, it needs to go through testing, it's impossible to predict what bugs will show up, or how long it will take to squish them. So an exact time is pretty much impossible to give. The LQS armors release time, and restock times have actually been said before it happened the last few times, so you can't complain at that. Sometimes it is not said here, but that's because it's a lot easier to announce on Twitter. Now you may say Twitter is a completely unprofessional way of communication, but it is actually the best way of communication. The fact is, a lot more people actually check staff twitters, than they do here - Twitter is a quick, easy way to communicate with players. Who says you need to sit refreshing? Because Twitter for one, tells you when a new tweet is up, without you refreshing - and two it's not hard to sign up for a twitter account, it's not a must have, it's an OPTIONAL way to have constant updates on what is happening. There was quite a clever topic on here that had all the staff tweets as they came posted in by members, so non-twitters could just check here. One final thing is, you have to check here, and the Design Notes in the same manner any way. The same thing could be said about these, do you have to sit refreshing the DN's or the forums for new posts? No - Same with Twitter, and as I said, Twitter even tells you for you when a new tweet is up, unlike the forum and DN's, so in that sense, Twitter is much more convenient...