RE-RE-RE stock (Full Version)

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MrBones -> RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 21:24:32)

Ok. Last week LSQ was a disaster. No warning, not enough quantitys, no definite set time.. You guys know what happend.

The forums erupted with flaming and discontent. Don't worry kids, we will make it up next week.. we have learned from our mistakes.

Now lets see for this week... never heard of a Charfade restock in advance. It was NOT on the design notes. Again last minute mess. I have been looking for the bike and club for at least five months now.

I just can't believe how a company that complains about today's market and how money is becoming more and more of an issue treats it's customers that way. All I want to do is to give them money and it seems that they are doing all they can to prevent me to do so.

Unorganize and unprofesional. They are losing money because lots of varium players are leaving. Instead of trying to please their customers and listening to them, they find new ways to have the remaining players pay more to compensate. The market is talking to them, yelling to them. This is not only about LSQ.

I would like to see your face Titan if next time your inline for 2 days to buy the newest I-Phone or whatever gadget and the company tells you they won't be available for another week. OR stack the stores without telling anybody, making you miss it because of lack of informations. What company would prosper and grow under such conditions ?

Anything to add guys??

Laces -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 21:36:03)

It was stated on the thread for the DNs. On Titan or NW's twitter. They said at 1:30 EST and then one more time when the servers restarted.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 21:37:44)

Money isn't everything, it won't buy you happiness, patience my friend sooner or later the weapons will come back to you. The things you love will always have a way of finding themselves back to you.

MrBones -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 21:38:25)

So that gave me 4 hours between the first annoncement and the actual restock. Wow. Ridicoulous.

@Angels: Is that the ''New and improved'' Angels Holocaust or just a new way to troll people ?

Angels Holocaust -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 21:55:30)

@ MrBones

Please don't be angry, the devs care about you and me, I know for a fact that they will restock in the future. Have patience and you will be rewarded. Epicduel rewards the faithful.

beastmo -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 21:59:44)

^ We have all been PATIENT enough and what do we get nothing what so ever so angels you tell me how long is this wait few more years?

Hun Kingq -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 22:00:00)

Angels Holocaust, a recent study came out and they found out money does buy you happiness.

But it is sad that again they blindsided players with the early release when Cindy wrote that they will have schedule releases but all week long they would not say the time. so us players that have full time jobs or full time school missed out once again. They did it on purpose so basically the male Tact Mercs would get the armor first, why, probably because they hate the other classes.

Now Tact mercs are sitting beside Naomi and Charfade taunting players/rubbing it in their face saying "HeHeHeHe, I brought the last one."

I noticed that Male Tact mercs had two of each Lady Tesla armors.

So the daytime LQS for the past two weeks have been a big failure creating even more tension and discontent among the players. How many more paying players will they have to lose before they realize the daytime LQS system is the most failed idea they ever have? They say they want to keep it as a rare item well offer it for 24 hours then 3 months offer it for another 24 hours, then 6 months later.

aqwshadowking14 -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 22:02:28)

I just as mad as you are. Last week I missed the random restock then I had to go 10 minutes after the 2nd restock. This time I missed the restock because I spent 4 hours picking up my schedule. There's nothing much you can do when it feels like everyone is hating on you. >:O

ajs777 -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 22:05:32)

lol if you ask me this sounds exactly like what a LQS should be like

PS beastmo: you make my character look good

aqwshadowking14 -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 22:06:43)

How many where even restocked?

MrBones -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 22:09:13)

But of course!! I was so stupid.. they did told us the release time: ready o'clock precisely. My bad I guess.

Charfade restock should be at a predetermined date and time with AT LEAST one week of notice. How can you mess up something so simple ?

ajs777 -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 22:16:49)

i think they should just make this huge LQS shop and titan design some sort of system that will literally randomly without warning just add like 10 items to stock of a certain items so maybe it goes days without anyhting and then it restocks like 5 times in an hour :3 and i think the NPC should have a mullet O_o or maybe even the restock amount be random to :o like a range from 1-30 or something like that

bluerain28 -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 22:18:23)


LQS is like that. LQS shouldn't mention when will be the time of sale. LQS shouldn't sell to many players because of its rarity.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 22:21:18)

Patience my friends, the best things in life are worth waiting for. I remember when I wanted a pink pair of heels at Jcpenny, they were the prettiest pair of heels that I've ever seen in my life, unfortunately they were sold out of my size and I had to wait a whole month before restock, during my one month waiting period I learned that the best things in life are worth waiting for. Waiting a couple of months to get your desired item, makes it even more worth getting in the end.

ajs777 -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 22:21:34)

wow im seriously considering suggest my previous idea.... i will quote it again

i think they should just make this huge LQS shop and titan design some sort of system that will literally randomly without warning just add like 10 items to stock of a certain items so maybe it goes days without anyhting and then it restocks like 5 times in an hour :3 and i think the NPC should have a mullet O_o or maybe even the restock amount be random to :o like a range from 1-30 or something like that

I dunno i think that sounds pretty freakin awesome....
the random restock thing too XD


Patience my friends, the best things in life are worth waiting for. I remember when I wanted a pink pair of heels at Jcpenny, they were the prettiest pair of heels that I've ever seen in my life, unfortunately they were sold out of my size and I had to wait a whole month before restock, during my one month waiting period I learned that the best things in life are worth waiting for. Waiting a couple of months to get your desired item, makes it even more worth getting in the end

*facedesk* please dont ever compare this game to shoes again [&:]

Cinderella -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 22:26:02)

@Hun- I've got a couple weeks right now, but I'm a full-time student. I also work outside of the game. I miss stuff in EpicDuel as well. We don't choose times because we hate people in x time zone. Also, I do not play as a Tactical Mercenary, so claiming that I love Tac Mercs and hate all the other classes is ridiculous on its face.

Hun Kingq -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 22:44:21)

Cinderella, really, I thought you were a tester as well and as a tester how could you miss stuff in ED when you have to test it. The ED staff knows that a vast majority of players have full time jobs, school or both and they know that the only time we have to play is at nights or on weekends.

The Tesla E armor was sold out both times and as I am going around I hardly see it in any players inventory so does it become invisible or did they buy it just so it will run out and then sell it?

Cinderella -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 22:49:09)

@Hun- Nightwraith and Titan know that school has to come first.

DeathSpawn -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 22:59:02)

How long has Charfades items been out now and getting restocked?

In the end it's not LQ anyway lol. Hopefully they switch to Limited Time and those items never get released again after the times up for example 24-48 hours.

By the time the peeps get this stuff they want so bad, there's going to be newer versions with a few stat points more or +1 damage :P

Hun Kingq -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 23:01:54)

Cinderella, then why on earth did they make the LQS during the day when they know people will put school and work first?

MrBones -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 23:04:39)


Cinderella, then why on earth did they make the LQS during the day when they know people will put school and work first?

Because Artix doesn't pay overtime :)

ajs777 -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 23:06:12)


Because Artix doesn't pay overtime :)

lol owned

DeathSpawn -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 23:10:55)

Gotta remember they work normal hours like anyone else. They really going to go to work different hours of the day to upload some LQ items for the few peeps who couldn't gain access to the internet some place?

Just look forward to the Limited Time shops there going to introduce some year. It's much more profitable for them and the community is suggesting it everywhere. I'm sure we'll see it before the year 2080 :)

edwardvulture -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 23:22:30)

Yes school comes first, way ahead of computer games.

Hun Kingq -> RE: RE-RE-RE stock (8/5/2011 23:26:45)

No one got owned, so stick it.

It is quite clear that players have no kind of business knowledge because one Titan is given a budget which includes over time and two a 24 hr operation like ED and other gaming sites have staff on schedule 24hrs a day so if they wanted to, they could do LQS at 4 am if they wanted too or at 10 pm if they wanted too.

So take some business classes and operate you own 24 hr business then you get a clear picture with the appropriate rights for any staff the job could get done at anytime.

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