PumKing -> RE: The Wall (8/6/2011 21:52:59)
@goldslayer1 I am rather shocked, despite my goadings, you were quite the gantleman about my inconsiderate talk about you (and the parts where you did disparage me were indeed rather called for, I will indeed recognize that my str build was rather newbish and raw, however, in my defense this is my first time trying one as I usually like to try my time making poison builds or trying to work out a 5-focus tank BH build), and your skill in the game. I am sorry for my immaturity, and I hope you find it within yourself to forgive me. I'm afriad I missed those posts where you showed your BM build, I thought they would be in the strategy section of the forum, and if they were, again, my apologies for missing it. In the future I will do better as to check myself, and reread your post in forums to see if there is indeed some logic that I have missed. Rather good show sir.