who is a cyber hunter? (Full Version)

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dont give up -> who is a cyber hunter? (8/6/2011 17:16:25)

well im bored of ed so i tried ch but there so weak it cant even counter any build like tank. even if u have 16 - + str u will do 3 then how bout the sc. so u guys have any idea how this class improve? any opinion.
well my opinion is to have a a enrgy passive boost for ch cus there call like cyber which is sound like enrgy so remove tech skill and add new passive skill cus buffing sc is not enough. sigh!
discus and please no flaming
o and i think its good because other 2 class have 2 passive and ch only have 1 [:@]

.Nikzat. -> RE: who is a cyber hunter? (8/6/2011 18:36:29)

Well CH is a tech based bounty hunter the tank builds are the best for them

redxtra -> RE: who is a cyber hunter? (8/6/2011 20:14:20)

im a CH but like it is kinda impossible for me 2 go up against str builds and support builds. i have a regular focus build with an assult bot

Midnightsoul -> RE: who is a cyber hunter? (8/6/2011 20:34:24)

im going to be a CH in two weeks and prove all SEMI VARIUMS that its possible to pwn with CH. seriously, the main key of CH is emp. REALLY. it is the most efficient "OP" move for hunters right now. a malf/emp build sounds so great! ooohhh...i wanna try it! >_<

redxtra -> RE: who is a cyber hunter? (8/6/2011 20:51:58)


hmmmm u just inspired me lol. imma have to test that

Midnightsoul -> RE: who is a cyber hunter? (8/6/2011 20:56:25)

dude, ur all energy... ._.
u need a physical gun and i bet u $100 that ur win rate will go up SOOOOOO high.

redxtra -> RE: who is a cyber hunter? (8/6/2011 21:06:39)

im not all energy i have a physicle sword but like i have this lil hunch that its better to have ur primary one thing and everything else different so then if sum1 is a dex build i can throw him off by attackin his weakness ya kno

dont give up -> RE: who is a cyber hunter? (8/6/2011 21:29:25)

omg blood i havent think of that lol
ty for all response guys! [:)]

Midnightsoul -> RE: who is a cyber hunter? (8/6/2011 21:37:47)



When i get my varium, I'll show u one day!!! >:D

Midnightsoul -> RE: who is a cyber hunter? (8/6/2011 21:42:08)

oh whoops, i usually get mixed up with the names... >.<
well, u shouldve stayed as BH then. if u were a CH, ur style would be energy, physical, physical, NOT physical energy energy until the release comes out...

redxtra -> RE: who is a cyber hunter? (8/6/2011 21:58:13)

i mean im doin good atm tho and it throws ppl off like me against another lvl 33 i might hit them with nmy phys with malf and then use energy attacks until i get rage in which i use static charge (to gain the most of it)

but its most useful against mercs and tlm since they have hybrid they can switch and i start usin my primary so im good atm just need a better aux

Midnightsoul -> RE: who is a cyber hunter? (8/6/2011 22:23:37)

save up until a seasonal rare. if dragoncon comes, get cyber dragon. thats a really good aux but if ur patient, wait till december and get frost cannon

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