is the game getting better what do you think (Full Version)

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comicalbike -> is the game getting better what do you think (8/7/2011 5:28:23)

and what would you change

.Nikzat. -> RE: is the game getting better what do you think (8/7/2011 6:09:13)

well the game is'nt getting better.... but it could be if not the telsa armors becuase they did soo much lagg but i use ''Fight Suit'' armor so i dont lagg at all so im happy with that.

VIX -> RE: is the game getting better what do you think (8/7/2011 6:10:23)

ED is now good , no more lag + i would like to see more Aux and more Guns and more bikes and more things cool . ED is boring without those things ! we need new weapons new lvl and we need devs to lower the prize of varium :D so everyone would love ed i bet lol


Edited out comment that was directed at a deleted post. ~Mecha

8x -> RE: is the game getting better what do you think (8/7/2011 6:24:29)

ED is getting boring.

earth breather -> RE: is the game getting better what do you think (8/7/2011 6:32:56)

I agree with 8rl. We need something new. Like.. a new quest! Hmm... I wonder why I quit mq..

TurkishIncubus -> RE: is the game getting better what do you think (8/7/2011 6:46:02)


ED is getting boring.

ED is not getting boring , ED is already boring but i think focus nerf is a huge step to bring back fun and if Devs continue to make players wishes than this game will always go forward.Devs should spent more time on "ED suggestions" section and take players opinions.

Epic Pwnser -> RE: is the game getting better what do you think (8/7/2011 8:21:32)

ED is getting a whole lot boring. Even boring-er.
If only the devs could bring in the balance updates a whole lot sooner, or on time, then maybe we could have had something for this Friday's update instead of being backlogged by the bugs from last week (the last restock of tesla update).

PivotalDisorder -> RE: is the game getting better what do you think (8/7/2011 8:54:06)

its a flash game.

the expectations are a bit high it seems :) and before you mention the costs, its F2P

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