Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (Full Version)

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Angels Holocaust -> Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 1:59:55)

I've noticed one strange thing about the forums, the people who complain about the game or praise it are usually the same people. I really want to know, how many of the players of this game actually have a forum account? There are some updates that make me question as to why they were even released in the first place, like fixing juggernaut. It was mainly the same three people who complained about it over and over again to have it changed. I think that we should have an in game feature that allows the players to decide what happens or doesn't, like more of an epicdemocracy.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 2:01:13)

Like a + or - for the release? I like the idea.

EDReborned -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 2:01:45)

It's a good idea but I don't see the mods implementing this idea.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 2:04:01)

EDR: I'm no expert but it should be easy to code. Depending on how it would work it could possibly be used similar to the Faming system.

EDReborned -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 2:08:19)

Well depends, Angels could you add more information to what it would be like?

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 2:14:13)

You know the, What's New button that automatically pops up every time that you log in? Well we can set up a voting feature there. For instance, each player is allowed to vote once and only once. It would look like this, you can choose 1 of the 3

1. Improved faction wars
2. Founder step down
3. Tournaments.

Voting ends on Monday, giving plenty of time for the players to decided which feature that they would want to be released on Friday. It would give the Devs plenty of time to prep for the update.

EDReborned -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 2:17:36)

Well I support this idea then =P, this would be pretty easy to add.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 2:17:44)

in that case then a little info on the choice would have to be provided seeing as newbs wouldn't know what founder step down or retrain revamp is.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 2:26:35)

In real life you have to be 18 years or older to vote, in game you have to be level 25 or higher to vote.

AxeOFury -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 2:37:32)


PivotalDisorder -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 6:07:26)

good idea Angels. [the day has finally come :P]

they really should link the forums from the game too. Because its such an unobvious forum, most players never discover it :)

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 6:12:31)

Agreed. A voting system would be good, though there is the possibility that it could be abused though. Ultimately strong reasons should be given by voters of either option so that it would not be a blind/manipulated vote.

Minus123 -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 6:15:22)


in game you have to be level 25 or higher to vote.

Actually, I think it should be lvl 30 or something. I dont think lvl 25's really have a strong enough grasp of the game yet to vote on more important issues. But otherwise supported.

Cinderella -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 9:02:28)

The huge problem with that is that it has the glaringly obvious potential to be abused. Even disregarding that, there's a certain amount of creative control we should be able to keep for ourselves, without having every feature decided by the players. It's harsh, but it's the truth.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 10:47:51)


You know the, What's New button that automatically pops up every time that you log in? Well we can set up a voting feature there. For instance, each player is allowed to vote once and only once. It would look like this, you can choose 1 of the 3

1. Improved faction wars
2. Founder step down
3. Tournaments.

Voting ends on Monday, giving plenty of time for the players to decided which feature that they would want to be released on Friday. It would give the Devs plenty of time to prep for the update.

Good idea but they will never do this.


You can atleast do 1 feature that players choose every month , we are waiting some of them more than a year :/ (like new training system and tournaments)

Sipping Cider -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 11:03:03)

I suggested something like this in the Forum Suggestions, but here was the response I got:


General opinions of releases can be (and are) drawn from Twitter, emails and forum posts. Proper channels through which constructive feedback can be submitted already exist. Merely being able to "Like" or "Dislike" an update is neither helpful to the devs, nor to users of these forums.

I also heard that something like this used to exist, but it just turned into popularity contests or something like that.

DeathSpawn -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 11:12:58)

Ummmmm how bout noooooooo?

Put the fate of the game in 12 and 15 year old hands? Nah I'll pass on that thanks.

It doesn't matter if it's 5 peeps or 500 peeps that suggest something. It's either a good idea or it's not. Just because 500 peeps say the world is flat and 5 say it's round doesn't make it flat :)

Edit for below: The 5 and 500 groups aren't age specific and you could be either. I used 12 and 15 considering that's the foundation of AE games.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 11:45:26)

Im 28 ^^ older than both your suggested ages combined :P

DeathGuard -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 12:38:47)

It looks like a good idea, but when they try to release a nerf/buff people won't vote for it, because there is always war/flamming about it, so I don't see it being a in-game feature.

Yo son -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 12:56:16)


I've noticed one strange thing about the forums, the people who complain about the game or praise it

^ I notice that you do both, is like you get brain washed, then like 5 min or 2 hours later, you gain your memory back, I read one of your post, then I read the other, and am confused because the are both saying the opposite.

But anyways good idea.

rej -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 13:48:59)

in other words, there would be like 3 topics players could vote on every week, such as 'should tactical mercenaries have frenzy replaced by berserk?' if more than 50% of the voters said no, the devs would drop the idea.

yes, i love this idea. we should've implemented it from the beggining.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 13:52:22)

most requested feature by players!!!

'" A weapon trading system "


" buy inventory slots with credits"[:)]

rej -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 13:53:11)

^ don't forget founder stepdown and item banks.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 14:35:39)

@Soul Prisner: weapon trading isnt the most suggested feature lol.

Sipping Cider -> RE: Who Are You Listening To Anyway? (8/8/2011 15:57:03)



It doesn't matter if it's 5 peeps or 500 peeps that suggest something. It's either a good idea or it's not. Just because 500 peeps say the world is flat and 5 say it's round doesn't make it flat :)

But if more people believe the world is flat, then that makes it the best idea to stand by, becuase if you dont you get killed by the mob. In otherwords, if 500 people like an idea that is bad and 5 people like an idea that is good it is best for EpicDuel to do the bad idea since more people would play.

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