(DF) two warriors, one body (Full Version)

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Dart Ichimonji -> (DF) two warriors, one body (8/9/2011 17:55:08)

Alright, this is my character Dart Ichimonji's backstory, well part of it anyway, I hope you enjoy and feel free to PM with any criticism you have.

This is the tale of a great hero, he found love in the form of a food, found a sword placed by drunks, and did many other strange and great deeds, but to start HIS tale I must tell you a really boring and long prologue of events that led up to his story. Sorry. really, I am.

One day, in the past, you know how these things work. A great warrior fought in some war that I didn't really care to research, but it was huge. This warrior led his forces to victory through strength, strategy, and by giving the other guys a map with false information, they did NOT take the left turn at Alberquerque, but the warrior was at his most deadly when enraged, he was a berserker far greater than any the world had ever seen. The head of the other army challenged him to single combat, to the death. The warrior, whose name I dont remember, managed to win. At the cost of imprisoning his soul into his weapon, he was granted enough power to fell his enemy, and the enemy army, in one swing. The soldiers then proceeded to hijack his armor for money to buy drinks at the tavern, and a mariachi band. To pay their respects to their leader, both for the war and the extra cash, they memorialized his sword. They then forgot where they memorialized it at. They never left that battle ground, and thus Willowshire was born.

300 years later, a young man named Dart is about to find it. Ok, now the prologues over with, so I guess you can just go on with this now, I recorded me telling the story so I don't even have to be here. Have fun, I'm gonna go get some food.

"Oh my god...what is this." Said the man in red armor as he took another bite of the godly food he had been given.

"Dart, slow down, i swear to god you didnt even chew that last one. The guy i got it from said it was called...uh...what was it..some weird name....oh yeah, pizza!" said shiv, the owner of the local tavern.

"I love it....don't ever leave me you delicious gift from the gods." Said Dart.

"wow, you scare me....really, you do." said shiv, looking pretty creeped out.
"say, Dart, shouldn't you be out training?" he asked.

"ah, dang.... alright then, I'll come back for this." Dart said pointing at the pizza. "later"

Dart was one of the best swordsmen in willowshire despite his age, able to beat most of the guardians even when it was two against one. He trained in those woods outside the town, you know, those ones the guards wont let anybody go into because they're secretly planning a ritual to summon a huge monster there. Ya, thats the real plan of the willowshire knights, anyway back to the story.

He had been going to the same training spot ever since he first picked up a blade, so pretty much only 3 weeks, he was instantly a natural at it and surprised everybody when he won a three on one battle against some guardians, for fun of course. Today when he practicing he ended up putting a big hole in a tree, upon closer inspection he saw something shiny and tried to grab it. Apparently those soldiers managed to somehow put a sword in the center of a tree, the second he grabbed he yelled back in pain and visions came flooding into his mind.

when he awoke he was holding a new sword, this sword was unlike any other he'd seen, just looking at it he felt enraged and wanted to fight anyone and anything. He was about to drop it there when he heard a voice say, "No, you WILL keep me, and we will do unimaginable things."

The next thing he knew, he had no control over anything, his body, his thoughts, his words, he was just a spectator in his own body. The sword had taken over. Then it spoke, through him "I am Ichimonji, use me and your enemies will fall, but youre body will be mine, deny me and I will consider YOU my enemy." and began walking, giving Dart his body back, but telling him to walk on all the same. Any takers on guessing that warriors name from the war? Anybody? Come on, I bet you can.

Some bandits overheard these words and came to see what was going on. When they got to the scene they saw a man in expensive looking armor, carrying a REALLY expensive looking sword. They surrounded the man, planning to take what he had.

"You, you look awfully alot like the man we just killed in that town back there, they had some nice stuff." said one of the men.

Dart doubted their words, until Ichimonji spoke to him, "He speaks the truth, they killed your family. let me go. let me be free." it pleaded. Dart obeyed. Ichimonji rushed up to the leader and punched him the gut, sending him flying back. He caught his feet before he went too far back, and used his body as a club to attack another bandit, both died when he slammed the man down on anothers head. The third man had seen what happened and was frozen in fear. He watched as the man in the red armor stare at him, he blinked once and the man was gone, his last thought was that he had been lucky to be alive, before being cut in half.

Ichimonji released control and Dart collapsed on the ground breathing heavily "He's brutal, He fights like a berserker.....will I be like that every time?" he thought to himself. He was answered with "When you get mad, I'll take over, and when I do know that the deaths about to follow will be for the best, but expect a bloodbath." and with that he fell unconscious....

Dart Ichimonji -> RE: (DF) two warriors, one body (8/14/2011 2:15:17)

Dart woke up in a bed, in some room, and in somebody elses clothes, his armor was on a little nightstand by the bed. His original clothes were nowhere in sight, I think either a stalker of his stole them, or they got burned. Then again I guess they could be dirty and getting washed, personally I've got my money on the stalker.

"uuuggghhhh....when did I get hear?" he groaned.

He thought he was alone so wasn't expecting an answer, until a man came out of the shadows in the corner.

"My place, after you didn't come back for that pizza you love so much I went out looking for you." Shiv said. "Those bandits.....was that you?" he asked.

Dart paused, he decided to go with a half-lie, "No, when I got there I saw the bodies and fainted." he said. He, after all, did not kill them, Ichimonji did. He also really did faint when he came back to himself, so he didn't really lie.

"Good, I was hoping the biggest goofball in town wasn't also an insane killer, now eat the rest of your pizza." Shiv told him with a smile.

"Goofball, indeed I am sir, now where is my precious?" He asked with a straight face.

Shiv handed him a plate and said, "Well, you're not a killer at least."

Shiv blinked once and the whole plate was gone.

"....I'm gonna pretend like that's normal." he said.

After scarfing down the sweet ambrosia from the gods Dart started to get up, then remembered his clothes.

"Oh yeah, what happened to my clothes?" he asked. See, told you he remembered, unreliable narrator my foot. Silly english teacher, anyway back to the story.

"They were dirty, my wife's downstairs washin' 'em now." Shiv answered. Oh yeah, guess they were getting washed, a stalker would've made the story more interesting though.

Dart thanked Shiv for his hospitality, then went back to sleep. He woke up to the smell of breakfast. He found his clothes on the nightstand and got dressed before going down. His wife stopped everything when she saw him.

"YOU! I heard about your eating powers, anybody who eats food like that I don't trust at my table. You'll make the rest of us go hungry." She said, sounding genuinely scared. She told everybody she didn't want to go hungry, and as poor as Shiv was for owning a taven that may have been true, but I think she just thought Dart was possessed by a demon or something.

"Awwww man." Dart whined.

Shiv walked into the room just in time to hear Dart whining, "Hey, with as much pizza as you had yesterday you couldn't fit any more food in anyway, besides don't you usually train before breakfast?" he asked.

So Dart, remembering he did in fact train before breakfast, went upstairs and put on his armor. Then he reached for his sword, and stopped remembering yesterday. He had not heard the voice at all since he collapsed, and was hoping he just dreamt it all, but the sword proved otherwise. He took the sword anyway, if that Ichimonji was there to stay, he would need to start practicing with it anyway. He then started wondering if maybe he left it, Ichimonji wouldn't plague his mind and stay in the sword.

"Don't count on it, we are connected now. The sword may be what my soul is attached to, but I'll still be here whether you have it or not. Now go train." Ichimonji told him.

"Great, my thoughts aren't private anymore, are they?" Dart said aloud as he started walking towards his training area.

"Don't be so down about it, I can be a great help to you." said Ichimonji.

Dart replied with, "Yeah, well you didn't help those bandits any. Think of all the memories you've ever had, all the laughs you've had, and all the people you've met. That bandit and his men had just as many."

Ichimonji was silent.

"Whatever." was all Dart said before beginning his training. The two were silent for the rest of the day....

Dart Ichimonji -> RE: (DF) two warriors, one body (9/23/2011 20:43:38)

The next day came. Dart rolled out of the bed, he was still staying at Shiv's. The day was almost exactly like the day before, complete with Shiv's wife refusing to feed him, and Shiv reminding him to train. Needless to say he did, boy, not much variety in this guy’s life huh?

Dart stretched to warm up, him and Ichimonji still hadn't spoken since yesterday. Finally Dart grabbed his sword and started practicing on a tree. He got a running start, did a cartwheel, and jumped into the air, performing a powerful overhead strike upon landing.

Ichimonji finally spoke, "Not bad, but unless the cartwheel also kicked your enemy, you would be dead mid-attack. They would use the opening by caused your cartwheel to cut you down."

Dart didn't even want to hear it, who was this THING to enter his mind and tell him his flaws.

"Quiet you! My technique may not be perfect, but who are you to criticize me?" he said to the blade.

"As you wish, carry on." was his answer.

He kept training, hard. He practiced all of what he considered his best moves. He practiced for what seemed like hours, not even paying attention to his surroundings, his mind was focused on his technique. It was when the tree fell down that he finally came to his senses. He was just about to call it quits and head back when he saw someone, about 17, who looked familiar.

"Nesanel? What are you doing here?" he asked him, then he noticed he was holding his Axe, the Pristine Blinding Light of Destiny, in battle stance.

When Dart first picked up his sword there was a tournament going on in town. Dart joined it after playing around with a blade, for the sole reason that he loved swordplay. He made it to the semifinal rounds before being defeated by a masked warrior, he never learned the name. Even though he had lost he still wanted to see the finals, so he went to the stands. Nesanel and the masked man where the finalists, Dart was utterly impressed with both of the warriors fighting skills. The fight went on for a while, but that was because Nesanel was dragging out for a show, once he got serious the fight was over. After Nesanel won, he came to Dart, telling him he was a part of a group, and wanted Dart to join. That's how Dart came to be a Dark Knight. Making it to the semifinals after having only just picked up a blade recently? Psshtttt, I could do that…..ok, no I can’t. Don’t judge me.

“I was actually just about to cut this tree down, I need some wood for my fireplace at home. Remember, it’s winter.” Nesanel told him.

Dart nodded, he actually got so caught up in he DIDN’T remember, but wanted to look smart in front of a clan leader. This clan he was in wasn’t a bad clan, as most people would believe just by the word “clan” they were more of a guild really, they just weren’t that official.

“So, would you like to stay for dinner? I’m having pizza tonight.” He offered.

Before Nesanel could blink, Dart was right beside him, “YES!!”

“Ok, sounds good. Hey, I guess you would like some practice with that new sword you have?” he asked him.

Dart stared at the blade, then finally answered “Yeah, that’s how I ended up cutting that tree down actually.”

Nesanel was surprised, “Wow! What a blade….let’s see if it can match mine.” He said with a grin.

Dart smiled, he’d been wanting to test his skills against a clan leader, but never had a reason to, “You’re on.”

“Good, but first let’s get some dinner. Come into my home.” He said as he began walking, Dart followed. Man, this talk of dinners getting me hungry, but Dart’d probly’ cut me down if he found I had pizza.

When they got there, Dart was surprised, he expected somebody as powerful as Nesanel to own a huge mansion, but he lived on the necessities. Normal sized house, with a couple columns, some tables and chairs, lantern, a poster, and a rug. What really amazed Dart was the closet, walking by it he caught a glimpse of at least 5 different armor sets.

“Whoa, these are only given to someone fully trained to use them, Deathknight, Ninja, soulweaver, no WAY you know that much!” he said.

“Yes, I do. Why do you think I’m second in command?” He asked Dart with a smile, then answered himself. “"Oh yeah.....because Gavon and I were friends as little kids...." he began, while getting a sad look in his eye, “"I was his first friend......but then something happened to him. He started learning necromancy and…..a-and he changed."

Dart said nothing, he could see the pain behind those eyes, it was something he experienced before, besides, He could tell it was Nesanels personal mission. Who was he to get into that?

Nesanel then looked up, it was like he had new determination, “"When I get older, I will be stronger, they'll call me freedom, just like a waving flag, and then it goes back, and then it goes back….” At that point Nesanel started humming some kind of song.

Dart was about to ask what song it was, and then he noticed the holy light shining from the table. He finished his dinner in record time that night. Now there was only one thing left to do, fight Nesanel. They both stared at each other, the tension growing. This was going to be a fight worthy of going down in history. Wait, wait, wait, this guy times his dinners? I should start doing that….

Dart Ichimonji -> RE: (DF) two warriors, one body (9/23/2011 20:44:45)

After dinner they reminisced on the time they met, a little bit before the tournament in willowshire. Darts father was becoming very ill, and he set out to find a certain gem that was said to cure any illness, Nesanel was looking for it to power up his axe. They went on a small adventure together, filled with traps, theme music, and generic movie references. Provided by me of course. What? You think all I do is Narrate?

Finally, they were ready. They went outside and stretched a bit to warm up.

"Don't go easy on me now." Dart told him.

"Wouldn't dream of it." Nesanel replied.

And with that, the fight started. Dart lunged forward with his blade, Nesanel dove forward above the blade, lunging with his axe as well. Dart managed to duck and roll away at the last second.

"Pretty gutsy, I never would've thought of going TOWARDS the direction of a blade." Dart told him.

"You still have much to learn though, I'm just surprised you were able to react in time to dodge, most people freeze up in that situation." Nesanel replied

"Well, thanks, but we're not done yet." Dart said as he charged forward. This time he tried to overwhelm Nesanel with a flurry of attacks. One slash, two, three, four, even five, Nesanel dodged them from all directions. Nesanel managed to kick his torso mid-slash, sending him five feet back.

"Watch yourself for openings, if you make one, close it fast." he warned Dart

Dart nodded, regained his breath, and charged again. Dart was learning, fast. He did another flurry of attacks, but this time he kicked Nesanel right after he dodged, then rushed in to attack again when he was off balance. Side slash, down cut, uppercut, he got Nesanel with a full combo.

"Ha, not bad right?" He was getting excited, this was a clan leader here he was holding his own against.

"Sorry, Dart." Nesanel told him."I know I told you I wasn't gonna hold back, but I lied." he revealed. "but, I think I'll stop now."

Two words came to Darts mind when he said those words: Ah crap. Nesanel came charging with a lunge, Dart blocked it but became airborn. Nesanel jumped up to Dart, kept him mid-air with a series of punches, kicks, and a few slashes, then finally power kicked him into the ground. A crater was made, and Darts armor was cracked. I am just speechless, this fight just HAD to have been seen to be believed, superhuman is all that comes to mind. Well, that, and the fact I could really go for a taco.

"Sorry friend, I thought you could handle it. Don't die, it'd be a shame with your potential." Nesanel said, crouched down by Darts unconscious body.

He was about to carry Dart to the hospital when he suddenly stood up. "THE REAL BATTLES YET TO BEGIN!" Dart yelled, a certain ferocity in his voice that can only be obtained by years of battle.

"Well, I'll be. I didn't think you were gonna make it for a while Dart." Nesanel said with a smile as he got into battle stance, not even noticing the change.

Dart laughed, "No, not I." Ichimonji rushed forward and hit Nesanel with an uppercut, sending him flying and dazing him momentarily. Ichimonji jumped up to meet him midair, then attacked in the same sequence as Nesanel did just moments before, complete with a power kick to the ground. Nesanel was fine after all those hits, surprised, but fine.

"Somethings changed." he said. Ichimonji was coming down right above Nesanels head, legs outstretched in another power kick. Nesanel narrowly dodged and attacked with his axe. Ichimonji's parry was powerful enough to stagger Nesanel, he used that opening to slash his torso. "He's different, I wouldn't even know this was Dart if i wasn't looking right at him." Nesanel said just as he dodged that last slash.

"How many times do I have to say it, He is not me. The boy became emersed in despair at his own weakness, and so I took over." Ichimonji said right before charging straight at Nesanel, a white aura forming around him. Nesanel charged too, his own blue aura becoming visible. The two clashed blades and a small explosion erupted from them. They both fell unconscious....

Dart Ichimonji -> RE: (DF) two warriors, one body (4/8/2012 11:58:17)

"Where am I?" Dart asked the darkness. After Ichimonji's fight with Nesanel he had been floating in complete and utter darkness, no sound except those that he made. The only light came from his own body, which seemed to be glowing with a white aura around him. It shone on nothing. "WHERE AM I!?" he said again, yelling this time.

"You, are weak." he heard a voice say.

"What?" Dart asked, what did his strength have to do with where he was at.

"Your body couldn't handle my strength, we fell unconscious not long after I fought seriously. You are weak." the voice answered, a tinge of anger in its voice.

"tch, Ichimonji. You have no right to criticize me." Dart told the spirit in the darkness.

"But I do. I am you, and you are me. Our destinies have intertwined as one now, can you not see?" Ichimonji told him. He continued, "Do you think it was chance you found me? Do you think it chance that not long after you did find me, I avenged your family? We were destined to meet." he finished.

Dart was silent for some time, then he said "I see. Though I'd rather not." after all, what are the chances of finding a sword inside a tree, let alone a sword that could possess his body. In a TREE for gods sake. "Then help me. Train me to become stronger, don't just use me as a vessel." he pleaded.

For a long time there was no answer. Dart didn't think it was possible, but the silence made wherever he was even darker. He had started to think the darkness was about to devour him when Ichimonji finally answered. "You do not respect me, you do not like me, nor do you want me, why?

Dart got annoyed, he had completely ignored him. "Fine, you want answers then you'll get them. I dont like that my body is no longer my own, I dont like that you think you're so good, and I DON'T like how you see me as lower than you. You're just an angry old soul mad because you're trapped. I say you deserved it!" he started off talking normally, but by the time he finished he was yelling. At once his mind filled with visions again, they flashed through his mind so fast, but he was able to comprehend them all.

"YOU SPEAK OF WHAT YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND." Ichimonji seemed to yell at him, but Dart didn't - couldn't - pay much attention past that. Glimpses of a girl, love, sadness, betrayal, battle, blood, anger, protecting all that you know, sacrifice. All those things came into Dart in a matter of seconds, and many, many more as well. Finally the visions stopped, Dart was panting. His mind had worked too hard attemting to comprehend those memories.

When Dart could breathe normally he looked into the darkness, but this time it wasn't all dark. He could see another being starting to shine, one in cracked armor, and countless scars. It approached him, ripples formed in the darkness where he stepped. "Ichimonji....I'm sorry, I've been so arrogant. If only I had known." Dart told the figure. Seeing Ichimonjis life, his WHOLE life, Dart now saw things he didn't. Before, he had been afraid, afraid because he didn't know Ichimonjis motives, and afraid he would lose who he was for good. He now saw Ichimonji had none, and truly wished to offer Dart his strength. Dart had heard before that SoulWeavers are a type of fighter that form bonds with a SoulAlly, and those bonds stayed until they died. When he thought about it, Ichimonji was almost like that.

The figure just stood there, arms crossed, staring at Dart until finally he spoke "This place, you can think of it as something like another dimension inside your mind. In the real world, your body is sleeping until you leave this dimension that I created. There are a few things you need to know however, if you die here, you die there, any thing that physically happens to you here, will show on your body when and if you leave. Now let's get to work." he finished as a sword materialized into his hand.

Dart was put down, he could walk like Ichimonji now instead of just floating. Dart drew his weapon, which was Ichimonji, but he was looking at Ichimonji. The thought confused him so he stopped thinking about it. They just stood there staring for what seemed like the longest time, then, they charged.

They fought for months, Dart became stronger, faster, and learned more of battle than he ever thought possible. He also took more injuries then he thought possible, some he thought would almost kill him, but still he fought on. By the time he was done, Ichimonji had used just about every type of weapon on Dart, and Dart even managed to become decent in some. By the time they had finished Dart could fight on equal ground with Ichimonji. "Very good. I think you can go home now." Ichimonji told him one day, or at least he thought of it as a day. He made up the time in that world, it all seemed to blend together all the time.

"But, if I can fight as well as you now...what good will you be able to do?" Dart asked.

Ichimonji didn't take it as an insult, he knew the both fought on equal grounds now. "When you get stronger, so too do I, your strength adds on to mine, and when I am in control, mine to yours. While I admit I haven't been going easy on you, I also haven't been going my hardest. I'm a berserker, only when enraged will my full power come out. Now wake up." he told him.

Dart did wake up, and when he did he was in a bed in Nesanels house. He had forgotten all about him in the time he was training. Nesanel just happened to walk in as he woke up. "Whoa!" he exclaimed.

Dart thought something was wrong, he was frantically searching his body. "What, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing, just....last night when I carried you in here, you werent so muscular, and you had no scars....they appeared overnight." Nesanel answered. "That was a pretty good fight by the way. To be honest, I didn't think you could do that." Nesanel continued, pointing at various bruises and cuts. Dart seemed puzzled, overnight? It seemed like so much more time had passed since they fought.

"I never said time flowed the same there as it did here." Ichimonji spoke in his mind. That solved Darts confusion.

"yeah, thanks for giving me the chance." He said as he got up out of the bed and grabbed his sword and armor. "Let's do it again sometime, but for now, I gotta get home." he told him as suited up.

Nesanel frowned, "but...where will you go? I went to town earlier...I heard about your parents. I'm sorry." he said, putting one hand on Darts shoulder.

Dart didn't think about it, but he couldn't keep staying at Shivs place. They've been kind enough, he couldn't take advantage of them anymore. Dart shrugged, "Wherever my sword takes me I guess." he answered.

"My, my, pretty poetic answer." Nesanel told him. If he only knew. Dart thought. So Dart thanked Nesanel again, for the fight and for his hospitality, and started to wander...

Ugh, man, I didn't even get to say any funny or witty comments this chapter. That sucks, next chapter though, be ready.

Dart Ichimonji -> RE: (DF) two warriors, one body (4/8/2012 11:59:48)

Days passed. Dart was on the verge of starvation when his wanderings took him into a small village deep in the woods. He hadn't thought about what he would do for food when he started walking, he just knew he didn't belong back there. Soon enough the town would notice the truth about his sword. He trudged up to the closest house he could into the village, and swung the door open. He noticed 3 people, one an older man, one an older woman, and another was a girl about his age.

"A family no doubt." Ichimonji told him in his mind. He didn't care, he needed food and drink, they had it. He didn't think past that.

Dart stood there, wobbling, and said "Help...me.." before passing out on the families floor. When he awoke, he found he was on a small bed, the girl sitting beside watching him.

"Hey, take it easy, you've been out for quite some time. Name's Aneira." She said as she put a tray on the bed next to him and started feeding him.

He couldn't take his eyes off of her, he couldn't deny this girl captivated him. "Dart." he said in a whisper, it hurt a little to talk. "Thank you. I..I can feed myself." he told her.

she let out a giggle, Dart immediately felt like smiling. "You can try, but you were so exhausted when you came here, and with how long you've been out I don't think you can move your arms yet." she told him. She was right, Dart could only move his arms inches no matter how hard he tried.

Dart just sighed, then he remembered something, "My sword...where's my sword?" he asked her.

"It's under the bed. It was so hard to get it from you, even when you were uncoscious your grip didn't let up on it. We figured if it was that important we'd keep it near you." She answered. "You must be an adventurer!" she exclaimed, a look of excitement in her eyes. "I bet you have tons of stories of things you've done, like fighting dragons, saving princesses, and meeting interesting people. Please will you tell me some?" she asked him. He didn't have the energy to argue.

"Sure. Later." he said as he drifted back to sleep.

Things went on like that for a while, Dart laying in the bed being nursed back to health. Then when he was able to move just as well as he could before, the family put him to work on their farm during the days. He learned what could be eaten in the wild, where he could find it, and how to plant more in his time there. He couldn't learn that BEFORE he set off in the woods?

More often then not, he fell asleep on the floor next Aneiras bed, drifting away as she told him a story she'd heard from people passing through the town. Sometimes he'd make up a story about an adventure he'd gone on and tell them to her, she always liked them. Oooooh, Dart's got a girlfriend, Dart's got a girlfriend...

Occasionally, Dart and Aneira would sneak outside into their secret spot. She showed it to him and only him. t was a grove in the woods. A clear water pond, thick green grass, and fireflies every night. It was the perfect spot he thought. He especially enjoyed seeing Aneira with the full moon shining down on her.

No, he thought, surely she's the one who shines, the moon is basking in her light. He was happy here.

One day, the family sent him to the woods to collect fire wood for the following winter. He had lived with them for a year. He went deeper into the woods then he ever had to get the biggest trees, more wood meant more heat. Not to mention it'd be less time he would be out, and more time with her. It's too bad, his paradise was about to be destroyed.

When he returned, he dropped everything and ran inside. The village was set ablaze, he HAD to make sure they were alright. He found no bodies inside the house, so he started sweeping the village. When he got to the center, he dropped to his knees. Aneira was there, and she was pinned to the ground by a sword.

"No. no no no no. NO!" he started screaming as he pounded the ground over and over.

"D-Dart?" he heard a soft voice ask. She was alive, but just barely. He crawled over to her.

"Right here, I'm right here." He said as he started crying.

She brought a hand up to his face slowly and wiped his tears, "Stop it. You're an adventurer, adventurers don't cry." she told him softly.

"Lies, those stories were all lies. I'm sorry." he said as he started crying harder.

"I know." she told him with a smile. "I always have."

Her voice was getting fainter, "No, please don't go, please. I love you." he couldn't help it, he was bawling now.

She smiled even more, "I know." she said. Then she went limp.

Dart buried the bodies, and went back to the house and grabbed Ichimonji, he hadn't even had a reason to use the sword until now.

"Regretfully, it seems you've had to go through what I had once." Ichimonji said to him.

"Quiet friend, at least for now. We've got a hell that needs some introducing." He said, a white aura coming over him. I would say something here, but really I'm too scared.

"Agreed." was his response, and then all was quiet. All, except for the wind, which carried a chill worse than it should be for that time of year...

Dart Ichimonji -> RE: (DF) two warriors, one body (4/8/2012 12:01:42)

Dart stared at the flames consuming the village he had been a part of for so long. When the final building had turned to nothing but ash, he searched around. The bandits were good at what they did, there was hardly any trace they had been there, but they screwed up. Dart found a footprint about 50 yards away from the outskirts of the town.

"Fools. Today you die." He said as he started walking in the direction the footprint was pointing to.

"I suppose you'll want to kill them yourself?" Ichimonji asked.

"I said quiet friend. They will die by my hand, end of story." He answered. He was met with silence. He continued walking. Eventually, he found a crude fort made out of sharpened logs. And spears. With the armored heads of adventurers who tried to dispense their own justice on the brutes.

Dart called out to the fort, "I'VE COME FOR YOU, EVERY DROP OF BLOOD IN THAT FORT WILL BE SPILT TONIGHT!" he yelled as he knocked away the spears.

He heard an order, "Go kill the adventurer, the boss'd like another head." and guards were sent out. ten, twenty, Dart didn't care to count. They all met with death that night.

"I GIVE YOU ONE DAY TO PREPARE, THEN I COME IN!" Dart yelled to the fort as he sat down in the grass. A few hours passed, and more guards came. This group was bigger than before. Dart didn't even bother standing, instead he let himself get surrounded.

"Look at the fool, too scared to even stand up!" One man said.

"Heh, the last group must've just ditched out. Oh well, one more kill for us." another said.

Dart slowly stood up, and planted his sword in the ground. He stared one man in the eye, "You will die, and so will your squad." then he disappeared. The bandits werent even sure what happened.

"Search the area! I dont know how we lost him, but he can't be far!" ordered one bandit, the first one who spoke. He started to say more, but before the words could come out he was sliced in half. Then the next guy, and so on. The kills happened so fast, the breath was gone from the bandits before their bodies could hit the ground.

Dart yelled back at the fort, "18 HOURS LEFT, BE READY FOR ME!" and he sat back down, camping until daybreak

The next 18 hours went by peacefully, they stopped sending bandits out. Dart figured they probably wanted to keep all the men they could inside for when he came. Dart slowly walked up to the entrance to the fort, a huge wooden gate, and cut it down in one swing. Some men ran, others came to meet him in battle. Dart cut them down one by one, these men were scum with no skill. Hardly worth killing, hardly. When that area had been cleared he moved on into the buildings, went inside, and killed all who lived there. Man, woman, it didn't matter to him, they all died. Finally, he got to the main building.

"The leader must live here, but not for long." Dart said as started walking, by this time, it was night. He had the darkness on his side. He kicked down the big door, and killed the guards on the way to the bandits throne room. When he got there, he couldn't believe it.

"Been a while, Dart." Said Shiv, the man sitting calmly on the throne...

Dart Ichimonji -> RE: (DF) two warriors, one body (4/8/2012 12:04:08)

"Shiv," Dart started, "Why are you here?"

Shiv let out a chuckle, Dart had never heard that laugh from him before. All that could be heard in it was brutality. "I'm the head of this bandit camp stupid, what else?" He said with another chuckle. "Nobody else knew your family was rich. Rich, and sick enough to kill with no resistance." He told him.

"Damn you!" Dart yelled, and in a flash he was gone. "My father?" Dart asked, still nowhere to be seen.

"My order." Shiv said, beginning to smile.

"My mother?"

"Come boy, also me." Shiv said as he started to lean back in his chair.

"That village, and the people?"

Shivs eyes seemed to light up, "That happened to be a coincedence, but also me." he answered. This man had been the source of the misfortunes in Dart's life. All of them. He had to die, that's all Dart knew, and all he cared about. Dart came down from the air, blade below him. Shiv had been completely unaware of where he was. Until now.

Shiv looked up at the last possible second, and caught Ichimonji between his fingers. He was grinning from ear to ear by now. "Boy, I know about this one." he said as he slammed the airborn Dart into the ground. "I also know, you, or him, won't kill me." He finished as a thin line of blood started flowing on his cheek. He didn't even see Dart move, but now his blade was at his face.

Dart said nothing. He merely looked up into Shivs eyes. That look gave Shiv chills down his spine. Dart was gone again, and a mind-numbing pain appeared in Shivs side. He had cut him again. "Damn you! Come out and fight!" He yelled as he got out his own weapons, two daggers, specks of dried blood on them.

Dart appeared in the center of the chamber, again, not saying a word. Shiv rushed at him with his own impressive speed. Right dagger, blocked. But Shiv still had the other. He brought it down on Darts ribs, but no connection. Somehow in the split second between the first and second strike Dart through his sword up and crouched on the ground. And his fist was coming even faster.

Shiv crashed through the ceiling of his home. "So," he began calmly, "this is the power of a chijitsuzai." He said to himself. "Impressive."

Shivs eyes had closed when he got hit, he now opened them. When he did, he saw Dart above him yet again, blade under his feet, yet again. This time he spoke : "NOW YOU BURN IN HELL!" he yelled with a warriors ferocity. It hit, the blade came out Shivs back. They crashed through the ceiling again, then the floor, it was over. Dart brought the blade up, still in Shivs body, it now cut him in half.

More bandit men came to see what was making all the commotion. Fools. Must not of heard me before Dart thought in his mind, though his body was not his. I almost feel sorry for them. Almost.

20 men came in, they were all placed on the wooden spears that made up the fort. His revenge being taken, he walked on against the wind...

Dart Ichimonji -> RE: (DF) two warriors, one body (4/8/2012 12:05:52)

"Aneira, why do you stare at the moon so much?" Dart asked as he lay in the soft cool grass.

"Because silly, it want's to be appreciated." Said the girl standing next to him staring up at the night sky.

"What do you mean?" Dart asked in confusion.

"Well, think about it. The moon uses the light from the sun to shine on us all. It's always surrounded by the dark, it's like it wants to show people theres a light even in the darkest of times. She answered, it seemed like she thought about that a lot.

Dart just stared in amazement at her, so young, but sometimes he could swear she was smarter than she should be. And then she screamed. Louder, louder, and louder. So loud Dart's ears began to ring.

And then he woke up. "Damn dream again." he said as he started to rub his head. It had been two years since her death, and since he took his revenge, but still the memories plagued him. He stared outside, the sun was just beginning to come over the horizon.

"Her again?" he heard Ichimonji say in his mind.

"Naturally." he said out loud as he got out of the bed he had slept in that night, he couldn't remember whose house this was, but he was happy enough "borrowing" it for a while. He had started sleeping while clutching the sword a long time ago, so it could always talk to him should anything disturb him in the night. He crept silently out of the house and went to the tavern. He didn't much like getting drunk early, but the taven was a good place to hear rumors and occasionally some nice bounties. That, and since he didn't feel like travelling today he had nowhere to go. He ordered what he usually did at all places, pizza.

"Come with me, I'll show you how to make the bloody thing." he said after an hour of arguing with owner. It was simple enough, bread, tomatoes - grinded to a sauce, and cheese. Occasionally some meat too. But he didn't really care so much about the meat, it was like getting two bags of chips out of a vending machine.

"Hey, wrong time, and dimension." Dart yelled.

What do you mean? I'm the narrator, I can compare it to however I want.

"Yeah well it just seems confusing, leaving the time like that."

It's also confusing if the character talks to the narrator, so stop complaining, or I'll say your precious pizza got burnt.

"Shutting up now."

Finally, Dart was able to sit down, and finish his meal. Which was cooked perfectly, not to mention the owner actually PAID him for teaching him a new food. Hmm....maybe I should introduce fried tortilla shells to the local restaurants.

"Psst, Hey." said a man in leather armor at the table next to Dart. Dart acted like he didn't hear anything, you can hardly ever trust a rogue these days. "I know who you are." Said the man. Dart slowly turned to face the man. He was smiling.

Over the years, Dart had built up a nice bounty himself, mostly for breaking and entering, some for thieving, and a couple for murder. To be fair, the world was better off without those people, one was a corrupt doctor who poisoned patients, and another was a greedy mayor who took the peoples money. Of course the people didn't know that, but he didn't much care to explain. Pretty sure that if he DID, he wouldnt be hunted down. Just saying.

"You heard me, I know who you are. And" he continued, "I think I can help you." he finished, still smiling.

Dart laughed, a chuckle at first, then it got bigger, until he was laughing like a maniac. "Help!" he laughed as he hit the table. "What makes you think I need it?" he asked in between breaths. Can somebody explain the joke to me? Please? I got distracted what's he laughing at?

The mans smile faded, clearly he didn't like being turned down. "Show some respect, I could probably kill you and claim that pretty little bounty." he told him, his voice like a low growl.

"Whatever, you're nothing more than a pathetic worm not even worth being crushed under my boots. And you bore me." Dart said as he looked away. Much to Darts expectations the man charged at him with a dagger. In one fluid motion Dart kicked the table up to hit him halfway, and then he put his sword through the man, and the table.

"Nicely done. We don't need any loose ends." Ichimonji told him. "Although, some would say you became rather cruel over time.

"There are none alive who would have known me before to say so, and I don't really care much if there were. I am what I am. The man was a cutthroat anyway." Dart replied. Well, so much for getting some rest, Dart thought as he walked out of the tavern.

Dart Ichimonji -> RE: (DF) two warriors, one body (4/8/2012 12:07:09)

Tch, I hate guards sometimes. Dart thought to himself as he hid deeper in the bushes. It seemed even though HE knew what kind of man the guy in the tavern was, the law didn't. Yet. Dart practically went all over the town trying to find a hiding spot before he found a small thicket near the woods.

"I should really be discreet when I kill, shouldn't I?" He said in a whisper.

Ichimonji chuckled in his mind, "Yes, but I know you won't waste the time on it."

"How right you are my friend." Dart told his blade. Finally the guards gave up their search, and Dart started walking away from this rathole of a town towards the road. Wasn't that bad there really, got some sleep in a bed, and it kinda reminded me of...No, that place is gone. He thought.

"You're doing that so much its out of character." Ichimonji told him.

"Thinking, or remembering how things were?" Dart asked him.

"You remember the old days all the time. I know they haven't left your mind for a single moment, even if sometimes they're deeper in your brain than other things. They're there." was his answer.

Dart just sighed and shrugged, "Thinking it is." After two days of travel he ended up in a pretty good sized fortress. Knights were everywhere, and he even saw a dragon outside the main gate. "I'll have to get me one of them." He said as he walked past. A large armored man met him once he got through the gates.

"Welcome to Oaklore traveller!" Said the man with a smile. "I'm Rolith, captain of the pactogonal knights." he continued.

This guy seemed happy and pleasant to be around. To most that is, Dart was just annoyed. "Why is the captain playing doorman?" He asked.

Rolith just laughed, "I just enjoy seeing new people." he answered

Dart nodded, "Alright then, so what's going on in this place?" Dart had gotten bored with small towns and country roads, it was time for a little excitement.

Rolith thought for a while, "Well, we have a bunch of undead trying to assault the fort, got a sneevil problem going on, and I just cant get sir casm off that catapult." Rolith told him as he rubbed the back of his head in shame. Captain can't control his own men, Dart thought. Still, this seemed at least somewhat promising.

"Alright, where?" Dart asked with a smile. He just HAD to scope out the man Rolith was talking about.

"Actually, just look to your left." Rolith said smiling.

"Oh. Right." Dart said with a nod, how could he have missed it. "Shouldn't you be dealing with that then?

Rolith just smiled more, "I told you, I like seeing new people." he said as they started walking inside.

Dart waited for the man to turn away before rubbing his head. "He should've been doorman instead of captain." he whispered to himself.

Sir Casm, was, just like his name, very sarcastic. Dart instantly liked him. "Riiiiiigghhht, I'd rather be on ground instead of a catapult." When Dart asked him why he didn't get down.

Dart laughed, hard to argue with that logic. After all, who hasn't done stupid things for fun? "Fair enough, where's it aimed at anyway?" he asked the knight.

"Sir Jings chest of lost weapons, cuz he was just soooo important he had to leave his gear in a box surrounded by monsters. I could reeeaaallly use your help." The knight answered

"Alright, I'm coming anyway." Dart said as he jumped onto the catapult and immediately cut the rope." Dude, do you know what I would give to get thrown off a catapult...provided I survive of course.

"Greeeeeaaaat." Sir Casm yelled as they flew through the air. They landed in some ruins, at first Dart thought it was all clear. Then he turned around. Far too many storm elementals to be natural in this one spot he decided. He did most of the killing, Sir Casm just kept muttering something about how watching Dart kill things was so "cooooool". I like this Sir Casm, subtle, but gets his meaning across. Afterward they walked back, carrying a surging sword, staff, and dagger. Wait, sir jing, surging, by jove I've got it!

Once they got in town, Sir Casm climbed back up on the catapult, talking about how he did soooo much work he was tired. Dart just went to the tavern to get a bite to eat, you already know what he ordered. Pizza.

Dart finished his meal and left the tavern. When he got to his room for the night, he washed up. It had been so long since he actually got to clean himself outside of a stream. Relaxing, he thought. Until he looked in the mirror. His brown hair had turned white, and one of his green eyes where turning red.

"What happened to me!?"

he didn't expect it, but Ichimonji answered him. "Side effect of my powers. Don't worry about it."

Dart began to be annoyed, "And you didn't mention this WHY?"

"It's nothing to be worried about. I knew you wouldn't see it that way, so I hid it." was the reply in his head. Then it continued, "There are stages to it too, although you haven't noticed. First the hair turns blood-red, then gradually white, and finally your hair will turn pitch black, but only when using my full power. And the eyes, turn red, then yellow. Each stage signifies how much of my power you can use."

Dart rubbed his chin, "Interesting. So, I'm not where I should be yet." Dart lay down in the rented bed, thinking he'll have to change that soon. He also wondered whether Ichimonji was hiding something from him. And for the first time since he had been shown those memories, he began to doubt this spirit. And what it was.

Dart Ichimonji -> RE: (DF) two warriors, one body (4/8/2012 12:09:00)


Morning came, and Dart left just as quick as he had arrived. He paid for the room with stolen money from the knights money safe. Either I'm good, or they didn't even think anyone would steal from them. He thought to himself, it had been too easy sneaking in and out. He walked without paying attention to where exactly he was going, like always. Eventually he found himself on a bridge, and some other knight was yelling something about a sea monster.

"Oh shut up." Dart yelled back, "I'll be fine if it even shows up." and if it didn't show up, then it wouldn't be as interesting. So it did. Right after he finished that sentence. Dart sighed, "I just had to say something, didn't I? Lesson one about bad guys, talk about them, they come." he said as he got his sword out.

The Serpents right head lunged at him first, Dart rolled to the side and dodged it easily enough. He almost didnt see the left head coming straight at him as he stood up. "Smarter and faster than I thought, distract me, then stirke me." Dart thought out loud as he managed to cartwheel onto it. Only one thing went through Darts mind as he ran up it's neck : Why don't I do more fun things like this?

The hydra was thrashing around trying to throw Dart off, but he would still just keep running around on its neck. "WOOOOO-HOO!" he yelled as he did a baseball slide to avoid another head, then grabbed onto it and brought himself onto that heads neck. Dart laughed as he saw the knight on the far side of the bridge staring in awe. "He'll probably tell people about this, but nobody would believe him." Dart said with a laugh.

This went on for 2 hours before the hydra became exhausted. It moved slower, and with less ferocity. "Alright, I guess I'm done." Dart said as he backflipped off onto the bridge and ran East, he figured he'd keep it alive, then he could come back and have as much fun as he wanted.

"I wish I had the chance to do that when I had a body." Ichimonji told him in his head.

Dart shrugged, "Next time I'll try and get angry, then you can get a chance." Dart arrived at yet another town soon after, at first he thought it said Falcon Beach, but at another look he noticed it was Falconreach. A girl in a hood bumped into him while he was looking at the sign, which he swore the words on the bottom kept changing.

Before she could get out of range, Dart grabbed her shoulder. "You're good, but I caught you." He told her.

"What do you mean?" She asked innocently with open palms.

"My gold, in your pocket there. I noticed you take it." Dart looked her directly into her eyes, and he knew she could see the intensity. She ran for it, straight into an alley. Dart chased, and laughed when he saw it was a dead end. He would have her. Then, she amazed even him. She ran UP the wall, grabbed the top, and flung herself over it.

Hah hah, another sucker. The girl thought as she pulled her hood down, she'd get to eat tonight. "3 course meals, soft beds, untorn clothes, I'm almost tempted to thank him." The girl, said out loud looking back at the wall while she ran.

"Then you're welcome." she heard a voice say. She turned in the direction she heard it, and there he was. Waiting for her, sword unsheated.

"No, how!?" she screamed, "I left you back there, I know I did!"

The man laughed, and simply told her "I have my ways. Now, who are you?" he asked her.

She could tell he had her, so she answered, "Straza."

The man in the red armor sheathed his sword, walked up to her, and shocked her completely. He shook her hand, "I'm Dart. I'm also hungry, so if you'll follow me I think you'll buy us dinner." He said as he started walking torwards the inn. "Don't run, just follow me. I don't kill for petty thievery, but I can easily shatter you entire world."

Straza, for some reason, believed this man could with every fiber of her being. Maybe it was all his scars, his unnatural hair, his one red eye, or his sword which gave her the urge to scream with rage when she saw it. Why did he spare me, and how did he move so fast, I know I saw him look dumb when he saw me go over the wall. She followed close behind him, and promised herself she would get answers about this strange man soon.

Dart Ichimonji -> RE: (DF) two warriors, one body (4/8/2012 12:11:37)

"How did you get to me so fast?" Straza asked him again. She had been asking repeatedly over dinner. Apparently she didn't think she could ever be caught.

Dart just shrugged, "I put one foot in front of the other, you know, like how you learn to do when you want to walk." He told her with a smile. She glared at him, and he just shrugged again. He wasn't going to tell her the truth, but he didn't much care to come up with a story she'd believe. "So, now that my stomachs full, even though my pockets are empty, how did you run up the wall?" he asked her. Running on the hydra was one thing, cuz it created momentum, and Dart just had to use that to stay on, but the wall did nothing.

She snickered, "I put one foot in front of the other." She told him.

Dart chuckled, "Fair enough." He would've taken his money back, but it looked like she needed it more. Her clothes had holes in them, and the sleeves were ripped off. Her pants were black, though Dart was sure they hadn't started off like that. And he saw that look in her eyes when her food arrived.

She asked more questions, how did he get his scars, which he was honest about because battles are common. Why are his hair and eyes so strange, this one he clearly ignored. Then she just glared at him again for the hundredth time that night. Think I'm beginning to make her mad? He asked in his mind.

"Without a doubt." Ichimonji replied.

Well then, too bad for her. She seems decent enough, I can tell the only crime she's ever committed is theft. Can't really blame her either lookin at her.

"Agreed." Ichimonji told him.

Dart turned his attention to the two other customers, they were talking about something very in depth, and in the past that had started him off to some interesting times. One was a man, the other a woman. They looked too much alike to be lovers, so Dart figured they were related somehow.

"I'm telling you somethings going on in the mountains near popsprocket!" The man told the girl.

"And I'm telling you its just a fairy tell the gnomes spread to stop people from visiting them." The woman said as she rolled her eyes.

"Come on Bess, dark figures at night, guards going mad, bodies found shriveled up. I hear one soulweaver determined they were shriveled because they had no souls. How can you make that up?" The man asked. That was all Dart had to hear.

"Straza, it's been fun, I gotta go though. Later." Dart said as he got up.

"Wait, I'm coming with you. You still haven't told me anything, and I DO plan on getting answers." She told him.

Dart thought about it, she could get away easy enough if anything happened, but just in case, "Can you fight?" he asked her.

She smiled, "Just give me a staff."

Dart Ichimonji -> RE: (DF) two warriors, one body (4/8/2012 12:13:29)

They arrived in the mountains near popsprocket the next morning, they would've made it sooner but Dart had to keep feeding Straza. Seemed her frail body had long ago began to turn on itself out of hunger, so she couldn't carry on as long he could. And it wasn't easy hunting in mountain areas, very few creatures lived there.

"Why were you in such a rush to come here anyway?" Straza asked him.

"Well, figured I'd get to see just how tall a gnome really is, never actually seen one up close. And I wondered if they were the size of a baby or bigger." Dart answered with a shrug as he kept walking on.

Straza sighed, "You really don't like to give answers do you?" she asked him.

"Well, in this case I'll make an exception. Nope." He told her with a smile. She made it easy for him to make up snappy comebacks. Dart thought she was about to say more, but if she did he didn't hear it. Just behind a berry bush he could make out the shape of a person. A dead body. Now things are getting interesting, probly shouldn't lead her down this way though. Dart gradually veered off the path as she kept talking, and like he hoped, she didn't even notice.

"...And can you imagine the trouble it was for me to come with you, you should be lucky I'm even interested enough to come..." She just kept going.

She must really get annoyed by me. Dart thought. And even still, not once did she look back. Not when he left the tavern full of bed and food. Not when they were attacked by a unicougar, forcing Dart to end it. Not even when the mountains got colder, and the air got thinner. She was determined, and nothing would get her to leave. I think I've got an ally, Dart thought.

They arrived at the northern Gate of the mountain village, and no sooner did Dart walk in than did he see an armored guard scream and clutch his head as he ran towards them. The man ran out the gate, and kept running. Even after he went off the cliffside.

Straza turned and looked at Dart, a look of worry in her eyes. "Is this why we're here?" she asked him.

Dart met her gaze with no hint of emotion, and nodded. "I'll find a safe place for you, but after that you cant stick by me until I've figured this out." he told her. She was going to argue, but then stopped herself.

"Fine." She sounded beaten.

So Dart got her a room at the inn, told her to board it up good in case a madman tried to attack her, and left. As he neared the southern side of town he noticed another dead body, and another, and another. The more south he got, the more they increased. Then he reached the graveyard. There were more dead bodies ON the ground, than under it. Dart knew this was the source of things, and he hid, until night began to fall.

As the moon began to rise, and the sun began to set, a Dark mist began to gather in the middle of the graves. And as the night deepened, so too did the darkness, until finally it took shape. And Dart was staring at a being of darkness, whose cloak seemed to shift and writhe as if it were real. Dart moved closer to get a better look, and snapped a twig. That was all it took for the creature to notice him.

Dart Ichimonji -> RE: (DF) two warriors, one body (4/8/2012 12:15:18)

Dart kicked down the tavern door when he got back, and almost got beat by Straza until she realized it was him. And, that he had blood all over. There was also some sort of black ooze, almost like a liquified shadow.

"Oh my god, Dart..." she started.

Dart waved her off midsentence and weakly said, "head hurts....rest.." as he tried to make it to the bed. He collapsed in the middle of the room before he made it.

Straza set to cleaning some of his wounds while he was out, "Idiot. I wonder why I bother with you." she said as she rung out another cloth in a bucket and laid it on him.

She thought he was unconscious, so the answer surprised her, "Charming personality, and awesome bod. Thats all you stick around for." Dart said with a weak half smile.

"Shut up. I'm amazed you have the energy to talk. Then again, I get the feeling nothing would shut you up for good." She told him. He just laughed in reply and fell asleep.

For two days Dart had to stay in the little room in the tavern while Straza put up with his complaints and nursed him back to health little by little. He wasn't fully recovered by the second day, but good enough to walk around and spar a bit.

"Straza, grab your staff, we're going outside." He told her.

"What for?" she asked.

"Because I'm bored, I'm a fighter, you have a weapon, and I want to see how good you are. Simple enough." He told her as he went onto the street. "Please don't hold back."

"But you don't have a weapon." She told him.

Dart just shrugged, "Then I shouldn't be a problem."

Dart didn't expect Straza to go with it so easily, but she did. She tried to jab his head, one miss, two, three. Then she tried to bring the back end to his rib cage, he ducked and spun under it easily enough. He brushed her cheek with one finger to mock her, "Awww, look at the flower getting blown by the wind."

Sure enough, it made her mad. Good, 'bout time she got serious. Again she tried to jab his head, at least thats what he thought. She faked a jab then brought the back end in between his legs. Lucky for him he managed to catch it in between his knees at the last second. "You're determined to get as much joy out of this as you can, aren't you?" Dart said as he spun away with a backhand, just stopping inches from her face.

"DAMNIT!" She yelled, "You're injured, how are you doing this so easy?" She asked him.

Dart just shrugged and said, "You're not as good as you think you are. I'll train you sometime when I can." he said as he began to walk away. Then his head began to hurt, and he realized Straza must've thrown the staff at him with his back turned. "Leave it to a woman. Look away and they'll try to puncture your skull." He said as he went and got a handful of the mountain snow for his head. Surprise! Narrator makes a comeback. Yep, bet you all forgot about me. Well, here I am, this time with 20% more smart-aleck comments. Let the joy commense.

Dart Ichimonji -> RE: (DF) two warriors, one body (4/8/2012 12:16:37)

As the creature heard the twig snap, it relaxed, realizing that the incoming soul was a strange soul, it felt ancient, as well as new.. The creature spat; the taste of sweat, anger, and pride was coming so strong from the intruder's mind that it had manifested slightly on his tongue. "Welcome, Dart," It began in a rather normal sounding voice with no accent as it plucked the name from his mind. "Have you come to fight with me?"

Dart slowly walked out of his hiding spot, sword in hand, "That depends," he started, "you do this?" he asked the creature.

"You already know." it told him as it turned its head. "I hope you know that she'll be next."

Dart froze, "How do you know about her?" he asked it intently.

"Same way I know that she tends to your wounds even still." it said with a mocking tone.

Dart rushed forward, "Enough!" he said as he stabbed its stomach. The creature howled in pain only for a moment, then stared into Darts eyes.

"You cannot kill me, I am shadow...and death." it said as it vanished. Dart could still hear its laughter in the air as the landscape changed. And Straza appeared before Dart. Her eyes cut out.

"Dart! Dart! I can't see, take me to the light, please!" She screamed in agony.

All that you love shall become shadow. All that you see shall become death.

It changed again, to the room where Straza was staying, and she was screaming.

She would have done anything for you, and now, she screams alone.

"NO!" Dart said as he pounded the door.

You let her die. You let me take her. But you're glad, are you not? You wished her pain. You wished her undone, unthreaded, unliving.

"Shut up! shut up! shut up!" Dart said as his aura exploded around him in a flash.

Dart woke up in a cold sweat, and immediately Straza woke up too.

"What, are you okay? Did your wounds open?" She asked quickly.

"No...I'm fine. Just remembered that I snore sometimes, didn't want to wake you so I woke up." he said lamely.

She looked at him, clearly not believing the story, but she took it anyway, "Whatever, I'm going back to bed." She said as she crawled into the bed on the opposite side of the room.

Dart stared at her as he remembered the last thing the creature said in the nightmare.

I am coming. For all those you wish to protect, all those you wish to control. I am coming

Dart Ichimonji -> RE: (DF) two warriors, one body (4/8/2012 12:19:03)

Dart woke straza up in a hurry. "Now! We have to move!" he was yelling. She yawned and slowly got out of the bed, much too slowly. "Come on! MOVE!" he said as he gathered his armor and his sword. Straza was about to ask what all the fuss was about when she heard two men from outside through the open window.

"He's in there men, surround the building. He'll pay for his crimes." she heard, and then the sound of men in armor scrambling all over the place. Dart heard it too.

"Damn." he said as he caught a glimpse outside. "Alright, when we leave you STAY behind me, got it?" he told Straza, without even waiting for an answer.

"What's going on!? What did you do!?" she asked him.

In an instant he turned on her, "Keep this in mind : I am not the good guy. And I've 'done' more than I have the breath for." He said as he turned back the other way. He then hoisted his sword onto his shoulder, counted to five, and kicked the door down. It fell onto two armored knights and knocked them out cold.

"These guys are from Oaklore, the pactogonal knights!" Straza told him.

Dart simply said, "I know." there was no emotion coming from him at all. He sounded like the coldest man Straza had ever met. And then he stabbed both of the men. And she realized that that's what he just may be.

After killing the two knights Dart bolted for the back door. If there was one thing he was sure of it was that in the back, there were less prying eyes, and in the back, he could kill. Dart opened the door like one normally would, and came face to face with another knight. "Quick, he's upstairs! He has a hostage too!" Dart told him, mocking fear in his voice. As the knight came inside and went around the corner Dart grabbed him from behind and smashed his helmet. And the head inside.

Straza only looked on in horror. How could this be the same goofy Dart she had known all this time? And which version of him was real? She couldn't know whether to trust Dart, or to be utterly terrified of him.

Dart went back outside, Straza close behind him. We may have traumatized her. he thought.

"It is possible. She may have never suspected what you were capable of until now." Ichimonji replied.

Sometimes I wonder if even I suspect what I can do, Dart thought to himself as another knight approached him sword at the ready. In a flash he struck, Dart merely leaned to the side to avoid the thrust and cut the mans hand off, then quickly moved to the lungs before he began to scream. They may even get out of this scot-free and enjoy some more ambrosial pizza. Sorry dude, not the case. Although I think I'LL go for that pizza.

Dart sheathed his sword and slowed his pace, appearing as just a normal traveling adventurer. It didn't work, as soon as he stepped onto the road he was surrounded.

"Born in Willowshire to wealthy parents, name Dart. That's all we know about you, you've been in hiding for so long. I'm ashamed you even managed to sneak into our base and escape without justice. But not today, you are wanted for 23 cases of random murder, two of them being your own parents. And also for the destruction of a whole village." Said the commander of the group. Dart didn't object.

Straza broke down. Dart couldn't have done this. Not the Dart she knew. The carefree, lazy, goofball Dart, no way. And yet, here were the pactogonal knights, and judging from their appearance, thought Dart quite a dangerous man. Killing his parents, destroying a village, killing 21 people. This was Dart. Not the good guy. I like how just now she's realizing this, when he told her he "doesn't kill for thievery" meaning he DOES kill for other things. Two and two together people, all I'm sayin'.

Dart began to laugh as if he had just been told a joke, "Commander, I suggest you leave. Now." he said as he stared the commander in the eye, a smile on his face.

The commander looked on unfazed, and the knights began to move in. "Take him." The commander said. And Dart exploded. Straza was knocked unconscious.

When she awoke, she found she was being held by Dart. And when she looked around, all she could see was burnt metal. And ash. The village had been wiped out entirely. Dart merely chuckled, "Guess this means I have more questions to dodge?" he asked her.

Straza felt both more at ease, because this was the Dart she was used to, and more horrified. He had just destroyed hundreds of people, and he could still smile and crack jokes. Who was he? Lady, he's your best nightmare...Best, not worse though, that's filled with Paladins.

Dart Ichimonji -> RE: (DF) two warriors, one body (4/8/2012 12:20:48)

Dart carried Straza back down the mountain, if he put her down she would only stay slumped on her knees, a dead look in her eyes. When Dart spoke to her, he was met with silence. And when he tried to feed her, nothing changed. Finally, when nearing the outskirts of Falconreach, Dart got tired of it.

"Alright, this is getting ridiculous. I guess I'll explain some things." Dart told her as he put her down. She just nodded slowly, the only movement since he destroyed the village two days ago.

"I did not kill my parents, and I did not destroy a village....at least, no village other than that one. The day I took to wandering, is the day I discovered my home had been raided by bandits. Few months after that, I found myself in a small village. Nice, quiet place. People there were simple, you get the picture. I went out to chop some wood, came back and found the place on fire, my love was impaled to the ground with a sword." He explained. He had to look away as he said it, he wasn't going to cry, but there was a definite sadness in his eyes.

Finally she spoke, faintly, "I'm sorry." she told him, turning her head away from him out of mercy.

"But I did kill the other 21 people....actually, there were much more than that. But the guards wouldn't be able to find those bodies. What I do, I do for a reason. Some people do not deserve to live, it's as simple as that." He finished. As he expected she didn't react much, but there was at least some life in her eyes.

"Now let's go." he said as he picked her back up and began walking.

They avoided going through Falconreach, the chance of guards being there was too high. So, they kept walking. On, and on, until the forest turned black. The grass was as dead as the trees, and the sky was a constant darkness. Doomwood. Now, Straza was able to walk on behind him, which was a smart place to be. It seemed nearly every 5 minutes they were ambushed. It was always either the undead, the lycans, or vampires. They fended them off for two days, but even Dart could not keep this up.

Dart barely dodged the lycans claws, and slashed its stomach. Then he collapsed on his knees. "Finally, some rest." he said in between breaths. It was short lived. Bloodwolves came out of the bushes now, an entire pack. I can't move. How long has it been since the last time we could stop? Dart thought. Well, judging by the trajectory of the moon...and the umm..moon, I'd say it's been a while.

Straza moved in front of him, staff at the ready. She brought it down on wolf's skull as it lunged, then swept another ones legs and slammed the staff down on its ribs. But she hadn't had rest either. A wolf pounced on her back, and started clawing and biting at her.

Dart thought it was over, for both of them, when suddenly a shining knight came out with a golden axe that seemed to shine.

"Only bloodwolves? I thought I sensed a werewolf here." the man said as began to take on the bloodwolf pack. When it was over he walked over to Straza and began healing her. As he did, he turned to Dart. "Can you walk friend?" he asked.

Dart nodded and slowly stood, "Yeah, I'm good. Thanks for saving her, I'm actually ashamed I couldn't do it myself. I've only been able to keep her safe for two days." Dart told the man.

"Two days!?" the man exclaimed, "You must be very skilled, people rarely survive even one day in this part of Doomwood." he told him as he continued healing Straza.

"Not surprised, there was hardly any time we werent fighting." Dart told him in reply.

"I don't doubt it friend. Listen, I don't normally do this to random people, but you seem very skilled. I'd like to ask you to join me and my cause." The man said as he finished healing Straza.

"Depends, who are you and what is the cause?" Dart asked as he picked Straza up on his back again and let her sleep.

The man smiled, "I am Artix Von Krieger, and I'd like you to become a paladin."

Dart Ichimonji -> RE: (DF) two warriors, one body (4/8/2012 12:22:23)

Dart thought about the mans offer as he rested against a gravestone. Apparently the man, Artix, had a base in a graveyard with a giant skull door. A bloody paladin. Him? Somehow he didn't think he fit the image of a light wielding hero of the people. And it meant being nice. And reasonable. Who wants to bother with that? He just perfectly described why I hate Paladins.

"It would be a chance to learn some new skills." Ichimonji told him.

Dart sighed, "Magic and light skills. Neither of which appeal to me."

"Then look at it as a way to keep her safe." said the spirit.

Dart looked at Straza, sleeping on a small pallet next to him, who could probably easily best a normal man. But he didn't worry about a normal man. Ameril was his problem. Dart still remembered the creatures words in his dream "I am coming." and he believed them.

Dart let out another sigh, why did things have to be so annoying sometimes? "Fine, I'll train her, and see what I can learn". Dart said as he stood up and went to Artix. "Guess I'll do it. Get the fireworks, call the marchers, inform the town criers. I'll become a Paladin." Dart told him with a chuckle. Oh, Dart, we'll remember you well.

Artix shook his hand with a smile, "Great! Now to just take the test."

Dart stopped shaking hands, "What? What test?" he asked.

It was Artix's turn to chuckle, "You may be skilled, but nobody becomes a paladin unless they can pass the test." and then his face became grim, "Darkness grows only stronger Dart, I can feel it. To officially call yourself a Paladin, you must face the darkness head on, and you must conquer it. And this is no easy task." he said.

Dart rubbed his temples, "Damn right of passage. Fine." he told him.

"Count me in too!" they heard a voice say. They turned to look who spoke, and saw Straza limping towards them. "Don't leave me out of this, I want to get strong. And," she looked at Dart, "I still have questions for you. And by the Avatars I WILL have answers."

Artix nodded, "Good, help each other. I fear you may need it when the time comes for your test." And with that, Artix took off to find more undead.

Straza stared at Dart, "So," she started, "who were you talking to?"

Dart shrugged, "What do you mean? You just saw me speak to Artix." he told her.

"Not him. I mean who were you talking to before him. When you were sitting by that grave." she asked.

Darts eyes grew wide, she wasnt asleep then when he spoke to Ichimonji. "Oh crap." Hahaha, busted. And hell hath no fury like a womens scorn for secretive men. Trust me.

He was about to throw her a fake answer when suddenly Artix came crashing to the ground. Something threw him over the trees. "Dart, Straza, Run!" he said as he stood up and charged back into the trees.

Straza was about to go grab her staff but Dart stopped her, "Should we really save him? He's too much of a goody goody for me." he told her. He instantly got slapped.

"Filth! He saved our lives and you intend to let him die!?" She screamed over her shoulder as she began walking.

Dart caught her by her shoulder, but his demeanor was different. "Don't touch me again. Ever." he said as he took her staff out of his hands. She was about to slap him again for threatening her, but he easily swatted away her hand, and then broke her staff. Run chick, RUUUUNNNN!

"What the hell!?" She screamed at him.

Dart threw the pieces to the ground, "Wait here." he said as he began walking into the trees after Artix. If Dart was silent, he could hear the sounds of battle close by, so he followed it. And when he reached it, he saw Artix pinned to the ground. Under a giant dracolich's foot.

Dart unsheathed his sword, "Well how the hell did we miss this?" he said as he swiped a tree down.

"We didn't really look." Ichimonji told Dart as he threw the tree at the dragon.

Sure enough, the tree hit, and Dart had the beasts full attention. "Here lizard lizard lizard." Dart taunted as he began walking over to a beat up Artix.

"Dart, get out of here!" Artix told him as he helped him up. Dart punched him.

"Be quiet, and go back to camp. I'll be there in a bit." Dart said as he threw Artix through the trees in the direction of the camp. Just imagine, Artix flying through the air and crash landing. It's a happy thought.

The dracolich roared its fiercest roar, and Dart let out a battle cry to match it. Then, they charged.

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