Class Suggestion Thread (Full Version)

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ChaosWeaver -> Class Suggestion Thread (8/10/2011 18:33:32)

I'm hoping for no one to troll on this >>. But is there a chance this can be implemented?

Rickyb20 -> RE: Class Suggestion Thread (8/11/2011 2:47:50)

Are you talking about AQW? If so, then this cannot happen because AE simply isn't taking any class suggestions. If you're talking about another game, then I don't know.


G Man -> RE: Class Suggestion Thread (8/18/2011 23:45:05)

Not likely to happen cause a class takes a very ling tome to code...

EpicDevilDestroyer -> RE: Class Suggestion Thread (9/5/2011 12:03:41)

The reason why AQW does not take suggestions because people might make a troll class or an indestructable one just for themselves
skill 5: you can 1-hit KO everything. 1 sec cooldown, no mana
this skill can only use by it's creator!
See what I mean?

Symbolicy -> RE: Class Suggestion Thread (9/5/2011 14:46:06)

I disagree with this idea. Most people in the community will be posting really OP classes.

Imagine a AE staff takes the effort reading post upon post, and all they find are members posting about OP perks. I think the staff will get fed up just reading things over and over.

Personally, they should just keep the way it is. It just won't work in my opinion.

Kain -> RE: Class Suggestion Thread (9/7/2011 0:43:28)

The types of suggestions that are accepted in a game suggestions forum are not defined by the forum staff, but by the game staff. If a specific suggestion is not being taken, it's because the game developers decided they can't implement it at the moment for reasons such as already having plans for future classes or not having resources to work on it at the moment. Even if a Class Suggestion thread was created, it wouldn't be useful as none of the suggestions on it would be used, so there's nothing the forum staff can do about this.

If you have a suggestion that isn't covered by one of the threads in the Suggestion board, I suggest saving it until a thread about it is created, but please take in consideration it's possible this type of suggestion won't be taken in the near future or at all.

Blackwinged -> RE: Class Suggestion Thread (9/19/2011 10:25:36)

I think they should have a class suggestions thread, even if most people would just suggest OP classes. That would just make it easier for people like me to get class suggestions in. I know AE wouldn't be able to make many class suggestions because they're busy with stuff and classes take a long time to code, but i still think it would be cool.

Aura Knight -> RE: Class Suggestion Thread (9/19/2011 16:40:18)

One thing I would like to add is that if there is no class suggestion thread, then why do we have a storyline suggestion thread? I mean after all in almost all the stoylines, a class is associated with the area. Not having the ability to suggest classes but having the ability to suggest everything else for an area is pointless. I understand that the AQW staff might not implement the classes in the game, but that is no reason for not allowing us to be able to write our suggestions. This kind of thing that is going on is against our constitutional right of freedom of speech. We should be able to voice our opinions and we should also be able to write our suggestions as well. Some people actually like coming up with suggestions, but for the most part, the suggestions in the AQW forums are in regards to items that can be put in game. So far suggestions are favoring artists and experienced writers. But what if there are players out there who are not artists or do not have good writing skills? I feel those players are being left out of the whole suggestion forums and if they have an idea, it should be heard. Now you might be asking yourself what that kind of player would be able to do. Well, if I am not mistaken, class suggestions are really easy to write. All you have to do is name the skills and write what their effects are. This is basically what any player can do. This would be considered a basic class suggestion and anyone can write one. The only flaw I find in this is that the skills need to have some kind of animation. At this point, the person suggesting could come up with it, but since it would take much time to animate the class skills, it would be pointless to even write what the animations would be like. Be that as it may, I feel that we should be able to write class suggestions. They don't have to be implemented, but it would be fun to write them. Now, I am just voicing my opinion and by making this post, I want everyone to know that I am in full support of a class suggestion thread in the AQW Suggestion Forums.[:D]

The Forgotten -> RE: Class Suggestion Thread (9/19/2011 21:56:55)


This kind of thing that is going on is against our constitutional right of freedom of speech. We should be able to voice our opinions and we should also be able to write our suggestions as well.

FYI, you have no constitutional right to freedom of speech here; the first amendment only applies to public and governmental sectors, not private corporations. As AEF is owned by a private company, they have the authority to place restrictions on user behavior as they see fit.

Furthermore, there is no reason why you can't type out class ideas in a text document, then save it to be submitted in the future should a class suggestion thread be created. As what types of suggestions are accepted is totally at the discretion of the game designers, this thread is unlikely to get anywhere. Thus, locked.

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