Constructive Feedback (Full Version)

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Nexus... -> Constructive Feedback (8/11/2011 3:58:56)

With this clause


...please refrain from creating threads with the sole purpose of complaining about things in the game, such as lag

They are able to lock/delete anything that remotely goes against any feature/item/idea in the game. This means you cannot be constructive, because it will be seen as "complaining", which means it will be locked. With this clause, the forum has been restricted to solely positive feedback.

This is wrong. Does this mean the end of user suggestions and feedback?



Fatal Impact -> RE: Constructive Feedback (8/11/2011 4:03:35)

Go ahead Scakk, find a reason to delete/lock this...

comicalbike -> RE: Constructive Feedback (8/11/2011 4:04:30)

you must not talk this will be locked

Scakk -> RE: Constructive Feedback (8/11/2011 4:07:58)

Feedback , wether postive or negative, is always welcome. The issue comes from the way some people put forth their feedback with their aggresive nonpolite post.

Suggestions are also welcome if they are posted in the Suggestions Forum and given in a polite manner. Agressive post and argumentative type post do not lead towards a goal to better the game for all.

Fatal Impact -> RE: Constructive Feedback (8/11/2011 4:16:45)

@Sackk: "Constructive Feedback" is the key word.

Not agressive or argumentative.

Synbad Syndicated -> RE: Constructive Feedback (8/11/2011 4:19:19)

nexus/fatal give it a rest. i personally like this new epicduel. i may have given away my account, but i check hear at least twice a week and it's always the same crap. when you say constructive criticism i say complaints. it's all ways (been) the same thing over and over and over for the past 3 months. don't like it leave, be patient of what the future may bring, take a long vaca, or anything. it's just a game. you spent money, so what. we all have spent money on something we regretted later on in life. your money, your risk. it's not their fault. to others you can't keep bashing the game over and over until you get what you want/what you think it should feel like. we all make mistakes and this game has lot, but you learn from those mistakes. as for the luck unbalance, i'am 100% it was a member of epicduel who made/suggested the idea of luck be implement +months ago, everyone said yes to the idea by a large majority. so what happened? everyone starting spamming negatively how luck this & that or devs fix it & devs your fault, be careful what you wish for. i thought the aqw community use to be bad, but ya'll take the cake. i watch from the shadows.

There is life outside one game.

Fatal Impact -> RE: Constructive Feedback (8/11/2011 4:23:52)

@phrax: thanks, I will leave.

phycocat18 -> RE: Constructive Feedback (8/11/2011 4:28:12)

I like that it finally means no more nerf them buff me threads. Those trolls were getting on my nerves. But I have to admit that this new take over on the ED GD is way to strict. I'd like to remind the mods that this is an American site and as such is protected under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution

skydrite -> RE: Constructive Feedback (8/11/2011 5:11:09)

These forums are private property of AE. Private Property, or Private Action, is exempt from the Constitutional laws in place, and answers only to the laws subsequentially passed by congress, or state legislation, adhering to this topic.

By signing up to the forums, you have agreed to the Terms and Conditions which stipulate, amongst others: "4.d. If asked by a member of Staff to stop or change a behavior or action, you will do so;" as well as "21. FORUMS & COMMUNICATIONS.
"Forum" means a chat area, message board, instant messaging, mobile messaging or e-mail function (including, but not limited to, electronic greeting cards) offered as part of any Company Site. If you participate in any Forum within a Company Site, you agree to follow our terms set forth below.
You acknowledge that anything you submit to a Company Site by way of any Forum is routed through Company's servers and the Internet and that, therefore, you have no expectation of privacy with regard to any such submission."
And finally: "30. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.
Thus by utilizing an account on the forums, you agreed to be bound to these stipulations. Which invoke the understanding that the forums are private property (As they are on private servers) and to follow directions by staff members (Thus forum rules restricting free speech on these forums).
Therefore any attempt at legal action is futile, and we advice you not to take it to save yourself the expenses.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Constructive Feedback (8/11/2011 5:21:36)

there is 30 new message on topics when i woke up and 17 of them is locked , i think there was also deleted ones :D

Sipping Cider -> RE: Constructive Feedback (8/11/2011 5:23:13)


there is 30 new message on topics when i woke up and 17 of them is locked , i think there was also deleted ones :D

Big changes coming. Big changes.

phycocat18 -> RE: Constructive Feedback (8/11/2011 5:38:16)


These forums are private property of AE. Private Property, or Private Action, is exempt from the Constitutional laws in place, and answers only to the laws subsequentially passed by congress, or state legislation, adhering to this topic.

It maybe Their forum, but opening it up for others for others to speak holds it under the law and therefore illegal to impose restrictions to free speech. If they are not willing to obey the law then there really shouldn't be a forum but if was the chose of the staff to make the forums, therefore they made the chose to break the law and the most popular of them all too. And no matter what anyone says NOBODY is above the law.

skydrite -> RE: Constructive Feedback (8/11/2011 5:41:33)

As quoted from the =AE= Comprehensive Forum Rules:


All Artix Entertainment, LLC related games, forums, etc. are in the private sector. This means that some rights such as the freedom of speech do not apply, as that is only for the governmental and public sectors. Also, implications/threats to sue may result in anything from a warning, post deletion, thread lock, or a ban of your forum account.

As such, there is nothing to debate about this particular topic.

phycocat18 -> RE: Constructive Feedback (8/11/2011 6:00:44)

The last sentence in the quote is a clear sign that they know what they are doing is illegal. I'm sorry but I will never allow anyone to take away my 1st amendment rights. It is so sad to see this place so down the drain so quickly but I will not be bullied. And the freedom of speech always is applied, saying it's not does not make it true. This site in America It must follow the host sites state laws as well as any and all laws that affect every state, and the Constitution does effect every state. Ban me if you want but you'll just be proving my point to everyone here that the mods here think free speech is not welcome, and are illegally trying to force their views on others. Then what would the point of the forums be if nobody can post anything. Where does it stop? When will people stop trying to take our rights away? Just how much more to the people like this think the people will take?

ArtixRadinGod -> RE: Constructive Feedback (8/11/2011 6:05:03)

It's apart of fine print. And you talk as if it's something you earned. You clearly don't understand what freedom of speech actually means. Harassing someone in any what way including the staff or their works example saying the lag sucks and you guys need to fix it is a perfect example of it. It's against the forum rules to harass staff or any of that sort and if you harass someone in real life that's not under the act of being able to speak freely. It's simply harassment. So what they're doing is 100% allowed, okay... bye.

Sipping Cider -> RE: Constructive Feedback (8/11/2011 6:07:05)

Well, lucky 1st Amendments Rights are not always there. It turns out that places that are owned by a private company can have control over this stuff. My grandma was working at a post office and there were some very racist customers that were holding up signs that were inappropriate but since they were doing it inside the post office building she was allowed to order them out or not let them hold up the racist signs that they made.

Of course, this can be a bad thing too since there are places that control bad things, but you did agree to Terms and Conditions when joining these forums and the people who own this site have complete control over it.

skydrite -> RE: Constructive Feedback (8/11/2011 6:23:27)

Then phycocat18, I encourage you to re-read your link and also the posts I have made as a reply.

This has gone on long enough and far off of what the original topic's purpose. In that case, we will end it here.

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