New Horizons for Epic Duel General Discussion (Full Version)

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Sipping Cider -> New Horizons for Epic Duel General Discussion (8/11/2011 4:28:07)

Well, there is a new Head moderator in Epic Duel General Discussion. This could mean better forums or worse, only time will tell. Either way, there are some things that I just found out that are no longer allowed or have been changed.

There is one thread for balance, which I think needs to change. Discussion of balance covers many topics, which requires many threads. Balance between classes, balance between weapons, balance between levels, balance in the different battle modes, and many more. It is true that lots of threads on balance that cover the same topic are used to be created multiple times, and ending that would be an improvement. However, more threads on the different aspects of balance should be opened so discussions can occur and be more productive.

Also, the only Fame thread that existed was locked, and even though I never participated in it, I do not understand why it was stopped. There was no flaming, no hate, no off topic discussion going on in that thread. I think that thread should be re-opened.

Remember, change can be unsettling, but those that adapt will do best. My favorite saying, by Jackie Chan, is "The one thing you can expect in life is change". So change will come to the forums, and although I like lots of the Ideas from our new head moderator, I think some of the ideas to need some improvement.

Edit: Now I know why fame thread was destroyed. I think it is justified enough.

Fatal Impact -> RE: New Horizons for Epic Duel General Discussion (8/11/2011 4:36:13)

I dont know what they are trying to do, but it needs to stop.

Sipping Cider -> RE: New Horizons for Epic Duel General Discussion (8/11/2011 4:39:50)

I think they are trying to stop all the flaming and off topic posting that used to happen in the forums there, but I think they are going about it the wrong way.

Cataclysm -> RE: New Horizons for Epic Duel General Discussion (8/11/2011 5:16:49)

I noticed the Balance Thread and voiced concerns about it myself, thinking it may very well stifle discussion. I brought up the idea with LB of a dedicated subforum to Game Balance, akin to what MechQuest and AdventureQuest have. I got a response that satiated my curiosity, though I deleted it. I remember the gist of what it was. Something like this:

The devs have no desire to have an entire subforum dedicated to Game Balance. The thread will suffice, unless the dev team decides that there is a need for a forum for balance issues, at which point one will likely be created.

I understood this. Unless the devs want it, there's really not going to be one. The second part ran something similar to this:

Furthermore, the AKs are already working hard as it is. It seems unnecessary to task them with an additional subforum to look around. A single thread will be much easier for the ArchKnights tasked with watching over the EpicDuel Forums to navigate and negotiate.

Also understandable, given that the ED section seems to be, quite frankly, the most, shall we say, "incindiary" (and by "incindiary," I mean flame-tastic) out of all of the forums here. Though, this could be remedied by adding in some new AKs, I understand LB's reluctance there.

So, that's what I recollect from the PM I recieved back from LB after voicing my concerns. Looks like a subforum dedicated to GBI won't be cropping up unless the devs request one. Though, I could feasibly see a couple more threads dedicated to different areas of game balance cropping up. We'd need some more input from LB on this one.

Sipping Cider -> RE: New Horizons for Epic Duel General Discussion (8/11/2011 5:26:38)

Hmmm, good to know why the one thread for balance discussion was created.

It does sound like ED GD does need more Arch Knights, but that can not just happen over night since I want my Arch Nights to be fully certified and thoroughly looked over before chosen, and I think that is what happens when Arch Knights are picked.

Still, I would think just a few more threads on balance discussion should be ok.

goldslayer1 -> RE: New Horizons for Epic Duel General Discussion (8/11/2011 6:58:23)

IMO i think its unfair they keep it in one thread.
i mean arguments are arguments no matter what words are in them.

trying to censor it is pointless seeing as young gamers dont know of the forums.
and most of ED forumities is a varium user (varium user = most likely to be 18+ years old)

ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: New Horizons for Epic Duel General Discussion (8/11/2011 10:49:45)

I will only put in my two cents about this:


Also, the only Fame thread that existed was locked, and even though I never participated in it, I do not understand why it was stopped. There was no flaming, no hate, no off topic discussion going on in that thread. I think that thread should be re-opened.

According to some ED forumites, the thread spawned a lot of begging via PM, which made individuals loath to use the PM system at all (and which, of course, is against the Universal Rules). They also, for whatever reason, did not inform the moderation. This change allows forum users to benefit from the use of the Private Message system without fear of begging/spam.

Sipping Cider -> RE: New Horizons for Epic Duel General Discussion (8/11/2011 11:42:54)


According to some ED forumites, the thread spawned a lot of begging via PM, which made individuals loath to use the PM system at all

Ok that makes sense to me. I guess I just have been lucky enough to not get any of these PMs, but if it is making people not use the system then I could see how fame should be removed from the forums.

BlueKatz -> RE: New Horizons for Epic Duel General Discussion (8/12/2011 7:44:24)

For short, I disagree with sticky thread. They just make discussion less good

Circe -> RE: New Horizons for Epic Duel General Discussion (8/16/2011 20:16:46)

I have no problem with this thread/discussion. I appreciate you keeping it productive and respectful. I just wanted to pop in to say one quick thing:

This is not a permanent change. Cinderella's new position required a change and now she's doing an awesome job in ED Suggestions, paying attention to what you guys are suggesting and relaying your interests/concerns/ideas back to the developers so that ED can reflect the interests of BOTH the devs and of the players. It's a necessary job that can be difficult, but Cin is doing a remarkable job. In doing that, the ED GD got neglected and there are some players that took advantage of that. I think (hope!) that we can all recognize and agree that the GD got rather disgusting and really needed to be cleaned up. It's purpose is to promote and permit discussion of the game, which is hard to do when you're surrounded by spam, flaming, trolling and other nasty behaviors. Enter Lord Barrius.

LB is like a relieving pitcher. I asked him to step in because I remember what he did for the DF GD. Back back back when it was first starting out, he really stepped in and made a difference in a DF GD that was full of, as I identified above, spamming, flaming and trolling. And look at the DF GD now! It's obviously been a long and arduous evolution, but now it's grown under the previous heads so that LANDIS has a beautiful forum where players can really participate and make a difference. They interact with the developers, they interact with each other. The DF GD is really the example of what I'd love all our GDs to be. The ED GD can be like that - it really can be free and open and enjoyable. But not until players realize that the rules are not speed limits - they are not suggestions. You have to follow them. Respecting each other is not optional. LB is here to teach everyone how to get along and unfortunately he's going to take a beating while he does it. Revoking the ability to discuss balance freely, shutting down threads before they start to degenerate into flame fests. These are all crucial steps in getting things back under control. Once things settle down and players remember how to conduct themselves in a polite and respectful manner, things will loosen up. Until then... buckle up!

I just wanted to make sure that we're all on the same page here in terms of expectations. Guess that wasn't such a quick thing. Ah, what can ya do...

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