if the mods r so harsh then wats our need to use the forums ?? (Full Version)

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SouL Prisoner -> if the mods r so harsh then wats our need to use the forums ?? (8/11/2011 12:16:10)

or even play the game!!

if they think they alone can mange the game then "gud luck"

u arent doing any favour to us..

forums r ment for players "n this way u apply rules n lock n delete forums then i guess there wont be ani body to moderate!!!

ever1 is quiting forums "wake up devs "

b4 all is gone !!

rest "lord is enough mature to understand

this is bussiness "u' make it "v" buy it

so no "favouring " one side

gud luck[>:]

Remorse -> RE: if the mods r so harsh then wats our need to use the forums ?? (8/11/2011 12:17:02)

I'm giving this 1 maybe 2 mins before never being seen agian..

Basicball -> RE: if the mods r so harsh then wats our need to use the forums ?? (8/11/2011 12:19:08)

mine got deleted in 20 secs flat

Lord Barrius -> RE: if the mods r so harsh then wats our need to use the forums ?? (8/11/2011 12:19:50)

I guess I'm going to disappoint you then and lock it instead.

You're welcome to discuss forum policy with me in PM. But the next person to do so in public for the sole purpose of starting a fight is getting a minimum of a warning. This is ridiculous. I've locked a half dozen threads and you're all flipping your goggles. Cut it out.

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