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LunarWarlord -> Stories (8/11/2011 17:54:25)

I do not know if this will be "against" the new rules or not, Because I have not read them yet. But tell me your stories of EpicDuel, from beginning to end. As an example...

My stories: My first charter was Dschasteen, the worst account ever. I made it to lvl 26. After I realized how unsuccessful that account was, I made a new one. The name of the second one was Dschasteen2 ( Yes, I know not much of a name difference.) How ever on this account, I had some varium.. But it was still A bad account. Dschasteen2 was a merc. And a leader of a very old faction. Lunar Warlords. After I realized I have just created another horrible account. I started a new one. Called LunarWarlord aka MemoriesNeverFade now.
That is where I started to learn more and more about the game. How different classes worked. What skills to use for each class. Ect. This account was in LunarWarlords in Beta. ( I didn't know it was against the rules to have two accounts in the same faction at once at that time.) Eventually I ended up quitting the game when I got LunarWarlord to lvl 25. I would still go on every now and then. But not Much.
6 months after my retirement. I logged on just to see what was new in-game. And ended up meeting an old friend name Bunjira. ( The main officer of Legit.) When I asked him to join Legit. He let me in, He saw that my builds were actually smart for my lvl. And my win ratio was over half. As a non varium. And that is where my real account started. I became an officer of Legit at lvl 28. And then I left Legit at lvl32. ( I left quite a few times.) but however after I left Legit at that lvl. I joined DSX. Got the world domination achievement and left.
As soon as a got the world domination achievement. I became 3 stars. Eventually I beat 4 of the npc. Which were Titan, Overlord guard, Hank, And I forgot the other ones name. But after that I became 4 stars. And I also became an Warlord, around that time. Eventually I switched to Mage. And Changed my name. At that time I had no idea how bad Mages sucked if you weren't experienced with them. My ratio went down sadly. But I still managed to get 150 wins a day or so.
A few months later. I was almost 5 stars, and 500 kills away from being a commander. So I decided to join a faction that I know I would get a lot of kills in. When I first met Sara1515, aka yapzZ, she was in the faction called Three Stars and A Sun. She added me to it. And I got 500 kill within 2 days. With a 94 percent ratio. Eventually with those 500 tokens, I bought myself a achievement to earn my 5th star. And I became a Commander. I left Three Stars And A Sun after I became an officer. due to the fact of in activity. So I joined Knights of the Round. It was a great faction. But I had to leave because I was going to be in active for a few days.
Even when I came back I was inactive. But all those days I was inactive, I learned about new builds. From more experienced Mages. Angels Holocaust was the one who taught me the build I am using right now, And it's amazing. Recently I left Legit to go and find an active faction. I found out about the faction Neva Give Up. They were active, Most of the time. But when I realized who the leader was. I found out I use to be Co. captain of the old Neva Give Up. As of right now that is as far as my history with EpicDuel has gone, but as my days gone on in EpicDuel. I will keep adding more to my history. Now I would like to learn your stories of how you became the player you are today.

A side note. I would also like to write down every persons story, So Epic Duel will officially have a History book.

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 18:09:43)

One of the most creative threads ever. Also nice story. I will add my story later since it is so long.

LunarWarlord -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 18:12:36)

Thank you^ I would love to hear about your story of EpicDuel, knowing about how much of a pro. Player you are.

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 18:28:08)

This is a great start, I enjoy topics like this. Lunar, I do suggest by breaking your story into segments, so it is more readable. :)

rej -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 18:30:20)

i'm going to shorten this down into a list a typoe of list.
made my account some time in november (Techmage)
reached level 10 and joined a faction (The Faction was its name)
got my younger brother to play.
left first faction to join brothers
had to leave due to accusations
made my own fac (ED DRAGONLORDS )
reached level 32
attained 1v1 and 2v2 champ achievments (2v2 was while i was in elemental void)
remade ED DRAGONLORDS (only this time with an X on the end, because someone not worth mentioning 'borrowed' the name while i was elsewhere)
did boring things not worth mentioning
quit because of the massive monetary issues and lack of balance
the end.

wario the great -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 18:34:54)

since im bored ill write my story

I first knew about epicduel when they merged with AE. The 1st thing i did was check out the game and thought it was ok so i bought founder for my account, which was called ran knightx. I began the game as a bh since i though they were the best looking and the no1 at solo 1v1 was gamal at the time, who was a bh. I didnt understand the game at first and had a really rubbish build and had more losses then wins. I made my own faction called squad x whic was quite succesful then i decided to join a better faction, this faction was founer omega task force. I got around 300 wins in it then decided o leave because one of my friends told me to join a faction called Heavens Gates (this is where I met most of my good friends e.g. Hunting Hounds now known as Xtreme Xecution, Skater18 now known as Teranix, Sparkmaster now has a new account called Dunk That Oreo and The founder of this faction Golden II now known as Sixth Severe). In this faction i learnt all about the skills and builds of each class and when i was around lvl 25 i changed class to tech mage which has been my most favourite class. This faction was disbanded and I then join DidoOo killers team where i began becoming good at the game. I got around 3000 wins and had become an officer then i decided to make my own faction and left. The faction I made was called Zealous Knights but it was disbanded within days because I found the faction was going nowhere. I asked VIX and Laz if I cold join BKOC andto my suprise I was included since i was still a hero rank. BKOC was very competetive and fun at the same time and I helped them gain many medals until VIX left to make CAD and nearly everyone left with him. I was like the only one left then we became inactive. And here i am waiting for BKOC to be revived.

so that is my story

edit: i missed out quite a bit since i forgot it and i also quit for like 3-4 months when i was like lvl 20

LunarWarlord -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 18:36:13)

^^ This thread is not made to talk about why you quit, It's your story. Saying you quit because of Balance, Lag ect. Will get this thread locked, Which I do not want to happen. Take your issues somewhere else. Not on my thread, Thanks for understanding. However what was the factions name, Where you one 1vs1, And 2vs2 championships ?


This is a great start, I enjoy topics like this. Lunar, I do suggest by breaking your story into segments, so it is more readable. :)

Sorry, I didn't really think while I was writing it. I just started writing ;D. But however will do.

@Zeal: Very nice story. Black Knights of Chaos is an Amazing faction. And always will be. I hope they will come out of retirement one day to rule EpicDuel once again.

Pegadius -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 18:50:01)

My story

So i noticed Epic duel when i chilled around at AQ and i noticed a new game was released. so i tried it, i HAD no idea what so ever about the stuff that was going on so i just ran around the towns and battling. Sadly that time i did not even know what achievements were so i didn't get founder achievement...dangit. My first account was called Pegadius (TM) My friend Tasuja (was a merc, now is TLM) teach me few things about this game, about the builds and stats and so on, few weeks later i was lvl 27 i started to understand how bad class a mage was, i just wanted to be different from my friends. i also joined a faction my friend Tasuja made Asatru :].
later i got bored of tech mage so i made another account and it was called 1337backstabber1337 (BH) epic name isn't it? in every game i try to be the sneaky and the epic rogue looking one, but then it happened again. when i reached lvl 27 ..something horrible happened...level 32's were so over powered, loss soon overtake the win and so i lost interests in my bounty hunter. i started playing with Pegadius again (TM) and things were going really good actually, then the rare thing came where you buy the varium and you get free stuff with it, but i didn't buy the largest package because of shortage on money, i bought the 2500 varium one so i got a marauder bike, i was so happy and i finally got me some good armor. i looked pimpin' good with my stuff so i went to battle. few days later my friend Tasuja bought 10k varium and i was sad because i knew there would be no way of me defeating him now. so his win and ratio went up, while mine went down. i was bigger level than him tho he took a small break from ED when i reached the level of 30 then i also lost interest in epic duel and i realized how over powered everyone else was. then i finally made a third account AceOfShovels (Merc) things went amazingly at the beginning because of hybrid armor is the best. i reached 27 in no time and then after that 30 and now here i am with my faction, a little bit of varium tesla armor and an amazing faction, + conquering fame daily leaderboard. well here was my story
Sorry for all the typos
i am foreign ... xD :]

Shadow Jester -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 18:54:40)

When i first created my account in Dec 2009 i was a fail...
I had a Bounty Hunter and Mage account. I never tried Merc.
I always looked on the LBs. I saw angels and Fay beee. Angels was a role model i never ment. She was a legend . I finally met Buffy at the Level 13. She let me met Angels for the first time. Angels was very nice to meet me to met me lol. I was a noob. I told her "Ill join legit when i'm a high level, Ill be your top officer :)". She said "Good Luck" and she left. Buffy was a role model to me. She helped me with BH Builds and TM builds. I finally got to meet her Faction Members. Dark Vedal was my best friend back then . She was always nice . It was amazing to have a friend like her. To this day i still miss her.

When i got to a higher level ( around 20) i met a guy named Green Warrior or something like that lol. He gaved me a good caster build. I still have that build <3
I got varium at the level 24. 2500 Varium . Made a faction, Got Hairstyles, Name Change. I had a great nooby faction . After that i left the game and joined back in gamma. ( i WAS PLAYING aq,DF,aqworlds during the months of JAN-Augest)

At the top of the world for a noob i was happy. A level 32 Moose. A Legit Moose. I reached my goals. I was an officer of legit. I got scammed alot due to the friends who backstabbed me.
I had the legendary frostbane. I was so happy.
I quited a little too. Got more smart during the time. Made my account "Shadow Jester" in March.

I still dream being at the top of the ED world :) Leaderboards, Being a legend.
I was a troll at the time.JZaanu and Ubear taught me to be respectful.

I loved this game more than any other. I have high hopes for it. I never want it to be a living hell.
( Sorry for bad grammer i iz busy)

The Shadow Dragon -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 18:57:03)

Beggined at Beta, leveled up to 27, then quitted due to boredomeness. A friend of mine convinced me to return in mid-Gamma and i leveled up to 30 by battling, and got a pretty horrible record. Then i started NPC'ing, but still used Tokens to try my luck on the arcade.I got my win ratio to about 62%. Then after buying the inpe weapons and farming NPC's some more, i told myself ''Whats the point of all this farming? Its completley useless if im just gonna fight a NPC in a PvP game'' and then quitted 3 days later, which was about 2 weeks after the beggining of Delta. I still keep a eye on the DN's and forums to see if anything intresting happens.

Thats my story. Sorry if its short, was never good in telling storys.

LunarWarlord -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 18:59:54)

@ Pegadius: Everyone has those times where the higher lvls beat you every other battle. But the ones that overcome that, Are true players of EpicDuel. Not giving up until they reach the lvl cap, Win 1vs1, or 2vs2. ect. No matter how many higher levels are beating them.

@ Shadow: I hope your dream of being on the All-time board comes true, And i wish you best of luck.

@ Shadow Dragon: The thing i like most about the EpicDuel, Is the community. It's great depending on the people. I myself want to make the community better anyway I can. To get rid of all these flamers, And scammers. However knowing allot of the people in game, I won't achieve my goal for awhile. But my point is. Don't just play the game, Meet the community if you haven't already.

Pegadius -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 19:16:11)

@Lunar yeah, now im lvl 32 and lvl 33's are no match for me :) soon level cap and then it's all good.

CivicChaos -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 19:18:56)

Guess It's my turn I guess...
When it was august I decided to look at my old DF account and while looking around I noticed 2 new AE games HeroSmash and EpicDuel since I thought herosmash was a little underage for me I decided to try out epicduel *Gamma*. I started out as a techmage named CivicChris I made it to lvl 27 and then noticed how fail it was and made another called mental penguin and when I noticed that mercs looked fat I made anotehr char! Named... CivicChaos, A BH. When I joined I remember seeing all theses people that were new like me when I pressed my first battle 2v2 I was shouted out by everyone in this game with this remark * NOOB ur lvl 1 u suk * after many battles of having a 80% win ratio on 1v1. *arcade* After being lvl 20 I decided to explore the place of Delta V where I met... Mirv.
I gived mirv thousands of creds just for retraining i felt so stupid. so i quit ED for about 1 month. When I returned i decided to try to get the jug card for 20k. Well At lvl 30 I had over 40k and I used 20k on the jug card... I felt like a idiot when I lost my first 3 games of jugg. And... O wow... this is gonna be long! Im gonna make it short now.

I reached lvl 25 when i got assulat bot used 4 focus builds met the co-fonder of nublets at lvl 27 became officer at lvl 29 and then faced var users which destroyed my win/loses ratio after I gave up i decided to not care about win ratio and started playing the game earning more creds then used enchancments which helped me countless times after that I found out that there where forums and started posting on threads like here. .-. Srry if I sound like a idiot Im burned out from the burning sun at camp today 0_0

LunarWarlord -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 19:26:59)


NOOB ur lvl 1 u suk

Sadly things like these are what makes me mad. However nice stories all of you.

Sipping Cider -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 19:32:58)

I made a character in Epic Duel a long time ago, called chicken wizard. Unfortunately, I stopped playing after one battle and quite. Then, at the beginning of gama I came back to the game and since I could not remember my username or password I made a new account.
I started by making a character called ninjatom, an average mercenary who I was able to get to level 30 before I got bored of that class (there was no credit class change at this time).
I then made my second character called shadow and light who was a skilled tech mage and I got him to level 30 also.
Then I made a character called stealth suit, a very sneaky bounty hunter, who I got to level 24.

After that, I got inspired by an idea to make a character who has 0 losses by the time he his level 30, and no NPCing allowed. So, to do this I thought varium would be needed (for xp boost and best gear) and I made a character called Sunguardian. Unfortunately I lost my first battle so I changed my goal to only 1 loss by the time I reached level 30. Well, this was a very hard goal and I actually made it to level 15 before I lost my next battle and then after that I only lost 10 by the time I reached level 20. Then, by the time I reached level 30 I had lost 300 battles so I gave up on that Idea. However, I had to keep upgrading so I always had the best gear and could have xp boost at all times, so I was attached to this character and played it till level 33.

I made a faction with this character to keep me excited and busy, but the account got scammed. I got the account back thanks to the Help Team and started the faction again, although I was not able to get any of the old members. After a while, I got scammed again.
Luckily, I got my account back yet again, and I was so sure that I would keep my account. I changed my name, created a new faction called Monsters Under Your Bed which was pretty fun. Unfortunatey, I got scammed a third time.

I decided I had bugged the Help Team enough and created a new account and made Spaceman Dan. This little Cyber Hunter made it to level 28 before I quite Epic Duel due to problems at home.

When I came back to Epic Duel, I wanted something new and created my newest character, RainbowUnicorn!. I now have a faction that only accepts characters with more losses than wins and am a Tactical Mercenary (although at some point I plan on switching to cyber hunter).

And the rest is still unwritten...

LunarWarlord -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 19:38:18)

@Sun: I am sorry to hear about your account getting scammed so many time! Hopefully the AE team reads this and does something about it. On topic, That is very good to get to lvl 30, With only 300 loses, Without npcing. It's amazing to see how far one can go if they really try. I wish you best of luck with your faction.

Sipping Cider -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 19:50:42)

Haha thanks for reading my story LunarWarlord. However, I do not have much interest in getting my old account back, there is something fun about leveling up and not being at the cap. Plus, I have so many people in my faction now that I would prefer to keep this account.

Also, with the only 300 losses, it took heal boosters, constantly enhancing all my gear, and enough experience to know what build to use and when I reached certain levels to know when to switch classes.\

P.S. Very good thread idea I wonder how you are going to put all these stories together, but I bet it will look cool when it is done.

LunarWarlord -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 19:52:29)


Also, with the only 300 losses, it took heal boosters, constantly enhancing all my gear, and enough experience to know what build to use and when I reached certain levels to know when to switch classes.

Now that is what i call a Pro. player ;D.
And yes it will. If i can i'll get permission from LB to put it up here one day. However untill that day keep adding to your story. (: I would love to hear about what eventuly happens with your faction.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 19:58:37)

i dont remember my true story but ive written two very nice sorta Bios about my character and i can link then if its allowed

LunarWarlord -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 20:02:49)

Bio. of a character is just fine with me(: It's pretty much the life of our character. However I don't know if it is against the new rules, If it isn't go right ahead.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 20:05:36)

This is from the AEF writters section so i think its allowed

Warning its rather long

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 20:07:44)

Lol, if i were to make one, it would be WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to long...

LunarWarlord -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 20:41:10)

@OWA, I'll have to read that sometime. Seems interesting.

@Chosen One, It doesn't matter how long it is. As long as it's a story, bio. ect. But feel free to write as much as you want.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 20:43:15)

The first post is 90% true with some legend style writing thrown inteh Second one is 10% true with alot of legend style writing thrown in

LunarWarlord -> RE: Stories (8/11/2011 20:44:42)

^ Ok, When i get enough time i'll read it.

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