Can my sig have two links? (Full Version)

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T.600 -> Can my sig have two links? (8/13/2011 3:27:03)

Can I make my sig lead to two websites? This is the current code for my sig, what should code should I use for it to lead to two websites?


I would like it to lead to as well as the current link I have.

Carly9467 -> RE: Can my sig have two links? (8/13/2011 3:28:58)

I do not believe there is any way to have your signature linked to two different websites.


Rickyb20 -> RE: Can my sig have two links? (8/13/2011 4:08:31)

It is impossible to have two links in one picture. You would have to cut your picture in half as 2 separate pictures if you want to put 2 links in your signature.


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