RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (Full Version)

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mr meerka -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/18/2011 2:28:19)


How Are You?

I'm Tired.

Trolls. ?/10.

Are You Happy About The AQW Team Saying That They Are Gonna Get More Serious With The Storyline?

Meh, I'm Gonna Go. See Ya Around.

Baron Dante -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/18/2011 4:27:06)

I expect great things from our Fishmonger.

Just... save us. (That's a small thing, right?)

OAS Spartan -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/18/2011 18:53:05)

Another fifteen questions.

1.Are you ready?

ONI gave me full freedom to ask what I want.

Here we go

2. What kinds of games do you play?

3. Do you like MIND games?

5. If you do you might like some of my next questions

5. Something seems to be wrong

8. Can you guess what it is?

7. It was way too easy to figure out

6. So how about a better one.

9. How many questions have I asked?

10. Is this number right?

11. I got bored so I made up all those things without thinking...

12. What game are you looking forward to in the coming months?

13. Play RTS's? (Real Time Strategy)

14. Do you know what ONI and UNSC mean?

15. I didn't ask all 15 questions. Guess how many questions I ACTUALLY asked.

chadd1237 -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/19/2011 2:13:28)

1: Hello!

2: What's your ringtone?

3: Peanutbutter or jelly?

4: How do you feel about the promotion?

5: Do you like Dayimo?

6: Knock knock

7: Bird.

8: Oh have you not heard?

9: The bird is the word!

10: Bye.

blankmaskara -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/19/2011 6:12:52)

1. How should I start?

2. How does this Q&A thing work?

3. Why fish?

4. Ideal class?

5. Ideal element?

6. < I hope you don't support this number.

7. Favorite PvP class in aqw?

Lorkade -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/19/2011 7:06:35)

Hmm, and yet another AK rises.

Well, good luck with the decision-making!

So how long have you been playing Adventure Quest Worlds?

Are you thinking, "Well, another guy's questions to answer. Better get this over with, besides I'll probably never even see him in game, much less in real life"?

Do you think the previous question was silly, immature, and pessimistic?

Do you prefer Daft Punk or Deadmau5?

Answer honestly: are you male or female(kinda hard to know nowadays with the new gender change feature)?

That's all for now. Don't despair, I shall appear again if you so wish. What is your desire on this matter?

Okay, I shall respect your decision. I only ask in return that you do not mention the word "fish" or any other words related to it in my entire post. I have bad memories of such creatures. I'm serious.


Omega Jr -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/19/2011 11:19:47)

Hello :D

How are you?


Ok, have a nice day.



Ok buhbye! :D

iceman3 -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/21/2011 17:53:54)

Hello! Congratz on becoming a new AK

Only 5 things.
Do u like salmon?
Would u become a merman if u had the chance?
Can u breath under water?
What about under pudding?
Was that a weird question^?
Thats it!

Berdo18 -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/21/2011 20:21:10)

hello again
this time i will use ll 15 questions again and i'lll make them even more random
1. why fish?
2. battleon !!!!!!!!?????!!!?!?!?!????!!!!!!!????
3. who?
4. what?
5. where?
6. when?
7. why?
8. whom?
9. seriously?
10. ponies????????
11. how much fish could a fishing fish fish if a fishing fish could fish for fish?
12. why only 15 questions?
13. why did you stop answering right before mine on the last page yesterday?
14. how?
15. is this random enough for u?

golden1231 -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/22/2011 18:07:10)

Hi Chisagen!

You probably don't recognize me, do you?

I kinda prowled around the DF GD until *poof* I went to China for a two-month vacation.

Anyways, good luck moderating your new territory! /grins

Congrats again and byes! ^_^


aizenv3 -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/22/2011 18:08:17)

Hey Chis

Does anyone miss me at the DF forums ?

Why is the sku blue ?


Goodbye sir, I hope you were terribly scarred for life.

Womba -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/26/2011 0:54:19)

I'm baaaaaack.

Now I come with moar spam nukes.

Oh, and ponies.





1.) Can you find the typo in all those poniez? [8D]

There was this one time, at Adventurers camp-....




Gooood.... Goooood...

*scribbling in a note-pad*


SO I heard Yu Liek Mudkeepz Fish.

Wait... I already knew that...

oooh Man... Not this guy again...



2.) Doctor?

3.) If you could have any NonFish superpowers... what would they be?

I totally knew you'd say that.

Okay maybe not...

Okay... maybe I did.

4.) Did I?

5.) How many letters are in this post?

6.) Aren't I so evil? XD

7.) Are you a Brony?



8.) Favorite Candy?

9.) If something has no flavor, how are we able to tell?

10.) I know you're annoyed at how many things I've said now... Are you?

I am such a rotten little jerk [:D]

11.) Megaman, Mario, Or Sonic... Who could beat who?

12.) Did you know Leviathan is a fish? Her ultimate form kind of looks like when anyway....

13.) Have you ever played a Megaman game, if so... which one(s)? (Yes, this is sewious)

14.) UMadBr0?

15.) There is no 15. But congratz, don't let the *scrambled message, can not be deciphered* you got that?

Xeru -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/26/2011 22:11:15)

hmm so your an AK far behind am i....?

Pandesal_master -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/27/2011 0:00:41)


Congrats in being an AK

What would you do if a fish pony attacks the world?

Chuck Norris

Thats it... For now



Nyoman -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/27/2011 2:44:31)


Hiya Chisa, congratz for your new title !

>>Question Time>>

If you're a fish, what fish are you? Where do you live (pond,sea,shore,etc.) ? And what will you eat ?

I guess you like fishing alot. So, what's your favorite fishing spot?

The best fishing game you've ever played? ( mine is Reel Fishing II )

I think that's all,
Seeya around and Gewd luck for your duties :D

frogger3456 -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/27/2011 6:48:49)

Now introducing...Frogger3456!!!! Smoke rises and I pop out of the ground.

But you already knew that.

Are you going to be as harsh with the questions as the twins were in that cutscene?

Have you thought about the Fish Pony morph yet?

Did you know that my AQW character has a weapon with the same name? I didn't even make the weapon!

Oink, Oink Zoo Pals?

Do you know any funny jokes?

Can I hear one?

I hope it's punny.

See what I did there?

Favorite TV shows?

Favorite MTaK Questions?

Pirate or Ninja?

Woah 11 questions already...Hmmmm


Well that's all from me! Once again Congrats!(Falls backwards off a cliff . When you look over the edge you see a conveniently placed plane. I get in and fly away only leaving a trail of exhaust...)

Gingkage -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/29/2011 21:49:36)

Hey, Chissy! I am very late in posting this. My apologies. Okay,, congrats, first, then questions.

Congrats on your new AK-ness! And good luck.

Now questions.

Why fish?

I know you fishslap people but do you smack people with whales, too?

Whales aren't fish!

That's all I got. So again, congrats and good luck.

Not Me -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/29/2011 23:01:02)

Oh hello ^^ [sniffs the air] That's that smell...

Well questions... questions... Questions?

Hello my name is... well my pseudo name is Not Me ^^

Clever, right?

I wanted to ask you something...


Anyways, what's your favorite AE game?

Got anything you dislike about AQW?

Dislike me? :(

See you later ^^ I'm not on the ball right now so I'm not thinking straight

OAS Spartan -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/29/2011 23:03:18)

Ready for another Interi-... some more questions?

1. What's your favorite country? (not the one you live in)

2. If you had control of that country, what would you do to help its situation? (whatever it's situation is)

3. How many countries are there?

4. How many continents?

5. How many Native American reservations are in Wisconsin?

6. DISCLAMER: OAS Spartan is not a human!

7. What was that? What did you just read?!?!

8. Tell me or your fishy weapons will all drown!

9. This is your last warning!

10. I... have to go [looks around suspiciously]

11. If you see an Elite come by here.... nevermind...

12. Hablo Espaniol?

13. I don't...

Giviet -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/30/2011 4:04:12)

Heya Chis!

Something is fishy here....

How ya doin'?

Y'know i always fish slap all bosses before doing battle, just to make them angry.

What should i do if i see a shark?

ooh look it's the end of summer.

I had to ask are you a Reverse Merperson?

If yes, do you have a tail?

*gives Chisagen a fish*


Undead zerker -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/30/2011 10:35:26)


DOnt really know you but ill ask some questions anyway :P

What type of music do you like?

Enjoy working on the forums?

Complete the well Known catchphrase: SNICKERS. GET_____ ____

Do you play guitar?

Do you eat your soldiers? Fish and chips.

What is your fave fish evarr?

You have fun now. *hands over at brown envolope*

Turquoise -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/30/2011 16:11:35)


Since I can post statements and they don't count as questions you might be here a while.

Chocolate Muffins

Apple Cider



More Chocolate Muffins!


Ok that's enough, for now.

Favorite Class in DF?

And Favorite element?

Do you hate or like the song "Friday"?

Moglins? or Ponies?


Thats only 5 questions you know. (The rest are statements, which you said yourself do not count. Including this one.)

Why do you like Fish so much?

Do you like to eat fish?

If you could only say one phrase you entire life, what would it be?

Meh, see ya.


J1K -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (8/30/2011 16:40:59)

anyway how do ya become an AK?
also do it got any benefits?
and uhh.....can you eat sushi with ur blood on it?
thats all for now bai!

Not Me -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (9/2/2011 23:16:48)

I'm back ^^

I forgot my questions...

Can you ask me questions instead?


Just post them below ^^

I swear if you ask some questions I'll come back and answer them

wolfmansbro -> RE: =MtAK= The fishies invade the AQW GD! (9/3/2011 15:35:35)

Who are you (´ヘ`;)?

The sentence below is True.
The sentence above is False.

If there was any extinct fish you could revive, what would it be?

Explain the verb "Moosing" or "To Moose"

*sneezes on Chisagen*

Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Start?

Ravens or Steelers D:<?

Favorite Soda?

Favorite flavor of Icecream?

How can you AK in two forums? It seems impossible (≧ω≦)!

><> *hands fish*

I am done talking, normally I would leave, but instead *perches on Chissy's shoulder like a parrot*

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