Buffy A. Summers -> Factions ~ Improvement Discussion (8/14/2011 20:02:51)
I'm "Reposting" Something A Friend Of Mine Wrote A Few Months Ago, In The Hopes Of Getting Something Done (Finally)... Regarding The Much Needed And Long Awaited 'Faction Improvements' >>> "With all the talk lately of founder appreciation, player appreciation and all the things the devs have promised and never delivered on, I thought I would point out something seldom mentioned. The complete lack of meaning and purpose behind factions/faction war. For starters, many new faction features were never added. Faction founder step down, additional roster spaces and, more importantly, more meaning behind the entire concept which is the heart of the game system, factions/flags/war. Factions cost varium to create. So they are not a "free" aspect of game play. Yet, despite this fact, how exactly does being a faction leader benefit anyone? We speak of founders, betas, elites, but what about faction founders? What about top officers who have done thousands of kills and added thousands of flag tokens? These factions are driving the entire game battle system, daily. Contributing to ALL battle related leaderboards. Keeping the war alive so to speak. Players work hard to maintain flags and activity in these factions, yet get little to no reward. The faction leaders have no power to give special achievements like MVP (10,000+ kills), Flag Bearer (10,000+ Tokens), War Machine (10,000+ War Kills), for example. Why not give more reward to the players and factions that literally support the entire battle system daily and weekly? And what about the leaders? Why bother winning medals when it seems meaningless? What does a faction leader receieve for winning 50 medals? Nothing. No faction upgrade. No special achievement. No special item. As well as, no ability to share/reward weapons, varium, credits, or award the top players special faction achievements. So why bother? What is the point of faction score? Is there really any difference between a level 7 faction and level 11? What would be a new player's motivation to establish a new faction, if months later all that hard work seems hardly appreciated, not just by the ED community but more importantly it's designers. Where is the evolution of the faction system? Where is the appreciation for long time faction founders and their best officers for all they have contributed to the game, flag, war system and the entire battle engine, daily? What exactly is the point of creating or maintaining a faction? What can the devs do to improve on this? What can they do to reward the best faction leaders and officers in game? Please discuss. I'd be curious to hear what some of you think." <<<