Your Perception of Criticals (Full Version)

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frogbones -> Your Perception of Criticals (8/15/2011 1:42:45)


The maximum Critical Strike chance is 13%.

Put another way: Every time a support spammer attacks a a non-support spammer, 87% of the time no crit will occur.

What do you think about this? Based on your gameplay, do you feel this percentage accurately reflects the amount of crits you see in battle?

voidance -> RE: Your Perception of Criticals (8/15/2011 1:46:29)

Not the slightest, most of the time I get criticaled by people with less support which is 2%. I think the statistics off but thats my personal opinion.

Ashari -> RE: Your Perception of Criticals (8/15/2011 4:25:41)

Well I'm glad you brought this up because I felt the same way about critical strikes. At the moment they are too much of a wildcard. The low percentages, low gain from support and strong effect all serve to create an effect that we have little control over and it guarantees a crit is going to ruin someones day somewhere.

That's exactly why crits are being changed in the coming release. The max chance to crit and the amount of crit change you gain from Support are both being increased, BUT the power of critical strikes is being significantly reduced. So your build will have a much greater influence on your chance to crit. The exact numbers will be included in the release notes of course!

I'm curious about how everyone feels about the other luck factors, block, deflect and stun? Crit seems to be the major complaint but that's been because it was just so powerful.

frogbones -> RE: Your Perception of Criticals (8/15/2011 4:50:49)

So wait ... if the chance to crit increases, but their power is reduced, won't that result in ... no net change?

TBH, all that really needed to be done was reduce the 75% defense ignore to like 45% or so.

Not looking forward to MORE crits, even if they are weakened. Curious to see what others think, though.

Ashari -> RE: Your Perception of Criticals (8/15/2011 4:56:31)

No net change in the overall damage is what we intended. This is more aimed at reducing the effect of the "freak crits" that happen when a player with little or no support gets that 1% chance to crit. It's not a buff or nerf to Support, but it will make crits a more reliable part of support builds (well, as reliable as a chance event can get anyway).

frogbones -> RE: Your Perception of Criticals (8/15/2011 5:05:21)

So somehow someone decided that Support needed to do more for those who spam it? [:@] It's ironic because your explanation is the exact opposite reason that Crits were introduced to the game in the first place.

I thought this game was taking a turn for the better ...

... sigh.

Calogero -> RE: Your Perception of Criticals (8/15/2011 5:10:18)


Support spammers have a better chance to crit...
Non Support builds can't have more HP without Agility becoming active

I see an Era of Supports becoming the New STR Merc... 2 hits

Minus123 -> RE: Your Perception of Criticals (8/15/2011 7:38:04)

@ Andy

Think you're missing the part where ashari said crit power will be significantly reduced. Atleast more crits will make support builds be more of a threat to tank builds, right now, tank builds pretty much demolish support players, since criticals dont happen as much as they should for support builds. Heck, these days, people below 50 support crit more.

ND Mallet -> RE: Your Perception of Criticals (8/15/2011 8:36:12)

As far as I can tell, most people hate criticals because they would be the support spammer and get 0 crits while their enemy with 30 or so support would get 1 or 2 of them. Criticals were made to fight tank builds as well with rage. Sine rage is guaranteed to happen in a long battle, it has less defense ignoring.

@Ash The other 2 luck factors I have a problem with is Stun and First Strike. Stun almost never works for you when you have larger support but the other guy manages to somehow pull off a stun despite him having minimum stun %. It's also annoying when someone manages to stun me when they hit a 3. "Ow! A fly bit me and now I am stunned!" I don't really much care about First Strike but it does seem to rely little on support as well. I don't have much to say on First Strike since we don't have the exact numbers for it like blocks or deflects.

Remorse -> RE: Your Perception of Criticals (8/15/2011 8:39:28)

Wow, Talk about relesing all of my idea in one update...

first they say their gonna base damage skills on your level (I sayed this about 6 months ago)
Now their gonna reduce crit damage and increase the frequency (I sayed this about a year ago)

Next thing youl know theyle change Shadow arts to 5% bonus to block, and 5% bonus to conncet and 5% bonus to stun with all stunning techniques (inculdes stun gunes and future stunning things)
And increase by .5% each level maxed at 5%....

I'm not complaining though :) woot finay some decent changes around here :)

Thanks for the insight ashari :D

Also if you don;t mind answering are they still going ahead with the robot nerf and str skill changes? I really hope they do they would help balance alot!

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Your Perception of Criticals (8/15/2011 9:18:20)

When i saw this

That's exactly why crits are being changed in the coming release. The max chance to crit and the amount of crit change you gain from Support are both being increased, BUT the power of critical strikes is being significantly reduced. So your build will have a much greater influence on your chance to crit. The exact numbers will be included in the release notes of course!

i be WTF!!!, because now crit is the strongest thing in game 1 crit = win the match but when i saw this


No net change in the overall damage is what we intended. This is more aimed at reducing the effect of the "freak crits" that happen when a player with little or no support gets that 1% chance to crit. It's not a buff or nerf to Support, but it will make crits a more reliable part of support builds (well, as reliable as a chance event can get anyway).

i said hmm than its a good balance change but crit's % ignore should be like 20-30% , 45% is equal to rage :/ imagine that a player do 5 rage in a match :/

Ashari is there any changes about block? low dex blocks more than higher dex :/

King FrostLich -> RE: Your Perception of Criticals (8/15/2011 9:26:38)

Yes....YES NERF THAT CRIT DAMAGE!! Btw, if it ignores 75% of the defense/resistance how much % of def/res will it ignore. It shouldn't be less than 50% because that's like doing rage which doesn't seem right.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Your Perception of Criticals (8/15/2011 9:54:49)

crit kills tanks build no crit means tank build will own tank= tlc merc. tlc merc tank= heal looping maniac = super long battle = like heal loop mage. so i think crit are good and the help balance the game. well that is my opinion. also nerfing crit will also make tank become the king of 1v1 and 2v2. tank build = slow battle.

Remorse -> RE: Your Perception of Criticals (8/15/2011 9:59:42)

@turkish ,

How about this for and idea for block (just came up with it)

Higher dex:
If you get blocked by someone with lower dex then you, you will get a rage increase bonus determined by the dex gap.
If you block someone with lower dex then you, your rage will remain unchanged (as normal)

Lower dex:
If you block someone and they have higher dex then you get a smaller than usal rage gain determined by the dex gap (the decrease from usal increase is determined by the dex gap).
If you block someone and they have higher dex then you, then you will lose a small amount of rage determined by the dex gap. (this could also work with crits eg. if you crit someone who has more support then you, you will lose a small amount of rage determined by the support gap.)

sure crit damage decreases, but the frequeny of crits are increased therfore tanks are at the same advnatge as the were before it's hard to tell that they will be better off or if they will even be better off at all.

Lord Barrius -> RE: Your Perception of Criticals (8/15/2011 11:23:39)

This is looking an awful lot like a balance discussion now. In light of that, I'm going to ask you to relocate there. Thank you!

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