RE: Weird O_O (Full Version)

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drinde -> RE: Weird O_O (8/18/2011 6:33:34)

It's weird how you can get life by smashing things. (BLust/Frenzy/SS/SpC)

It's also weird how Chopper doesn't rip the Sidewalk to shreds.[;)]

T29060 -> RE: Weird O_O (8/18/2011 7:18:50)

I think its weird that you can run over players with a bike and they dont feel anything
I think its weird how your face is perfect after getting shot by countless auxes
I think its weird how a tech mage with a brittle staff can block someone with delta claws.
I think its weird how you can change your face and color instantly

Minus123 -> RE: Weird O_O (8/19/2011 3:18:31)

LOL @ Nycera xD

I think it's weird that when I have power armor on in a match theres a smiley face on my shoe
I think it's weird how some players have blue skin

classifiedname -> RE: Weird O_O (8/19/2011 12:13:15)

i think its weird after being in a battle your armor doesn't have a scratch on it
i think its weird if its a war why there are 1vs1 matches
i think its weird that u can block the gamma bot's special move
i think its weird u have to point when using artillery or surgical strike
i think its weird after being shot in the face with a rocket your head doesn't blow up
i think its weird cheap shot hits your chest
i think its weird u cant deflect artillery strike or multi shot
i think its weird a chain gun has some animation as a rocket (they both explode)

Stabilis -> RE: Weird O_O (8/19/2011 12:38:29)


i think its weird cheap shot hits your chest


One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Weird O_O (8/19/2011 12:52:12)

most of our weapons are wierd but the Frost weapons are some of the wierdest wouldnt they break after you hit someone

Fay Beeee -> RE: Weird O_O (8/19/2011 13:53:25)

If that was the case we would also burn to a crisp with a laser. :)

And the amount of time I have been hit in the face by a bolt. It would be black and blue. lol

Minus123 -> RE: Weird O_O (8/19/2011 19:59:48)

Oh almost 4got

I think it's weird nothing makes a sound, except for when you press certain buttons like to buy and sell.

I think it's weird how there are 100's of thousands of tokens being donated to flags, yet they don't appear. And every hour, someone comes along and only takes 50.

Zean Zapple -> RE: Weird O_O (8/19/2011 23:07:17)

In EpicDuel a beam of plasma can be shooting right at your face and you just magically block it. I mean plasma beam... blockable????

Stabilis -> RE: Weird O_O (8/19/2011 23:09:30)

The gamma bot's? Isn't that a concentrated wave of gamma radiation/decay? But ya, that stuff phases through most matter; not common for it to be blocked.

Zean Zapple -> RE: Weird O_O (8/19/2011 23:32:23)

@greenrain13, Thank you!


SouL Prisoner -> RE: Weird O_O (8/20/2011 11:54:11)

lol its weird that for wins and credits i fight wid " NCPS that gives achevement " example : overlord gaurd . titan . cadien [:D]

hardcore59 -> RE: Weird things in Epic Duel (8/20/2011 12:16:49)

Don't ya think it's wierd how it's always the noobs that call people noobs

Wraith -> RE: Weird O_O (8/20/2011 12:18:07)


So, my friend and I were riding our Gamma Bikes in JZ's fortune city loft. Wonder how the carpet isn't dirty :P.

Stabilis -> RE: Weird O_O (8/20/2011 15:19:12)

I think its weird how we can only absorb attacks rather than avoid them. Especially super charge it takes 6 seconds for the animation.

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