Kito Domi -> RE: [CS5][GIMP][Signatures][Avatars] Pulse Graphix (10/11/2011 19:58:19)
Specific Artist?: Zumosmorph Art Type: Signature Render: This one goes on the far right: Then this one on the far left: <-- This one is more complicated. PCK's is already on a green backround, so could you put Draketh's on a purple-y backround? And then mine, which goes in the middle:[/link] Background: Both PCK's and mine should already be on their own backrounds. Just adjust the size over all of them, give Draketh's a purple-yblack backround, and put them right next to each other. Like, the avvy's combining into a sig. Text: Make it stretch all the way across either on top or bottom, saying "Stranger things have happened..." And actually, can you label which one is Draketh's and which is PCK's? Like how mine says 'Kito Domi', have their usernames present? Draketh-Kito Domi-Paperclipkiller <-- That sort of thing. Font: You pick. Font Color: Your choice. PM When Complete?: Yeah, and can you give it to all three of us? Told ya it was complicated. :D But I know you can work your GIMP magic.