1337 -> RE: =MtAK= Prepare for War. The Warmage comes to AQ Discussion. (8/20/2011 19:11:19)
Hello. Greetings friend. My name is not bob. Is it not Uog? My name just so happens to be bob backwards which is also bob. Sure thing, Pops. Congrats on AKship. *grins* Thank you kindly. :D Unfortunately, no war records for me. 34 is all i got, no focus to keep going. You are in the 1000s along with Mystical, right? *Elryn drops his hand on Uog's shoulder* In time you will grow to be a fine warrior. You need not worry about that. Work hard and you shall achieve your goals. *Elryn nods* Mystical Warrior is in the 6000s and I follow behind in the 5000s. *grins* That is... Until the next epic war. 294570 don _t reply 3.14159 or (_)?(Pi or Pie) Pie is tastier. 83,014,429,491,730,417,520,954 or 23? *grins* 755. Now. is 97 a negative number in comparison to -2389? Wizwacket