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Nexus... -> Releases (8/19/2011 18:26:58)

In my humble opinion, I think that the developers have always been pretty bad with the timing of their releases. At first it wasn't that big of a problem, because the ED community (at least I) was patient enough to give them time. I understood they had a very small team, and that it would take a while to hire some new staff to get things going at a more rapid pace. However in the past 6-9 months I have become increasingly less patient. Why? Because nothing has been done in ALL of this time to hire more staff. You can call Charfade an "addition" but she came from the Mechquest team, and really doesn't help with any of the major art or coding as far as I know. Another problem I have always had with EpicDuel is the lack of communication. I understand that it takes time to communicate, but also know that it is VITAL in order for a player base to thrive. This being said, I would really appreciate all of the "communication" between the developers (mainly cindy) and the players, if any of it was accurate. It is when the information is not accurate that my main problem with this game appears. Misinformation is worse then any information at all, and we have continually been fead misinformation. I can understand that the team is overworked, and I can understand if they arn't able to post every day, or even every other day. However what I find absolutely aggravating is the fact that they haven't inlisted more help, and furthermore that the developers feel it is "okay" to give us half baked information which they don't fully know that they will be able to deliver upon.

So please discuss how the timing of releases has effected you, what you think can be done to improve it, and what you would see as an ideal EpicDuel staff size.



Retrosaur -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 18:33:17)

As big as Mojang. Or the AQW team.

Mostly, the dev team should stop making false promises. This below is taken from EDWiki. Note that all these "upcoming" features were all made by the devs in the design notes.


Coming Soon

  • Improved Faction Management (founder step down feature)
  • Improved retraining system
  • New Battle Modes - survival mode
  • Tournaments for rare prizes!
  • Awesome new achievement system!
  • And much more!

Lord Barrius -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 18:41:33)

"Hire more people" is very easy to say.

However, where do you suggest we find these people? The number of people with the necessary coding/artistic skill in Flash is a much smaller pool than you'd think, and on top of this, the individuals in question must be screened to ensure we're not hiring people who aren't appropriate for the job. For example, it's somewhat inappropriate to hire ED hackers and cheater to help run the game, or hire people with poor forum records to moderate the boards.

It's very easy to tell the staff what to do, but it's another thing to actually try to do it.

Retrosaur -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 18:47:42)

Hire More People is obvious. There are TONS of great game developers out there. Remember, Game Design/Programming is one of the hottest majors in the US. Not to mention there are a lot of really smart and great coders. Shouldn't be that hard, it's just that they don't even try to hire new people. Instead, they shrug off the idea, insisting that it's simply too hard to teach others, when clearly they have not attempted to do so.

Ubear -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 18:48:48)

What does this have to do with us anyway? Just leave them to it and play the game

Nexus... -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 18:49:32)


* Weapon Upgrades
* Faction Headquarters (meet in central location, communicate more easily, post notes, hold meetings)
* Improved Faction Management (founder step down feature, player activity details)
* Player Housing (purchase custom items to decorate your home and showcase your achievements)
* Improved retraining system (retrain backwards as many levels as you like!)
* New Battle Modes - survival mode, 2vs1 boss battles (possible drops)
* Tournaments for rare prizes!
* And lots lots more!

Thats a direct quote from a Design Notes post made on January 10th 2010

I would expect that the team would have found the time to come up with such a selection process and hire more staff over the last 1.5 years. Yes, I understand it is hard, but every other company has been able to find a sufficient amount of staff as to release a good content:time ratio. Thats one thing EpicDuel has not been able to do in the past few years. Another thing is that EpicDuel is constantly neglected. AQW has additions to their staff every few months. Dage the Evil anyone? I am sure Artix Entertainment, quite a reputable company, would not have to much trouble finding a new artist and coder to help take some of the load off of Titan/NW. It is up to the developers of the game however, to apply that pressure, and make it happen. 6 months is acceptable, 18 months isn't.

revenn -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 18:52:20)

Actually it's very easy to find artistic people. It's even easier to find people with knowledge of flash. Seeing as flash is pretty low key. I do agree that it would be difficult to find trustworthy people to help build this game. However seeing as it's a paid position plenty of professional people would be more than happy to oblige.

Pretty much every other game manages to build a staff. Getting hired to hack a game is rediculous, all eyes would be on you and a boot off the staff would follow before any real damage is done. Hacking is effective from the shadows, and very pointless from a position of power. A enjoyable paying job compared to hacking an unfinished flash game? Hmmm.....hard choice.

Fay Beeee -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 18:54:01)

^ Nexus
What will you be able to write on the forums, when they have fixed everything you want fixed?

It will surely make you redundant. One question for you. Have you ever posted a positive post?

This is only my opinion. So if you want to flame me for it. ok:)
But no offence meant. I am just curious?

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 18:54:58)

putting an offer out there is like fishing you never know what your going to get maybe ED will find the holy grail of a worker if they just throw an offer out or maybe they will find a complete washout like LB stated, in more modest terms of course, so yes its easy to say you can put the offer out its much harder to find someone fit for the job.

now back onto the offer update time only affects how soon i get my update video out if its out at 6-8 PM EST i get teh video out that day if its later i get it out the next day so the release time doesnt affect me. To me the ideal ED staff size is just enough people to get the job done right becuase you don't need alot of people to do what a handful can do so once ED goes back to an update every two to three weeks it would be time to look into some more staff.

revenn -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 18:59:39)

@Fay Beee I greatly respect the fact that you are always optimistic. Every post you have made is always very respectful and well written. So don't take these next two questions as flame please.

Do you ever disagree with something? Also do you think change comes from being a doormatt?

Fay Beeee -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 19:02:19)

Yes there are things I have disagreed with. I have been in flame wars in the past and got no where. So now I am optimist and show respect if it is earned.
And btw I have had posts deleted for being in the wrong.
I do not take offence. So np there. :)

Lord Barrius -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 19:06:52)

I forgot to mention the most important part: we tend to hire from within our community rather than just throwing out fishing lines in every direction. It tends to result in staff who actually care about the game they're working on, rather than the paycheck. Though I rather doubt people legitimately understand how much of a paycheck many of us actually get....suffice it to say that it's not exactly a six-figure income working with AE, and most paid professionals likely wouldn't be too excited about it.

Like I said, it's easy to SAY "just hire more" and it's easy to claim "there's a lot of people". But let's look at reality for a moment.

Over in AQ, we just hired another artist, but we've been needing the extra help for well over two years. MQ's team has been significantly cut in size in order to gain more help for AQW, as has DF's at times. And out of the entire AE team, most of the people on staff aren't actually the primary coders for the games....they write or can do some art, but coding is generally much more limited amongst our team.

There's a lot of people who can do "some Flash", but we're not looking for "some Flash" and "some art experience". Artists for AE have to be able to draw in Flash, which is not necessarily the same as being able to draw. Coders for AE generally need to be somewhat more capable than "I can build a minigame". When AE showed off some of its games to Abode's own staff, they were amazed that games like this could even EXIST in AS2/3. That's how limited the pool is....Abode's own staff wouldn't necessarily qualify for a job with us. And out of that, we have to pick people out of this community who know the game and can match the art/code style. It's not as easy as you're making it out to be.

Nexus... -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 19:07:08)

I have posted so many positive posts Fay ^^ I really have. I have been posting since March 2010, and playing since October 2009. I provide suggestions, constructive feedback etc. none of which has been acted upon. When I try and make a suggestion, or critic an update, my thread gets locked or I get banned. What will I do when everything I want has been fixed? I will play EpicDuel again ^^ However I have been writing on the forums about "things that should be fixed" for an insanely long time, most of which havn't even been touched.

I am sorry we "clash." You are very optimistic, and for that I applaud you. However what you have to realize, is that the longer you tolerate "delayed releases" and "bad communication" the more the developers will do it. Its like giving a baby everything they want. It spoils them, and teaches them to trust that whatever they do will be tolerated.

I have decided not to be that person that turns a blind eye to what is wrong and only focuses on what is right (like yourself). I appreciate your optimism, but sometimes you have to stand up and say

"There are some fundamental problems you are neglecting"

I have chosen this road, and you have chosen yours. I get hated on, flamed etc. all the time, and have a reputation for being banned. But for what? Telling the developers they are wrong? Someone has to do it. The root of all change comes from the people, and until EpicDuel is free from the "fundamental" problems it now faces (and has faced for as long I can remember), I will continue to be that person who speaks out, and takes the punches for everyone else.

You will thank me someday, or maybe you won't. Either way I hope someday you will realize that I'm not all that bad, and do have good intentions.


revenn -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 19:08:55)

@Fay Beeee

You gained some wisdom then. = ]
Although these are approriate complaints, I doubt they will make much of a difference. It's just nice to vent sometimes. lol
I'm done now though! = o

Fay Beeee -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 19:12:23)

Now that was a great reply and I thank you for it. Really. :)
I am not being sarcastic either. I mean it.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 19:15:09)

hey LB mind if i ask what language ED is coded in, if you dont know thats totaly cool, becuase right now in my primary education im starting to learn coding and to just skip all of the explaining ED is my favorite AE game by far so much so that i am also learning some of NW's art, which has absolutely nothing to do with coding XD.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 19:19:57)

@Nexus: just wondering what is actually humble about your opinion ^^

Nexus... -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 19:25:47)

If you were responding to my post Fay, you are welcome. Thank you for not flaming me, and being able to respect such an answer. Not many people are able to do so.




adjective ( humbler , humblest )
1 having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance

This isn't about me, and in terms of changing things, all I have is my voice. My opinion isn't that significant in the end to those in power, and therefore it is quite "humble" even though the direction and tone of such an opinion is quite persuasive. My opinion is humble, because it is one voice among many. The way I come off has absolutely nothing to do with it...In my humble opinion.

Lord Barrius -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 19:28:59)


ORIGINAL: One Winged Angel1357

hey LB mind if i ask what language ED is coded in, if you dont know thats totaly cool, becuase right now in my primary education im starting to learn coding and to just skip all of the explaining ED is my favorite AE game by far so much so that i am also learning some of NW's art, which has absolutely nothing to do with coding XD.
It's either Actionscript 2 or 3. All AE games (except AQ) are generally built using either AS2 or AS3.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 19:34:31)

Ok thx LB

Nexus... -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 19:37:18)

LB and OWA, can you please stay on topic. If you would like to ask/answer a question that does not pertain to this thread you can do so in the ED Q&A. Your disrupting my inner flow of feedback.

Just Kidding :P I bet you had your hand on the ban hammer didn't you LB xD


Algorithm -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 19:37:51)

It's Action Script 3.0.

Shadronica -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 19:51:18)

@ Fay Bee. I very much understand that you like to encourage with positive re-inforcement. I love to be able to do that too.

However, just like Nexus I cannot keep overlooking faults especially when it impacts a vast majority of the community.

I actually care little whether we get an update once a week, fortnight or month as long as it is a quality product being presented.

Yes the other AE games get weekly updates that are basically around the same time each week but I simply would prefer a quality update to quantity.

I am not seeing a great deal of either lately. As the main issues, that we have all expounded and cost us our reputation as being complainers, trollers and flamers within the AEF, are not being addressed.

You see players like myself and Nexus are also doing ED a favour by trying to let the game developers know that the game we love is sliding away from its true path. We do actually care too and that is why we simply haven't just walked away.

The other game I currently play does a full update every three months and I have no problem with that at all because it is a wonderfully huge release. Each week though they do specials on different items.

T.600 -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 19:56:51)

@LB: Really, actionscript? I'm learning how to use that although sadly I don't hope to pursue a career in computer programming :p.

PowerMega -> RE: Releases (8/19/2011 19:57:40)

Sure, it's good to be positive and look on the bright side but look at it like this....

When you were a kid and your parents told you did something wrong, which did you respond better to..."Hey, stop that...." or ..."Boy/Girl you better stop what your doing before I beat you." XD

Point of the matter is, if your not hard on someone they are not gonna get the moral of an issue. In this case, the timing of release by EpicDuel are just way too inconsistent and they need to start stepping it up and less excuses.

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