Recycled Sprites (Full Version)

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Retrosaur -> Recycled Sprites (8/19/2011 21:25:38)

Note, this thread isn't a flame thread. I'm just pointing things out.

I want you all to look at the weapons preview. Right now I love the aux's, so creative. However, I would like to guess, and see what would be the outcome.
Assuming the aux's made a 3x2 grid:

1 2
3 4
5 6

I'm betting 1, 2, and 4 are varium aux's (smexier than the rest), and 3, 5, and 6 are nonvarium

Anyways, back to the topic. Look at the gun section. Now assuming they made a 3x3 grid, below:

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

I would like to point out that, in the following weapons, there are "recycled" sprites
1) Recycled Longshot (pistol)
2) Portions of Lawman's Special along with a recolored Security Blaster.
3) Just a refurbished Bruiser
4) Another refurbished Bruiser
7) Basically a re-colored Machine Pistol.
8) Looks familiar, can't put my hand on it
9) An awkward weapon which I'm sure draws its roots from the H&K MP7.

It's not really honest to post "new" weapons; I'm hoping the other sets of weapon (Remember, NW said it was a "partial" list) don't come out rather lame like these. Other than that, nice aux's.

DeathGuard -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/19/2011 21:28:07)

I really don't care if they're ugly, I just care about stats wise xD

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/19/2011 21:28:22)

wow #8 is formiliar it reminds me of a glorified 9mm otehr then that your guesses about teh auxes seem right but im thinking 5 might be Varium as well becuase it so out there

i think i found #8 it can be a glorified auto .45 but im still searching for others

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/19/2011 21:36:44)

these are permanent items, they aren't supposed to be as awesome looking as the rares.

I think its great that theirs 6 auxs and 9 new guns. I just hope more rather than less are lv33.

Wraith -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/19/2011 21:40:14)

A few auxes might be for dragon on.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/19/2011 21:40:18)

6 auxs and 9 guns as of now its only a partial list which means more are coming

Retrosaur -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/19/2011 21:48:16)

Can you guys at least address the fact that most of the weapons are recycled. Meaning using a pre-existing weapon and just modding it.

@One Winged Angel
Thanks for the catch, just realized that was the weapon.

Can we please have more variety in our weapons please?

xXx83xXx -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/19/2011 21:52:36)

I truly don't understand the grids. I'm very confused.
Is there something I'm missing?

Retrosaur -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/19/2011 21:56:29)

Okay, remember the weapon preview image that Nightwraith had on his twitter?

First, seperate the image into two parts. One part is the upper half, the one containing all the Auxiliaries. The other part, the lower half, contains all the pistols.

Concentrating on the lower half of the picture, the pistol parts, looking at EACH pistol, you can make a grid, there are 9 pistols (that form a 3x3 grid)

Pistol 1, Pistol 2, Pistol 3
Pistol 4, Pistol 5, Pistol 6,
Pistol 7, Pistol 8, Pistol 9

And attach to my comments

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/19/2011 21:57:21)

@Hyped: whats to address. they do it with real weaponry, they do it with real cars and real bikes,

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/19/2011 21:59:39)

yeah cleaning up and improving a weapon can almost be called the accepted style in the US military so why should a game suffer for doing the same plus if we burn NW out of ideas there is no more art for ED

xXx83xXx -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/19/2011 22:03:08)

I don't use twitter; I didn't see the pictures (until now).

What I thought you did was pick out random guns and auxes without telling us they were and described them.

@One Winged Angel - It's the Auto 45 (like you said) and the ACP combined and recolored.

hardcore59 -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/19/2011 22:10:38)

come to think of it the aux in the top left kinda looks like a neutron blaster on steroids

Wraith -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/19/2011 22:17:24)

The aux in the right second row looks like dragon cannon. The physical dragonc on aux.

Retrosaur -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/20/2011 17:32:15)

I'm just trying to say that the devs are essentially getting lazy and using past weapons to make "new" ones. How would you feel if EVERY new auxiliary resembled a Neutron Blaster in a different color or form.

Shadowlord9k -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/20/2011 17:35:28)

Really a few recolored items here and there is not lazy. look at many RPGs, there are many recolored things (monster, characters, items, etc.) and they are not called lazy. The recolors are probably due to time limitations.

Retrosaur -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/20/2011 17:40:08)

That's generally true, that many RPG's do indeed do that, but, sorry if I sound rude, but compare to the other AE game weapons (Mechquest, DragonFable, AQW), very very few weapons are recolored items. Look at it for yourself.

ED has done this MANY MANY times before, constantly posting "new" weapons that are simply old weapons that have been recolored.

Iskye -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/20/2011 18:02:30)

I'm liking the 4th aux and the 3rd gun. Can't wait to see the stat mods.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/20/2011 18:15:26)

@hyped if you also look at MQ DF and AQW they have many more artists then ED to come up with ideas here we have NW and sometimes charfade

Lectrix -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/20/2011 19:32:17)

Art in AE Games is often recycled, even between different games. ED's Assault Bike was first seen in MQ, and Cinderella's Squidlings became parts of Gloves in HS. There are plenty of other examples, though I can't remember any others at the moment.

Drakadh -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/20/2011 19:45:08)

I dont mind recycling, :) Its epic seeing stuff from other games you like going to the other games you like!

Retrosaur -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/20/2011 19:50:25)

I get the assault bike reference (shame on me for not remembering), but the Squidlings in HS were just a tribute to Cinderella. The Squidlings themselves in ED weren't an item, and that day was Cinderella's birthday. Now that's all fine and dandy, but what if EVERY SINGLE UPDATE for the next 2 years had a Squidling on it (I'm sure Cinderella would approve :3)? And that image of the squidling was the same every single time, people would begin to egg on the devs to stop recycling.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/20/2011 21:44:41)

you make it sound like 3 items have been recycled 10-15 times when in fairness no item has been used again more than once in ED?

edwardvulture -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/20/2011 22:07:48)

When you have one full-time artist and one part-time, efficiency is the key.

ND Mallet -> RE: Recycled Sprites (8/20/2011 22:14:01)

No one cared when they used the Workbot as part of a weapon. No one cared when the Vendbot became an Aux. No one cared when the Mortal Kombat developers just changed the colors on their sprites to make the different ninja characters. Why do people care now about the sprites being reused?

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