nico0las -> RE: Others United :) (8/21/2011 20:02:59)
tactical=60% hunters=15% cyber hunters=5% blood mage=10% tech mage=10% If it comes to somehow nerfing Tactical, Just kill off Hybrid armor. They'll drop like flies. ESPECIALLY to support mages. @drago9999 Man I did the exact opposite as you. I gave up tactical because, seriously? There's no point in playing if you know you're going to win. Like a saying I got from my history teacher: "man has the undeniable, and FUNDAMENTAL quality, that when faced with extinction, any alternative is a preferable one." We, the 40%, are refusing to evolve into something that, although successful, is not worth it. Hence, we will disappear, erased forever from the history of epicduel. Slowly wither and die away, until ED becomes gray and dull. Ladies and gentlemen, I believe we have a problem. I just counted: out of the ALL TIME 1v1, 2v2, and Juggernaut leaders, there are: TLM: 34 BH: 5 BM: 2 CH: 1 TM: 3 M: 0 34/45 of the ALL TIME BATTLE LEADERS are tactical mercenary (currently, sunday, 21st of August, 2011) This is the equivalent of 75% of the all time leaders in any form of combat. I hope that struck home. So now I ask you: Do you think HALF of these people would be up in the leaderboards, if tactical didn't exist? Probably not. It's always been dominated by the hunters, and only witht he rise of the tactical has it lost it's perch. Excluding, of course, juggernaut. I forgive tactical for being juggernaut champ, it's a tank. I'm Disgusted. I'm ending my post here, because I think I'm going to start raging. This isn't going well.