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Fay Beeee -> Others United :) (8/20/2011 18:06:36)

As a guesstimate, I would say that there are about 75% TLM of 2 types of builds atm.

25% others. I am one of the others. I am still trying builds but not much luck.

Do you agree with my 75%?
Do you think there may be more or less?
Are you staying as one of the 'few'?

Add anything else relevant. :)

NO tolls or flaming,
as I am not complaining
Just having a guess
at 75 or less?

EDReborned -> RE: Others Unite :) (8/20/2011 18:09:16)

I completely disagree with your guesstimate I think it's 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999 percent =0.

Womba -> RE: Others United :) (8/20/2011 18:10:23)

Give-or-take, maybe take a bit. I've already seen a handful of 'em... and my gosh. The build they all use is more stale than month old pizza.

Iskye -> RE: Others United :) (8/20/2011 18:18:17)

I'm still trying on different kinds of builds. I rarely stick with one, though I take note of those with higher win rate.
My favorite is my moderately high (60-70 stat pts) dex/str build. Right now I'm trying moderate dex/supp which only yields moderate results as Supp needs higher stat points to be effective. I like that you can still do well
with any build because TLM's skills allow flexibility. I would also love to try BH when I get the funds to change class.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Others United :) (8/20/2011 18:19:25)

im part of that 25% so ofcourse i disagree with the conformists(the nicer way of saying those using copycat builds)

do i agree with the conformists to an extent yes if your here to win and not enjoy yourself be a conformist they have some of the best records in the game, where as we others not so much.

I will always be a Caster mage or retired becuase Caster mage is offical dead i dont plan on changing to BM anytime soon even tho i can cast as a BM as well.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Others United :) (8/20/2011 18:28:25)

my answers are all for 1vs1

Do you agree with my 75%? no , its more like 35% but 35% for 1 class its very high dont underestimate
Do you think there may be more or less? TLMs are increasing :)
Are you staying as one of the 'few'? No , i changed to TLM when the new classes come

But it will be always like this a class will have more population than the other it can be TLM now , later it will be another class.The real problem with TLM is you can do both str and supp build with it so str players + supp players combined in 1 class.

InceptionAE -> RE: Others United :) (8/20/2011 18:49:37)

I actually changed from TLM, and I have better luck with TM. With TLM in Juggernaut I have 4 wins to 60%. With TM I made 153 wins to 81.4%

I personally like TM. I will also stay TM (Others) TLM is Uped. Considering an STR bounty could smoke TLM's and TLM's can't increase their dex, they can only debuff. And only if they have Assault Bot.

I'm staying in Others.

kwj3 -> RE: Others United :) (8/20/2011 19:33:47)

Let me guess the 75% is a Support and the other is Strength.

The 25% Totally cool builds in theory and real life but when you use them, TERRIBLE.

Good luck on that original build that everyones gonna copy if they see you do well with it.

I say i'd like to be the 25% Original and be a leader than just using copy paste builds.

ShadowQupid -> RE: Others United :) (8/20/2011 19:47:05)

I disagree with your "Guesstimate" xD because think of how many non-varium players their are at low levels.
And I still see quite a bit of blood mages, bounty hunters, few Tech Mages and few Mercs at lvl 33 with varium.. ]
I'm a blood mage so if I were to agree I would be in that 25%

I would lower the percentage to about 70-72%

And I'm 1 of the players that will not become a tac merc (Even though I have a tac merc lvl 29 xD )

:D :D :D :)(:

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: Others United :) (8/20/2011 20:27:11)

hehe "tolls" sorry fay but it was funny >:D

HellsCupid -> RE: Others United :) (8/20/2011 20:57:46)

Ahah (;

I'm probably one of the 3% of Cyber Hunters *chuckles*

T29060 -> RE: Others United :) (8/20/2011 23:16:56)

I think its like 50% of the players.
Im a blood mage but almost every tat merc i face has a high hp str build.

Celestine -> RE: Others United :) (8/21/2011 3:24:07)

As a higher leveled player, yes it may seem that Tactical Mercs are everywhere. Although I would say a more accurate % would be 50% and those are just the players a level 33 would be able to face.

Since Tactical Mercenary is not a starting class, my guess is that the overall % would be around 30-35%. This is still a very high %.

I'm, unfortunately, contributing to that % but I have my reasons for switching that don't include "easy wins".
In any case, it just proves how many players will flock to one class to get an advantage over others.

EDluyil -> RE: Others United :) (8/21/2011 4:43:28)

Ive tried everything! Surgical strike, poison, Technision, Very High HP etc you name it ill try it.

Non of them can get anywhere close win % than str or sup.

Midnightsoul -> RE: Others United :) (8/21/2011 10:24:40)

eventually, i will become to one of the 3 percent, HellsCupid.

Drakadh -> RE: Others United :) (8/21/2011 10:29:27)

I've beaten a SPRT-TLM Merc, Just use High HP Balance Build (TM) They only won most of the time cuz of the assault bot =,=".

Str TLM merc, my bro have beaten them once and a while :P Using a SPRT- BH Build. xD He kept blocking and getting the HP back from his strikes.

Remorse -> RE: Others United :) (8/21/2011 11:06:06)

Im a 25% er and Proud of it!!

I will never become a TLM so long as it' sas popular as it is.
I prefer to go classes which make you think hard, yet still give your efforts rewards,
TLM's have one part sussed out....

If I ever did become a TLM I would make a unique build, Ireally don't get why sooo many people arent creative. And its alot of smart people to ... WHY? do they sink to this all time low...
It's like using a noob tube in COD It's effective at killing but it's just soo nooby and effortless.

FrostWolv -> RE: Others United :) (8/21/2011 11:25:13)

^ lol

I WILL become Tactical Mercenary if the Developers remove all the classes from the "Change Class" option and only keep Tactical Mercenary in it!!!
Because all are going into TLM because of improper balance

Till then .... I will be in rest 25%

Wandering Guardian -> RE: Others United :) (8/21/2011 12:04:57)

I cant help being a TLM..I've just come back to playing after about 3 months, and as im originally a mercenary, so naturally im giving it a go.

I have to admit though, i am seeing a lot of them about now, especially in 2v2.

Tempted to try blood mage..


Drago9999 -> RE: Others United :) (8/21/2011 12:41:16)

I became a tactical mercenary to improve my win record (and that it did.) Right now, you either rise up to the ranks or you wither and die.

Nexus... -> RE: Others United :) (8/21/2011 12:55:20)

And then there are some of us who are smart enough to give ourselves the challenge of not being the n00b who switches because he wants to win or improve his record. Obviously I could change, but the principle of using a class which is not balanced, against a bunch of sub-par underbalanced classes, and weaponless non-varium players, makes me sick. Your class requires no real skill at this point, and the only thing that makes this game worth while, is a real challenge. As a response to Fays question, I believe 80% of current players who are within 3 levels of the cap are TLM. You lose all your respect as soon as you become a TLM (at least my respect), because an action like switching to such a class, lowers you to the worst of levels, and shows the worst part of the EpicDuel Community today. Greed and selfishness.

Now if you can give me a better reason then: "I changed cause I wanted to try it" or "I changed for fun" or "I changed so I could win" or "I changed cause my friend told me too", then maybe, if the reason was good enough, you could regain SOME of your respect...but the chances are unlikely.

=/ The truth hurts sometimes


ansh0 -> RE: Others United :) (8/21/2011 14:02:09)


Were you talk in about me? 0.o as I think I'm the only support bounty around :P

~black spidey

PumKing -> RE: Others United :) (8/21/2011 15:14:38)

While I do agree that the number of TLMs is most assuredly a majority in the game, it is only for people lvl 30 and up which can really be counted in that as I have done multiple jugg battles and have really seen enough for me to count on 2 hands (but not quite 10). However, for top lvl players the ammounts of TLMs do resemble those percentages, give or take a few for lvls of 30-33. It is rediculous. Just want to point out that when shadow arts first came out, it was nerfed (if not the first day, I think it was, but maybe not) about the second/third day it came out. One skill. Now conpared to the TLM class (the only class which kept it's class specific passive while the others gave up theirs) which took a few weeks to nerf, and was harly one at that, sinply a wep requirment on one skill and 1 damage less on poison grenade (which has, of this last update been buffed back up,as well as hybrid armor being put back up to 13 instead of 12). So all in all, still disappointed with the devs, agree there is far too many TLMs, and would most enjoy not only a buff to the tech mage and cyberhunter class, but also a general nerf to the TLMs.

Most specifically I think that
1. Hybrid armor should be replaced with defence matrix
2. Cyber Hunter's static charge should be swapped with TLM's reroute
3. Malfunction should be moved up to a second teir ability, either swaping places with blugeon or lightning strike(I like switching it with the lightning strike best because it switches around the one sidedness of the tech mage skill tree, all of their energy attcks are on the right side)

nico0las -> RE: Others United :) (8/21/2011 20:02:59)

cyber hunters=5%
blood mage=10%
tech mage=10%

If it comes to somehow nerfing Tactical, Just kill off Hybrid armor. They'll drop like flies. ESPECIALLY to support mages.

@drago9999 Man I did the exact opposite as you. I gave up tactical because, seriously? There's no point in playing if you know you're going to win. Like a saying I got from my history teacher: "man has the undeniable, and FUNDAMENTAL quality, that when faced with extinction, any alternative is a preferable one."
We, the 40%, are refusing to evolve into something that, although successful, is not worth it. Hence, we will disappear, erased forever from the history of epicduel.
Slowly wither and die away, until ED becomes gray and dull.

Ladies and gentlemen, I believe we have a problem.

I just counted: out of the ALL TIME 1v1, 2v2, and Juggernaut leaders, there are:
TLM: 34
BH: 5
BM: 2
CH: 1
TM: 3
M: 0

34/45 of the ALL TIME BATTLE LEADERS are tactical mercenary (currently, sunday, 21st of August, 2011)
This is the equivalent of 75% of the all time leaders in any form of combat.

I hope that struck home. So now I ask you: Do you think HALF of these people would be up in the leaderboards, if tactical didn't exist? Probably not. It's always been dominated by the hunters, and only witht he rise of the tactical has it lost it's perch. Excluding, of course, juggernaut. I forgive tactical for being juggernaut champ, it's a tank.

I'm Disgusted. I'm ending my post here, because I think I'm going to start raging.
This isn't going well.

Drakadh -> RE: Others United :) (8/21/2011 20:10:17)

SPRT TLM is no match to SPRT TM To be honest. :P

I am one of the 25% :P

@Nic0las Agreed, TLM is the most dull class in-game, the only time its worth using is when trying to defeat a NPC or Boss. :/

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