The edit of ED formulas and calculations? (Full Version)

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King FrostLich -> The edit of ED formulas and calculations? (8/20/2011 18:32:40)

It's been sitting there like ages and it's still not being changed. Can some admin change because the formulas of crit, block and doing a skill that has a % of increased damage are new and don't work like what they used to be

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: The edit of ED formulas and calculations? (8/20/2011 18:35:41)

Frosty the Block and crit formula changed with the balance update
Maximum block chance reduced to 40% (down from 45%). Shadow Arts can increase block chance up to 50%.

Critical Strikes now ignore 50% of defenses (down from 75%). Maximum critical strike chance is now 20% and you now have +1% chance to critical strike for every 7 support over your opponent. Minimum crit chance reduced to 1% and base crit chance is now 4%.

from Balance Update

Lectrix -> RE: The edit of ED formulas and calculations? (8/20/2011 19:20:51)

This doesn't seem to be a discussion. I'll talk to LB about updating the Calculations Page on the ED Wiki, but (for now at least) I'm locking this.

Have a nice day.

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