Nexus... -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 22:39:49)
Well... I have been around a while, and have been through quite a few names. Most people have probably fought me more then a few times by now. I'm also known for my NPC videos, mostly for Practel (we had an active channel way back when), being one of the first to take out BigTuna, and am known for being a die hard mage. I am also a pretty good person to go to for Mage Builds just because of my experience... I also am one of the few who knows who created the original mage support build (it wasn't me :P). My look is fairly distinct, although I have gone through many. My most famous look is probably that of Eternal Prophet featured in the linked video. Not many people even knew Eternal Prophet. I am known around here for getting banned, have a reputation for being negative (which honestly I'm not), and for getting in brutal arguments with mods, and other players. Now I shall list all of my names... Make a note below if you have ever fought me! *In Chronological Order* (Date Of Birth) lol EpicE4 - The First Nexus... - The Brave Eternal Prophet - The Wise Magnet... - The Fat EpicE4 - The Second (II) Equivalence - The Short Lived Cyber Hunter Prophet - The First, Wise, Brave, and Fat Character to ever be created! Prophet