What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (Full Version)

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Chosen 0ne -> What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 19:55:33)

How do players know you?

How are you different from other players?

Tell us! :D

DeathGuard -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 20:00:24)

I saw a similar topic in AQWGD but who cares xD!

Well, I'm a build tester and all the builds I use, I own them.
I like chatting and fighting at the same time, in my faction they know me since I'm almost always active, recently I'm co-leader [:)]

Chosen 0ne -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 20:05:37)

^I would never steal a topic form the aqw's general discussion. Or aq's, or mq's. Ill just copy them.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 20:05:41)

They know me by my look which hasnt changed in over a year

and what makes me different is i pride myself on using outdated gear and making it work(well that was teh case until Carrierzooka got buffed)

DillBagel -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 20:06:52)

I'm immortalized with suggestion weapons.[:D]
And I'm a freaking Bagel.[8D]

Wraith -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 20:08:35)

I'm an idiot who spent 10800 Varium ob Class change alone. Also I sp end about 4 hours a day online, but I'm still a hero? :O?

AQWPlayer -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 20:10:25)

I am known for my name...eloy2006 or eloy 2006. Never changes unless i'm making an alt.
Edit: Actually, i'm not famous enough to say "I am known for" xD

Sparticus -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 20:15:54)

I am Sparticus. Others have said they are sparticus but they are just pretenders, I am Sparticus!

I guess I am best known as the CEO of Stupid Build Inc.

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 20:25:05)

Um... almost everyone knows me.. and if you dont know me... dont meet me ;D

im known for being the spammer/singer/flamer/BESTTTIE in world 8 oz (: and im known for pranks... and im known for knowing everyone? :D

theBatMan -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 20:36:39)

I'm not a TLM.
Which is pretty unique nowadays.

Stabilis -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 20:38:39)

I'm waiting for new sidearm and auxiliary releases AND armours before spending more varium here that makes me unique. I think I used to have catch phrases in battle before.

LambO -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 20:51:07)

Being a Legend. (Not the badge, just hella pro) =)
also, retired. xD

InceptionAE -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 20:55:19)

I'm unique for the builds I make. I'm also a build tester, I love testing builds to see how they go. I've made many mercenary builds that we're success. Made TLM builds that people started stealing. (Thanks) I'm now TM and My build is extremely good (in my opinion) in juggernaut mode. I'm also unique by the way I play. Everyone is unique in the way they play. I hope you can understand what I've said. Thanks for reading. =]

The Shadow Creeper -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 20:59:02)

I am unique in epic duel because I can and I will
And I make youtube videos lol

drodrae -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 21:06:27)

You don't know me, but I know you. >:) Just kidding. [:D] I'm not actually really well known, but I guess the only thing people would notice me for is my theoretical builds. Even though I don't have the equipment, enhancements, or varium, I keep 'em coming.

Shadronica -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 22:07:22)

Nobody knows me. I am a figment of ED's imagination.

drinde -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 22:23:05)

I make builds? Also use Pred P most of the time. :P

Nexus... -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 22:39:49)


I have been around a while, and have been through quite a few names. Most people have probably fought me more then a few times by now. I'm also known for my NPC videos, mostly for Practel (we had an active channel way back when), being one of the first to take out BigTuna, and am known for being a die hard mage. I am also a pretty good person to go to for Mage Builds just because of my experience... I also am one of the few who knows who created the original mage support build (it wasn't me :P). My look is fairly distinct, although I have gone through many. My most famous look is probably that of Eternal Prophet featured in the linked video. Not many people even knew Eternal Prophet.

I am known around here for getting banned, have a reputation for being negative (which honestly I'm not), and for getting in brutal arguments with mods, and other players.

Now I shall list all of my names...

Make a note below if you have ever fought me!
*In Chronological Order* (Date Of Birth) lol

EpicE4 - The First
Nexus... - The Brave
Eternal Prophet - The Wise
Magnet... - The Fat
EpicE4 - The Second (II)
Equivalence - The Short Lived Cyber Hunter
Prophet - The First, Wise, Brave, and Fat Character to ever be created!


Ashley -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 22:47:54)

They know me by my Hair and my Pink armor.

Epic Pwnser -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 23:07:30)

I have quite the resume.
Current CEO of Epicduel World Records
pwnar--->Epic Pwnser
Merc----->Tech Mage

Oh yeah, I have Charfade's sword!

And I have my avatar personalized :)

T29060 -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 23:11:41)

Im a blood mage.

edwardvulture -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 23:15:10)

I don't copy builds

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/20/2011 23:18:35)

Excessive use of emoticons in battle [&:]

kwj3 -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/21/2011 2:50:28)

32 and still uses noob primary not light blades though

beastmo -> RE: What makes you unique in Epic Duel? (8/21/2011 2:54:59)

Founder/Emperor/Spent Tons of money on this game

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