=Lore= The AQWorlds Archiving Thread (Full Version)

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Elryn -> =Lore= The AQWorlds Archiving Thread (8/22/2011 9:53:17)

As you walk along the dark corridors of the Grand Library, dancing fireflies lightly guiding your way, you turn left on a bend and come up to a clearing amongst the bookcases, a pedestal erected in the middle. Upon the pedestal lies an old oblong book which the fireflies, in their own sleepy, light ways, seem to take interest, gliding past you and dancing around it. Seeing as nothing other than the all too present bookcases, you approach the book. Nearing the book, you realize it is much larger than first thought. Three feet long and two feet wide, you feel strangely the book to be great as the oldest tree in the forest is largest, all bound in leather and iron. Forged or carved, you do not know, such is the intricacy of the ironwork. They converge on the front into a circle donned with a familiar symbol. The insignia of your homeland.

The book is locked and shut tight. Looking up, a worn key tinged bronze upon a thread hangs. You look tentatively at it for a moment then grab it. Turning the key in the lock, you hear an audible click and the book opens. Light flashes and blinds. All in an instant, a flood of stories, tales and lore rush through your mind. A story you recognize as one of your youth. An old tale, but told differently. More fully, more detailed, as if told by someone who first witness it. The story of a farmer who bears the same name as a town you never wonder much about. A detail account of the growth of a small village which you come to realize is the description of the old part of your home town. So many tales, so much lore, so much...

You open your eyes. The twilight of the Grand Library is just as it was mere moments ago, or what you believe was moments ago. The book under your eyes is empty. The damp and gentle fireflies' glow fills empty pages, bound to the book's spine. A tinged of disappointment creeps into your thoughts. Perhaps what happened moments ago had been nothing but an idle dream. You are about to turn when a feather drops gently into your sight. White with a long, soft tail. A metal point freshly ink. You peer at the book again, it glows in a soft moonlight glow. It waits.

What tales will you archive?

Greetings and welcome to the AQWorlds Archiving Thread.

This thread is used to archive and preserve forum lore of AQWorlds. Has a dev revealed new interesting information on in-game lore? Quote it here so that it may be kept. Players may quote and post said lore in this thread as long as they follow the quoting format and guidelines outlines below:

  • Basic quote

    N.B. Quotes must come from a reliable source. To this end, please quote only staff (exlcuding context).

    First, include the date at which the post of the quote was made. Include a bit of context on the post. If you can, link a screenshot of the post in question.

    Example of a basic quote :


    27th July 2010: Geo on DF in-game time (I edited a lot of extra info out of this quote).


    Keep in mind that time in DF does not match up to real lief. With how the game is set up, with most areas being scaled, new players can choose to go anywhere they want to start. They can do the storyline in any order.

    What that means is that everything's happening right now, is all kind of happening at the same time or in a relatively short amount of time. While Akriloth is in the east setting farms on fire, Thursday is being haunted by her nightmares, while the gnomes are besieged in Popsprocket, Teral is brooding by the fire in Hunter's Paradise. With a story as large and all encompassing as DragonFable is telling, it akes years to get all the players out there, to get the base line down for al the orbs (while including some cool side-chains as well)*

    *Note though, with a story as large and encompassing as DF is, we do sometimes overlook stuff. Especially with new team members coming aboard (/waves at myself and Alina) and other team members moving to different projects (/waves at Cysero).

  • Special cases

    Quote and context:

    In the event that a staff quote alone is incomplete (i.e. If a dev is answering the question of a player and his answer is unclear without reference to the player's question). The same guidelines as above apply. Additionally, quote both the staff quote and the context in order, identifying each poster.


    Kalanyr, [date]. On Xyphos Celestin


    ORIGINAL: SmashBrawlerX2

    Where does Xyphos stand in all this? Is he also an Archmage?(In the Warlic sense) If he is, ive often wondered why so powerful a mage was missing from the final battle with the devourer. IIRC he wasn't there when Beleqwuaya disincorporated himself


    ORIGINAL: Kalanyr

    He's an acquaintance of Beleqwaya's. Yes. His specialty is not precisely appropriate for the magic that was being worked.

    Twitter quotes:

    Quotes from Twitter are acceptable as long as they are relevant and from Staff.

    If you are unsure or have any questions about archiving, you can always [img]http://forums2.battleon.com/f/image/pm.gif[/img] me and ask.

    Now, enough chatting, on with the archiving :

    7/24/2011 1:03:30: Alina on ley lines


    In this week's event you learned that Lore is circled by ley lines of magic. These "veins" criss-cross Lore something like the latitude and longitude lines you'd see on a globe.

    Mages draw from it for their mana and can tap into them to draw extra strength when they need it. This is a new facet of magical knowledge for players, though according to Cysero, it's been a part of Lore's canon since the early DragonFable years.

    They are a very esoteric piece of arcana, rarely discussed and likely known only by mages with an interest in the theoretical. ... Or by magic-users who wish to exploit them for their own gain, like Sally.
    Credits to Archmagus Orodalf

  • Dragonslayer Chaos -> RE: =Lore= The AQWorlds Archiving Thread (8/22/2011 20:26:34)

    My piece of work I am working on is called Arces.

    It is based on the AQW sagas. It focuses around the orphan Half-Dragon Arces, trained by dragonslayers, who must stop Drakath, based off of the AQW hero, who works alongside Graveyln, and eventaly falls in love with her. Through every twist and turn, he finds new powers, new friends, and new hopes. Even finds out more about his family, finding out his mother is dead, srry for the spoiler, and eventaly finds out about his father, a noble, who gave him up for Arces' safety.
    After bloodtusk, he will face Chaos Lords that i think would be good ones. I don't know if they will be real CLs, but i think they would be good.

    So far these pieces are there.

    The biginging
    The battle at Swordhaven
    Drakath's arrival
    Chiral Vally
    The Twins, as told by another
    Yokai Isle
    Underworld Assault, another story I made, an event in history that was forgotten by almost all, Death remembers, and Arces and Artix think it a dream
    And currently, Doomwood
    Bloodtusk is next

    It is a serious role on the game's story line.
    I prefer a serious story more, but i like AQW's comedy.
    I hope you enjoy my story.
    Around 50 Chapters at the moment.
    Check it out

    ArchMagus Orodalf -> RE: =Lore= The AQWorlds Archiving Thread (8/22/2011 21:28:20)

    Dragonslayer Chaos, these archives are for canon, not fanon.

    Also, a relevant quote:

    7/24/2011 1:03:30: Alina on ley lines


    In this week's event you learned that Lore is circled by ley lines of magic. These "veins" criss-cross Lore something like the latitude and longitude lines you'd see on a globe.

    Mages draw from it for their mana and can tap into them to draw extra strength when they need it. This is a new facet of magical knowledge for players, though according to Cysero, it's been a part of Lore's canon since the early DragonFable years.

    They are a very esoteric piece of arcana, rarely discussed and likely known only by mages with an interest in the theoretical. ... Or by magic-users who wish to exploit them for their own gain, like Sally.

    Cataclysm -> RE: =Lore= The AQWorlds Archiving Thread (8/27/2012 16:25:47)

    Alina on the Timeline, 8/27/2012 00:13:03


    The death of the Dragon of Time happened before any of the events in AQWorlds occurred. The AQWorlds as we know it (as a combination of AQ/DF/MQ) did not exist before that death. It was a version of Lore with many similar characters (Artix, Sepulchure, Galanoth, etc) but it did not have the influences of AQ/DF/MQ yet... and it also did not have the AQW Hero.

    PyroPuppy -> RE: =Lore= The AQWorlds Archiving Thread (9/1/2012 8:01:50)

    Alina on AQW Magic System, 20/March/2012 11:20 PM through Twitter:

    Tweet sent by me:

    @Alina_AE How does AQW magic system cooperate with AQ's?


    @PyroPuppy Different games, different systems. AQ has its own rules.

    With The Span going on, explaining how AQW was created, I think this have a huge consequences on the connection between AQ, DF, MQ, and AQW.

    Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: =Lore= The AQWorlds Archiving Thread (12/2/2012 13:04:40)

    Artix, 11/28/2012 20:13:59.


    I.) The Slugwrath name
    This is not actually the correct surname... the actual name is never allowed to be spoken. The real name is a secret and merely speaking the word would bring about unended horrors. As a venomous joke, a word that is similar to the actual name, "Slugwrath" is used throughout the games.

    II.) Order of the Games
    Remember, we build our games backwards. Mostly to be crazy and odd. Here is how the timeline goes
    1st MechQuest (5000 years in the past)
    2nd DragonFable (5 years in the past)
    3rd AdventureQuest (Current)
    4rthish-itgetsweird.... AQWorlds (All of the timelines merged into one due to Galanoth slaying the Eternal Dragon of Time. So, also current.)

    III.) Drakath's Story
    Drakath is by far the most interesting character in our universe. His Father is indeed the evil King/Kingadent Slugwrath who was overthrown by the warrior who is now known as the good King Alteon. As a deposed Prince, Drakath was bitter and believed the throne was rightfully his. So he formed the Darkwolf Bandits and attempted to take back his Kingdom by force. His terrible acts lead him to serving the DoomKnight Sepulchure. This made for an exceptionally odd combination if you know Sepulchure's backstory. Sepulchure used Drakath as a tool to recruit a cast of villains who previously served Drakath's Father (Xan, Sekduat, the Ospray Cove Pirates, etc.) Let it be known that Drakath had many opportunities to give up his thirst for power and side with good -- and destroy all of the forces of evil in the process. One of the many chances he has included the missed romance between himself and the Ranger, Robina. There is no small irony that if Drakath had followed his heart, and it had lead to marriage... he would have likely ended up as King due to Robina's secret double identity as the Princess Victoria. (I do not think this story has ever been told... if not, I hope it is one day.)

    Ultimately, when victory was in the grasp of the evil forces, Drakath betrayed Sepulchure. The horrifying sequence of events that followed turned Drakath into Dragon of Darkness (which was supposed to line up with his role as the Darkness Dragon in the classic AdventureQuest) Drakath was killed. Well... he should have died. Something else happened. You will not find out exactly what until the end of AQWorld's overarching storyline. But he was "chosen" and became the Champion of Chaos.

    Immediately seeking revenge, he went to Castle Swordhaven where the final battle between the forces of Good & Evil.... the final battle between King Alteon and the DoomKnight Sepulchure was taking place. He perma killed Sepulchure and mortally wounded King Alteon, infecting him with some sort of chaos corrupted disease. It is obvious by his show of power that Drakath could destroy every city in the world. He could possibly destroy the entire world. But his actions indicate he is following some sort of seemingly illogical rule set and is attempting to achieve a larger goal. He created 13 Lords of Chaos, who were granted lesser powers. Each one of them inevitably raised a Chaos Beast. Every time a Chaos Beast is defeated a new rune glows on Drakath's portal. Pray that we never find out what is actually going on.

    The DoomKnight Sepulchure's death left the evil side without a leader. Sepulchure's Daughter, Gravelyn took charge and claimed the title of Empress of the Shadowscythe and the rightful heir as the leader of the forces of Evil. There is no question that she is hungry for revenge against Drakath. Without question, Drakath's #1 enemy outside of the players is Gravelyn. Off subject, Gravelyn's backstory... as revealed in AQWorld's DoomWood: Part 2 is one of my favorite "gotchas" in all of our games. The only gotcha that could possibly be bigger is when the player or "Hero" of AQWorlds finds out what they really are. Gives me goosebumps every time I think of it.

    Battle on!

    P.S. On the subject of the "Laws of Chaos"... Drakath has not always been.... as chaotic as a Champion of Chaos should be. This was not done by mistake.

    keepGuessing! -> RE: =Lore= The AQWorlds Archiving Thread (2/11/2015 6:12:30)

    I don't know how this works but here I go...


    1. Does Robina still have feelings for Drakath?

    2. Does Drakath still have feelings for Robina?

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