Wind -> RE: Cyber Hunters (8/23/2011 9:11:08)
Ahaha well, i started out as a Techmage from the beginning, then i went to merc, back to TM, back to merc back to TM, then to BH :D (a change for once) then 1 week later i changed to Cyber Hunter and have been one ever since :). I think tha class is naturally better than the normal BH class. Other say CHANGE TO TACT MERC AND BE OP. Well honestly i never choose the OP class and never have. In fact i've always seemed to be choosing the supposedly weakest class out of the bunch, only to prove that just because your class is OP doesn't mean you can still beat me :P. I suggest you try being a CH it's great fun and i've already made 3 Master builds with it. One of the NPC builds can kill 3 NPC's within 10 mins, and can kill them each battle within 3 rounds. <---- thats whats called Epic!