Favourite weapons? (Full Version)

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Darkeroid -> Favourite weapons? (8/23/2011 7:31:25)

What is your favourite :Primary

Here's mine:primary:delta staff,delta destroyer
sidearm:stun blaster
auxilary:energy eggzooka
robot:assault bot
armor:bunny borg p

T.600 -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/23/2011 7:37:28)

Primary: Azrael
Sidearm: Imperial ACP K
Auxillary: Cupid's Bane
Armour: Founder Armor

Yeah, I like old school weapons :).

rajkumar -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/23/2011 7:45:17)

cool T you have same favourite as mine just the armour is different.

Stabilis -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/23/2011 8:49:40)

Since I like special effects,

P- Celtic Cleaver or, Delta Destroyer

S- Stun Guns

Au- Eggzookas

Ar- Tesla Armour

R- Any

If I had this complete set my face would be [;)]

Oh, and robot right now Assault bot and Gamma bot are equals now so either one.

@Digital X,

Nice, man! Its good that at least someone was playing during crucial times ;p.

Digital X -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/23/2011 9:23:42)

Can i have that face then? as i have all that? :)

Celtic cleaver is definitely one of my all time favourites, it's great looking, has nice stats and a 7% to connect? what more could i ask for.

Energy Eggzooka is my favourite (and only Aux so far) love the animation of it too, and decent damage. Will be keeping this for a while.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/23/2011 10:36:24)

Primary: Caden's Wrath it's spining and there lightning what more could you want
Sidearm: Dread Cannon what can i say i like halloween
Auxilary: CarrierZooka
Robot: Assult
Armor: Seraph it matchs my name if you dont relize it really has six wings

voidance -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/23/2011 12:26:21)

I have a favorite of each type.

Primary: Celtic War Staff/Delta Staff
Sidearm: Skullfire Blaster/Plasma ACP
Auxilary: Energy EggZooka/EggZooka
Robot: Assault Bot
Armor: WarBot P(Strength Builds), BunnyBorg E(Dex Builds), and Tesla P(5 focus/Tech Builds)

InceptionAE -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/23/2011 14:06:27)

Primary: Frostbane
Secondary: Beta Blaster
Auxiliary: Beta Auxiliary
Robot: Assault Bot
Armor: Space Warrior E
Favourite Skill: Defence Matrix

rej -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/23/2011 18:05:53)

Primary azreal bane
Sidearm frostbolt or beta blaster
Auxilary eggzooka (of course)
Robot gamma...
Armor banana suit
why isn't there a hoverbike option? *adds one*
hoverbike marauder

Wasalu M. Jaco -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/23/2011 20:21:33)

Primary: Frostbreaker
Sidearm: stun cannon
Auxiliary: idk
Armor:mage founder armor

Yo son -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/23/2011 21:05:28)


What is your favourite :Primary

Here's mine:primary:delta staff,delta destroyer
sidearm:stun blaster
auxilary:energy eggzooka
robot:assault bot
armor:bunny borg p

No, ur favorite are OPEd items, no offense. MY is Azreal, Boomstick, Frostbane, Carden Armor, Physical egg zooka, assault bo; although I have these items, I don't really use them, because the accumulate alot of unwanted strength.

veneeria -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/23/2011 21:56:04)

got so many xD

primary: reactor saw, super plasma cleaver*, warmonger, assassin claws 2, heretic cleaver 2, judgement 3, doom spike, giga mace, OVERKILL, absorved screams, bunny choppers, iron maws, "duty calls"*.
Sidearm: machine pistol, super repeater , elite repeater, stun blasters.
Auxilary: Rebel, imperial sniper rifle, assault chaingun, dragon cannon!, crockzooka.
Robot: too early to have one i "like".
Armor: nightwraith's armor if there was a female version to be used xD

*cough my weapons cough

CivicChaos -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/23/2011 23:25:06)

My favorite weps.
1. Baby Maul
2. Baby Staff
3. Baby Claws
4. Baby Sword
5. (Fav) The baby. (robot)

nico0las -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/23/2011 23:41:01)

Primary: delta daggers and Celtic cleaver. Both fully enhanced give huge stats. And both effects are awesome.

Gun: stun blaster. The name says it all

Bazooka: spectral blaster or energy eggzooka. They're both really good looking.

Armor: bunny Borg and BH founder armor. BB cuz it's sick, and founder cuz it's my primary armor,
and it's great for str builds (like me)

LamentationsXV -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/24/2011 1:42:07)

Bionic Bear Bike :P

DillBagel -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/24/2011 1:55:09)

Primaries: Soul Ripper, The Beast Reborn*, Axes of Fury*
Sidearms: Imperial ACP, Frostbolt Blaster (Too bad I don't have it)
Auxiliaries: Bunnyzooka and E Bunnyzooka (Eggzookas are evil bunny rip-offs) :3
Robot: Mr Waffles (He doesn't exist yet, but mark my words he will) xD
Armors: Desert Ronin, Desert Marine, BH Founder (Don't have that one either)
Bike: Marauder hands down (Too bad a sibling sold it as an evil practical joke)

*Cough my items cough :)

Darkeroid -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/24/2011 6:00:57)

@Yo son
Yes,yes they are
Btw i am F2p,but my support build would be great with those items(and of course with a future robot that can raise support [;)] ).

Algorithm -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/24/2011 7:16:28)

For my primary Celtic Cleaver.

PumKing -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/24/2011 16:10:18)

Fav wep, The Beast Reborn, just so much like Freddy's claw, couldn't help but buy them XD

Sparticus -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/24/2011 16:43:44)

Best shot of best equipment

Founder armor, Beta AUX, Imperial ACP-K(not shown), Perforators.

Besides the obvious begging by my opponent, this pic shows the beauty of the Perforators. They are two sided weapons, demonstrating straps and grips on the inside so they can be held while still showing your Founders armor. While extended, they glisten and they retract safely for greeting a friend or eating a sandwich.

Ashley -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/24/2011 16:47:09)

All Time Favourite: Mjolnir

I've use it since i was Level 19.

matteo234 -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/24/2011 16:51:58)

Im saying, as my favorite weapons, i would go for cryomancer staff, frostbolt blaster, dragon cannon and marauder bike.
Theyare the only ones that were initially bought just for their looks for me. And i still have them, the cannon and the bike purely for that reason!!
That staff ... so cool..
Not going to choose an armor, in case i get accused of suggesting OPed stuff.. and there aren't enough interesting ones to decide on looks.. Though i prefer looking like a tank merc whilst being a skinny tech mage inside :P

punkyyo -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/25/2011 3:12:57)

how do u get those pics up?? there cool

plzzzz let me know a.s.a.p

temtu -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/25/2011 3:37:04)

Primary: emaple cleaver and energy rixty weapon (dont no what it is called)
Sidearm: imperial acp/imperial acp k
Auxillary: energy egg zooka and carrierzooka
Armour: founder armour and shogun
bot: i dont really like nay bot

Drakadh -> RE: Favourite weapons? (8/25/2011 5:19:34)

@Tempu Its called the Soul Ripper I think.

Primary: Celtic Cleaver Staff
SideArm: Dread Cannon
Aux: Graphite Gun
Armor: Imperial Mage
Bot: Assault Bot

:D ( Sadly I have half of what I stated =,=" )

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