A banner with in a threads first post. (Full Version)

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shadow dragon666 -> A banner with in a threads first post. (8/24/2011 3:46:08)

Seeing as there are zero rules on it, and it had been deemed okay for a long while now.

There in being the question if a person creates a series of threads with in something, what rule guideline then should be followed if they wish to have a banner with in the 1st post.
Would it fall under signature rules and delegations or would it be a new off branch of it?

As a banner is only used once in the whole thread and not on every page like a signature can be used should it be held to a different rule set and guidelines.
Or is it that we shouldn't even have them at all, in which case why don't we have a rule for such a thing?

Eukara Vox -> RE: A banner with in a threads first post. (8/24/2011 9:10:06)

L&L does actually have banner rules. The one in the OOC is more along the lines of what is appropriate in size, actual parameters are not listed but they are the same as Signature size. I am actually in the process of writing up that guideline.

It depends on the forum, but ultimately, it has everything to do with the actual banner's filesize and dimensions. Just like signatures are supposed to be no larger than 50kb and 500x100 px, banners must also be very small. This is done out of courtesy to those who have slower connection speeds and just tidiness of the forums.

For example, from L&L's rules:

No signatures in Archive threads. Art inclusion should be minimal.

You are not allowed to use your signature at all in your story thread.

Title banners are restricted 600x200 px and a maximum size of 50kb.

shadow dragon666 -> RE: A banner with in a threads first post. (8/24/2011 16:30:09)

But really if a connection is to be that impaired by a single picture of a kb of say a max of 140, and with in dimensions of 300 X 300, in one post of a thread.

You think that might hinder you doing anything online period as a single ad would have more one of the flash Ad's here can eat more so then that.
I mean if this were in the case you probably couldn't even run DF on the lowest grade settings and so much with in that I can see back in the day when the forums were made not everyone had connections like we do now, that's not also to say some don't.

It just seems a little odd, that we never looked back into it even though connections have improved a large jump in the norm of who has what, and a lot of the slower things like Dial up are basically gone. Yet we have our older ways, I see the point of the sig rules in the end but the banner being the exact same not so much.

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