shadow dragon666 -> RE: A banner with in a threads first post. (8/24/2011 16:30:09)
But really if a connection is to be that impaired by a single picture of a kb of say a max of 140, and with in dimensions of 300 X 300, in one post of a thread. You think that might hinder you doing anything online period as a single ad would have more one of the flash Ad's here can eat more so then that. I mean if this were in the case you probably couldn't even run DF on the lowest grade settings and so much with in that I can see back in the day when the forums were made not everyone had connections like we do now, that's not also to say some don't. It just seems a little odd, that we never looked back into it even though connections have improved a large jump in the norm of who has what, and a lot of the slower things like Dial up are basically gone. Yet we have our older ways, I see the point of the sig rules in the end but the banner being the exact same not so much.