(AQW)Morthos the Binder~disscusion (Full Version)

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Mind Mage -> (AQW)Morthos the Binder~disscusion (8/26/2011 12:05:06)

Ok, Here is my newest addition to the stories that come from the imagination of Mind Mage!

This is the biography for Morthos.

Name: M or Morthos the Binder. M is what his close friends call him for a nickname.

Age: He is just starting his adventuring career at 19 after his Binder training. (Binders are like mages, but only deal in one type on magic, and that magic is chains. They use the chains to keep their enemies in one place, or to strike out in attack. Binders can magically make a chain in front of themselves. They can have up to eight chains attuned to then. These chains can be many diffrent lengths, depending on the thickness. A thick chain will be short, and a long chain will be thin. M's chains are super hard to break, they are harder than titianium. One chain is like second nature, with two chains it, is a little harder and he breaks out in a sweat. Three and four chains give him a small headache, while five and six obscures the minds eye. Seven and Eight are chains that only the most powerful Binders can summon, bringing the summoner down to their knees from the ammount of pain.).

Personality: M is very self-reliant, but when it comes to the important stuff, he lets others help him out. He likes to think to himself a lot.

Gender: Male

Alignment: Good, he wants to keep the world safe from the types of demons his family keeps locked up.

Element: Ice, Morthos grew up surrounded by ice so he thought that ice would be a good choice, for binders choose an element of choice in which their spells take up a form in.(ex. the chain is frozen solid, with razor sharp icicles, and they don't brake due to a spell, but it is still fully maneuverable).

Race: Tiefling, a Tiefling is a demon like creature that came into being when the humans (who tieflings used to be by the way) made pacts with devils. These pacts gave them super strength and racial magics. The downsides to the pacts were that the humans grew horns (straight back for the male and curled for the females) and tails (they are four to five feet long). The horns usually scare people off, but there are a brave few who do. Tieflings have a tendancy to go insane for long periods of times when there is a full moon.

Hair and skin: M has blood red skin and dark blue hair. His hair is a short buzz cut look.

Eyes: White pupils and a black iris, making a ring like shape in the middle of his eyes.

Build: Well built arms and an athletic build body type.

Height and weight: M is short at 6'2''. Morthos weighs only 140 lbs without his gear.

Appearence: M looks like a devil, as you might already know, but here are what his horns and tail looks like.

M's tail is about four feet long. It is red like the rest of his body. His tail ends with what looks like a spear tip. When you fight Morthos, you might just come out of it with a laceration from his super sharp tail.

M's Horns are jet black. They come out from the side of his head, just above his ears. They are two and a half feet long and about five inches thick. The horns point backwards. Since the horns point backwards, they cannot be used for combat.

Armor: M wears a leather type armor which has a strap going across the chest that connects to his belt, where there is a pouch that he keeps simple orbs in that create a dust cloud of sorts to help him escape tight situations. A hood hangs down from the back of his armor and he has boots in which he can keep a small knife.

Backstory: When M was a kid, he was transferred all the memories of his race, he sees what they went through and helps to stop others from the same fate. Because of this he has gained dark powers linked to the pit of chains (the Pit of Chains is where Morthos grew up, it is the prison which M's family runs and keeps demons in. They keep the demons here because of the Great Aberrant War, in which Tieflings fought the Demons. The Demons here are kept because they don't want another war). Morthos is the receiver of memories for his family. Because of this M received memories of terrible encounters between demons and people. These memories make him want to keep others safe from these horrors.

Once Morthos has his mind made, you won't be able to change it. His ways are unconventional like attacking the ceiling to use stalagmites to kill the monster instead of attacking directly. These crazy methods work for M though. He watches more then him talks but he takes in every detail, and makes masterful plans.

If you prove yourself a true friend to the mysterious Morthos, you could learn his true name, or maybe how he became a Chain Mage, but you will never find the pain he feels through the memories.

At nineteen M set off to help rid the world of demonic creatures, one step at a time. With his frozen magic two sickles and his pet Fire Bear, he will save the world. Along with his ability to summon a captured creature from The Pit of Chains and his different binding spells, he'll rid the world of those that commit evil.

Weapons: M dual wields sickles and commands up to eight chains.

Magic abilities: He can send out chilling blasts that can flash freeze any object.

Special abilities: M can focus his inner demon to gain a powerful sickle attack in which he strikes faster and with more strength.

He can also use his knowledge of infernal creatures to summon a fire bear to his side for one hour, they will be totally obedient to him and won't listen to anyone else, but he can only summon him again after three hours of rest.

•Fire Bear
*Powers=Firey swipe where he uses claws to attack and breathe fire*
*The bears name is Reliquen, and he is 7'9'' when standing on is hind paws.

More is in store for Morthos and his pal the Reliquen!

Open for disscussion.

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