What House(s) Have You Won At The Arcade? (Full Version)

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LatinLover/Martini -> What House(s) Have You Won At The Arcade? (8/26/2011 17:18:02)

Just curious cause Im not sure what house or houses you can win in the arcade...

What house or houses have you won in the arcade?
How long did it take you?

Callisto -> RE: What House(s) Have You Won At The Arcade? (8/26/2011 17:22:04)

You can only win 1 house,junkyard crawler.I've never won it but my friend did after only 30 wins.

Basicball -> RE: What House(s) Have You Won At The Arcade? (8/26/2011 17:29:06)

you can only win th crawler, i won it after about 4K tokens

LatinLover/Martini -> RE: What House(s) Have You Won At The Arcade? (8/26/2011 17:30:36)

i won mine the first time it came out on first try X)

Agiluz -> RE: What House(s) Have You Won At The Arcade? (8/26/2011 18:05:01)

i won 2 hoverbikes so far but too bad i couldn't take 2 bikes so they made it to 10k creds :D

classifiedname -> RE: What House(s) Have You Won At The Arcade? (8/26/2011 22:17:09)

i won everything except a bike wich drives me crazy -_-
but the house i won was the junker yard clawer thingy

Practel -> RE: What House(s) Have You Won At The Arcade? (8/26/2011 22:18:50)

I boughtz it :D does that still count?

daksh0 -> RE: What House(s) Have You Won At The Arcade? (8/27/2011 2:36:52)

I got my home on the 3rd try xD.

PenyihiR -> RE: What House(s) Have You Won At The Arcade? (8/27/2011 2:59:13)

I won The Invisible House ( Means Nothing)

Eventus -> RE: What House(s) Have You Won At The Arcade? (8/27/2011 7:03:31)

Err, Callisto is correct, Junkyard Crawler is currently the only house obtainable via the arcade.

I bought mine, I think. I don't really remember, actually. But I probably did... because I like saving my precious Battle Tokens.
They look nice, you know. So gold... and shiny...

VIX -> RE: What House(s) Have You Won At The Arcade? (8/27/2011 7:05:59)

I won at arcade something called " NOTHING " xD did anyone heard abou this lololol

Remorse -> RE: What House(s) Have You Won At The Arcade? (8/27/2011 11:36:03)

Don't even talk to me about arcade....

As for all of you who got a major prize in their first couple of tries. CURSE YOU!

Purple112 -> RE: What House(s) Have You Won At The Arcade? (8/27/2011 13:48:20)

I always credits. They're usually in the hundreds, so I'm not complaining.

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