Wiseman -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 7:21:43)
The fact is the weapons and the areas are ready to roll live, but if they rolled them live now you would also get a lot of problems. Allow me to explain, over the course of the week Titan literally took apart the entire game trying to find and fix the adobe problem, at one point the game was nothing but colored squares. Now that the adobe bug has been patched Titan has to go back and put the game back together piece by piece. This is not an easy task as it took him a whole week to take it apart, it will take several hours to repair it, the good news is ED has gotten a facelift, all the buttons will be different, the login screen has changed, there might be a new color picker added, and some other less noticeable improvements as well. While the release itself is ready if it was rolled out now, you would have a lot of chat boxes where the text field is missing, no way to create new accounts, no way to change colors or hairstyles, a broken chat box, and some other issues. The release is ready, but the game is not ready for the release, its that simple. Proof of the adobe bug: http://tinyurl.com/3eodqro Broken color picker: http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Wiseman108/Forum%20stuff/Brokencolorpicker.png New buttons: http://i852.photobucket.com/albums/ab81/Wiseman108/Forum%20stuff/NewButtons.png As you can see I'm not making this up to smooth things over, and to be honest I don't care if you still think I am. I'm done messing around, the fact is without Titan and Nightwraith there would be no ED for any of you to enjoy. Those two have spent more time working on this game for you than they have probably spent on their personal lives, and this level of disrespect is just sickening. We've spent 18+ hours working on this release today, and we made a lot of progress, if it wasn't for the flash issue the release would have been here long before now. Course I doubt you guys will believe that since the staff can never be honest and always makes excuses. Well I'm gonna be blunt this time, learn to wait, whether a release takes a week, 2 weeks, a month or even longer, it will not be released till it is ready, there is no set release scheduled for ED and we release when the releases are ready, not a moment sooner. You can think what you want, believe what you want, feel what you want, say what you want, but none of that is gonna make things go any faster and we don't intend to rush things for the complainers. For the ones that have patience with the small staff that ED has, I respect each of you highly, I know it can be tough when so many releases are delayed unexpectedly and believe me it's frustrating when things don't go as planned. However sometimes and in our case often, things don't go as planned, I will admit it has a lot to do with the size of the team, specifically the number of coders, and believe me there are things in motion behind the scenes that will hopefully fix that issue in due time. For now though, your continued patience and support is a blessing and we thank you for every moment you put into believing in us. For the complainers, whiners, and haters. Releases will happen when they are ready, not a moment sooner, and no amount of whining, complaining, or hating is gonna make it go any faster. If the release doesn't happen when you want it to, then go do something else, play another AE game, read a book, go outside, sleep, just don't expect things to go your way just because you want them to. And above all else, deal with it. I don't expect to win any points for this post, and that's fine, I don't mind playing the bad guy, and believe me it's hard to push my buttons, but I'm getting sick of the same old song and dance every week. At this point I can predict the overall reaction for each release before it even happens, and I generally ignore the complaints, but what I can't ignore is the insults, and the unfounded claims that the developers are making up excuses. Can you read their minds? Are you watching them? Do you know what they are thinking? Are you their boss? I don't think so, so stop pretending you are. Whether you liked it or not, thanks for reading. To Lord Barrius: If you think this post is too harsh please send me a copy of it in PM and delete it, so I can remove some sections or word it in a nicer way. I tried to be honest without being to mean, but I'm just tired of all this hate towards the developers for simply doing their jobs. Also I think your doing a great job cleaning up the ED GD, and I support you all the way (I'm sure I will lose more points for that, but I don't care), thanks for helping out with the problem.