RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (Full Version)

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PowerMega -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 4:17:35)


Well, folks, we fought valiantly, but sleep deprivation ultimately took it's harsh toll. We'll try again tomorrow after some rest...

From Nightwraith's twitter

Well, nice to know all that bull hype last week about the update being ready was a load of crap and adobe was the one causing the problems, thanks for lying to us, gf players.

I think we should have guessed something was up when all the other games from Artix Entertainment were working fine.-_-

GoldenNeo -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 4:17:54)

@Jake:I don't even know what that means but.. I know it sucks. [:@]

zelemania -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 4:24:35)

Dayum! [:'(] Any official announcement?

Hun Kingq -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 4:25:35)

They will start working on it again at noon to be ready for next Friday's update so all of you stayed up wasted your time and sleep but I got plenty of sleep. Since no one knows when the update will happen then if they restock the Tesla Armor especially the E armor then they should have it in stock for 36hrs.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 4:26:30)

Just to let you know, guys! :) Taken from here:!/Nightwraith_EpD


Otherwise we might end up deleting important stuff by mistake. At a certain point, the numbers start moving!

11 minutes ago


Well, folks, we fought valiantly, but sleep deprivation ultimately took it's harsh toll. We'll try again tomorrow after some rest...

11 minutes ago

AzZratuSS -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 4:26:50)

god i think they kiddin me all this wait to see him say "we try again tommorow" omfg this game get worse day by day....

drinde -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 4:42:15)

Wonder how many days could tommorow take. Hmmm....

BTW, I believe the EPP 's (EpicDuel Player Population) Rage Meter has been filled up.

Calogero -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 4:52:53)

and what easier way that to ban those that are raging.

This is how it will go:
Cindy will come, appologizing towards us for the delay.
We will rage
LB will come warning us
LB will ban us
and next week with another delay same thing will happen

quiet predictable if you ask me

EDluyil -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 5:04:54)

Oh well at least its tomorrow not next week.

Ashari -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 5:07:54)

@andy123: No one enjoys handing out punishments or wants to if it's avoidable. Just like the devs don't like delaying releases, but unfortunately it happens. They wouldn't have been working 18 hours today if they didn't want try and push out the release on time. Nightwraith did say that they'll be working on EpicDuel again tomorrow so it looks like we'll be having a weekend release.

I understand everyone's frustration at the delays, but please understand that the devs are working their hardest and they too are frustrated when a release has to be delayed like this. I'm not asking you to be happy with the delay, just that you understand the situations the devs are in and don't let your anger get the best of you. :)

AzZratuSS -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 5:37:30)

i just wanna know one thing theyre gonna rest up this day and the update wil be at night? i mean there will be limited shops at charfade and naomi and wanna know just when they gonna update it-___-

Nexus... -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 5:46:07)


Give me a break. As much as I want to believe that the developers want the best for their players, and tried their hardest, I want you to face the facts.

1) This update was supposed to be ready LAST WEEK

2) No Design Notes post or Status Update was given until the day of

3) NW repeatedly posted that they were "doing fine" and "almost ready" on his twitter throughout the day

4) We were told their would be a release tonight

5) We were told that the release had been pushed back, but would be done around 10 PM eastern

6) We were lead to believe that the developers were close to finishing, and would release at some point tonight

Now tell me. Why would I be frustrated? Why should we be frustrated? I know your not saying to be "happy", but this is crazy. You think they are doing whats best to the players by lying to us. Yes, its called lying when you tell someone something repeatedly, that just isn't true. Then you have to remember that the entire time they have been working on this release, people have been waiting for the game to update, right down to the last twitter post. You let all of us down. All of us who said "Yup, they have a bad track record, but maybe this time, just maybe, they will follow through on their word", and like usual, oh how predictable, they disappoint all of us. I dont care if they push this to next week, I don't care if they push this the rest of the year, I'm so tired of false promises and lies. So you tell me that I shouldn't be happy, but to be understanding? No way Ashari, no way. I can't understand how they could do this to their community time after time, the people who made them who they are. All of you MODS get all your gear free don't you? Why would you ever side with us anyway? Its just pathetic, downright pathetic, and I have had enough. I respect that the developers fought valiantly, but unfortunately this was on of those times where "close" and "effort" are just words with no content to back them up.


jarrenh1 -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 5:56:23)

@ Nexus

When you do what they do, then you have the right to complain

Calogero -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 5:57:37)

@ Ashari

Mad??? I'm past being mad, I'm at the point that I don't give a crap anymore...

18 hours of work?? on what? those weapons were to be released last week if My memory serves well.

I Think, each time something is delayed, they should add more to that list of content seeing they are getting more time to put out the release
just saying

I for 1 saw the postpone coming... hell I knew it would be delayed the time they delayed it last week..
It's how Titan and Nightwraight role these days

Eventus -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 7:20:42)

Hiya folks,

Please remember that Titan and Nightwraith are working hard to make sure every update goes live according to plan, and on time. They are definitely not trying to intentionally anger everyone by constantly delaying them - some things are inevitable, especially with the recent noted revamp in coding and the late Flash update. Take note that every delay means that they've found something that truly needs immediate attention, and I'm positive such things are never minuscule. It's not like they wake up every morning thinking "I think I'll cancel the update today to cause an uproar." They postpone the updates because they actually care what happens EpicDuel's players, not just because they feel like it.

With patience and consideration, the expected update should be upon us before we know it.
(that is, after they've caught up on their Zzzs; they're human beings too, you know!).

@Below (Wiseman): 1 minute and 1 second later, my point is made by the man of wisdom. [:D]

Wiseman -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 7:21:43)

The fact is the weapons and the areas are ready to roll live, but if they rolled them live now you would also get a lot of problems. Allow me to explain, over the course of the week Titan literally took apart the entire game trying to find and fix the adobe problem, at one point the game was nothing but colored squares. Now that the adobe bug has been patched Titan has to go back and put the game back together piece by piece. This is not an easy task as it took him a whole week to take it apart, it will take several hours to repair it, the good news is ED has gotten a facelift, all the buttons will be different, the login screen has changed, there might be a new color picker added, and some other less noticeable improvements as well. While the release itself is ready if it was rolled out now, you would have a lot of chat boxes where the text field is missing, no way to create new accounts, no way to change colors or hairstyles, a broken chat box, and some other issues. The release is ready, but the game is not ready for the release, its that simple.

Proof of the adobe bug:

Broken color picker:

New buttons:

As you can see I'm not making this up to smooth things over, and to be honest I don't care if you still think I am. I'm done messing around, the fact is without Titan and Nightwraith there would be no ED for any of you to enjoy. Those two have spent more time working on this game for you than they have probably spent on their personal lives, and this level of disrespect is just sickening. We've spent 18+ hours working on this release today, and we made a lot of progress, if it wasn't for the flash issue the release would have been here long before now. Course I doubt you guys will believe that since the staff can never be honest and always makes excuses. Well I'm gonna be blunt this time, learn to wait, whether a release takes a week, 2 weeks, a month or even longer, it will not be released till it is ready, there is no set release scheduled for ED and we release when the releases are ready, not a moment sooner. You can think what you want, believe what you want, feel what you want, say what you want, but none of that is gonna make things go any faster and we don't intend to rush things for the complainers.

For the ones that have patience with the small staff that ED has, I respect each of you highly, I know it can be tough when so many releases are delayed unexpectedly and believe me it's frustrating when things don't go as planned. However sometimes and in our case often, things don't go as planned, I will admit it has a lot to do with the size of the team, specifically the number of coders, and believe me there are things in motion behind the scenes that will hopefully fix that issue in due time. For now though, your continued patience and support is a blessing and we thank you for every moment you put into believing in us.

For the complainers, whiners, and haters. Releases will happen when they are ready, not a moment sooner, and no amount of whining, complaining, or hating is gonna make it go any faster. If the release doesn't happen when you want it to, then go do something else, play another AE game, read a book, go outside, sleep, just don't expect things to go your way just because you want them to. And above all else, deal with it.

I don't expect to win any points for this post, and that's fine, I don't mind playing the bad guy, and believe me it's hard to push my buttons, but I'm getting sick of the same old song and dance every week. At this point I can predict the overall reaction for each release before it even happens, and I generally ignore the complaints, but what I can't ignore is the insults, and the unfounded claims that the developers are making up excuses. Can you read their minds? Are you watching them? Do you know what they are thinking? Are you their boss? I don't think so, so stop pretending you are.

Whether you liked it or not, thanks for reading.

To Lord Barrius: If you think this post is too harsh please send me a copy of it in PM and delete it, so I can remove some sections or word it in a nicer way. I tried to be honest without being to mean, but I'm just tired of all this hate towards the developers for simply doing their jobs. Also I think your doing a great job cleaning up the ED GD, and I support you all the way (I'm sure I will lose more points for that, but I don't care), thanks for helping out with the problem.

Wandering Guardian -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 7:25:34)


Couldn't have said it better myself.

You may not like it folks, but the voice of reason is really needed here. I strongly suggest you look at those links he posted, especially the broken Color Picker.


T.600 -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 7:33:56)

Thanks for letting us know about that Wiseman. The reason why people get angry and frustrated is because no one tells us the reasons for the update's delay. We know that the devs have been working all night, but what have they been doing? If a mod or dev could show us the reasons for the delay like you have Wiseman, then that would reduce the amount of anger and frustration arising in the community each week. That was a nice post Wise, but the players should be notified of the problems that the devs are facing and they shouldn't be left in the dark regarding these matters.

Sam3005 -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 7:34:04)

@Wiseman: Thanks for the info and I understand what your trying to say completely. To be honest, i'm not too bothered when the release gets released. Its the LTS that i'm waiting for, and it gets difficult to wait long periods of time when you could miss the restocked items. I know the devs are trying their best though and lets hope they get everything ready soon. :)


Calogero -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 7:39:20)

ever thought about becoming a Dev yourself Wiseman?
You give more reasons than Titan and Nightwraight

all we got told by Nightwraight is that it will be delayed, no reason whatsoever.
Give us reasons why it's delayed, not just sry that's broken, show us how broken something is
then we players have a bigger picture about what's broken.

About your LB post, He won't delete it due to being an AK yourself.

Fay Beeee -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 7:48:45)

Go Go Go Wiseman. :)

Well said. lol

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 7:51:47)

Thanks for letting us know about the situations and the reasons "Ashari, Eventus and Wiseman."
We understand what you're trying to say completely, and we still have patience. :)

AzZratuSS -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 7:54:50)

yeah very well said wiseman thanks for info im now much calmer ,so nobody answer me .......I just wanna know, the devs will rest up this day and tonight will be the realease? i mean like normal night release?cause devs i dont wanna miss the limited items again. Pls if u can guys info me and i think everyone wanna know that...
Again thx wiseman for explainin us, u left us with mouth like :o

ngshuyi94 -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 7:55:29)


Thanks for the post, now many players, especially those who have read the post will truly understand the situation. [:)]

However, i have to point out that, the whole incident isnt the Devs fault, neither is it the players' fault. The Devs are working hard, okay, thats a good thing, but nothing has been said until u, meaning that no 1 knows what is going on, or the progress of the whole update, hence people will get angry. It is totally understandable.

Why is this Happening?
A lack of communication.
If the Devs can tell us the progress or people can tell us the reason behind the scene, then im sure that this can be solved easily, thanks. [8|]

MrBones -> RE: =ED= August 26th Design Notes: New Old Fortune City RELEASE IS LIVE! (8/27/2011 7:59:30)

OK I'm fine with the delay.

You said you were gonna restock charfade. Why not do it ? you don't need to reset servers for that. You don't need a new update for that. You could have restaock at 10 p.m like you said in the design notes.

I sat next to charfade for 2 hours.

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