RE: Update Time (Full Version)

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AzZratuSS -> RE: Update Time (8/27/2011 4:33:00) this wait for nothin??? no sleep for nothin????gosh i think im goin crazy...

supermasivo -> RE: Update Time (8/27/2011 4:34:04)

Nightwraith_EpD Nightwraith
Otherwise we might end up deleting important stuff by mistake. At a certain point, the numbers start moving!
hace 23 minutos

23 minutes ago...

voidance -> RE: Update Time (8/27/2011 4:34:16)

I'm this |--| close to blowing up and getting myself banned on here for rage language. 17 1/2 hours I've been logged into the game waiting for this and they delayed it because their tired? Sigh I just don't see how they can keep doing this without any real remorse for their actions. Yes they say sorry but there is a difference between saying sorry and meaning it.

.PinkMoose. -> RE: Update Time (8/27/2011 5:27:14)

agreed voidance

MrBones -> RE: Update Time (8/27/2011 8:04:02)

I sat next to charfade for 2 hours. They could have restock ON TIME without reseting the servers

sHiNNNe -> RE: Update Time (8/27/2011 8:24:05)

I waited up late yesterday=> Nothing , maybe is today :) , Romania is already at 15:23 AM .

Lord Barrius -> RE: Update Time (8/27/2011 11:55:39)

What you have here is a fair enough discussion. I hope you continue it in the new thread.

Locking, as we're going to consolidate all of these threads into one tagged thread instead. It's easier than having ten separate discussions about this, and you'll be able to continue the conversation in a constructive fashion that way.

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