trade system in AQW (Full Version)

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97zeon97 -> trade system in AQW (8/27/2011 15:36:03)

hey forum people!

why won't they make a trade system in AQW?
It would be nice so u can trade with friends.
So if someone of you know one of the staff members, ask him/her if he/she can make a trade system!!

xShadowHunterx -> RE: trade system in AQW (8/27/2011 15:41:19)

Not going to happen Cysero said NO. I'll find the quote if you want.

Eukara Vox -> RE: trade system in AQW (8/27/2011 17:44:25)

This is not a forum issue. Please do not post game related stuff in here.

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